series of Sunday concerts again this winter for members of the club and their friends. After each liotr of music tea will be served in the foyer. "These musicales have proved quite popular in the -past and the commit- tee bas been asked to have tiienicx tended. this season," the chairnlail, announces. "We have beeti fortunl-. ate in getting, unusual talenit.for. the. c oming conc erts and ive ho,)e to, please the audiences," Mrs. Miles Geringer. of Wilmette. chairnian of this.phase :of Shawnee activity, tells us- The. Continental quartet consisis Of well known to, Chicagolan d audiences. Its menîbers have sung on the Public. Service radio prograins, as well as. at other concerts. Two of the. group are slisswitlithe "Northerners,." and are said tc, >he very popular. Charles Sears ivill bû the leading tenor with the 01)era in En:Iglish this winter at the 'Majestic. .tle.ater., He is soloist with the Stînl*- day evening club and lias sung oii the NBC prograins. Wilard Aîîdeli is the basso. He was forînerlv with the Royal opera at Hanover ani bas featured as soioist at Balabaiai Katz theaters. Hie lias Sung with the Chicago. Bach; chorus. The program- chosen for nnla ýafternoon will be:, Road to ýHome ... . Strickland -Ah, Love, But a. Day".......-Iee East Wind............ ;...... FInil- MNly Dreams ..............Tosti Flower Song fromi "Carmeti' ...BJzet Charles Sears Serende-frrn 'tudeént PIrIc. ....................obr l'le - Wa.nderer. ,.............Shuberi lit th,- Deep Cellir ..... Old Gernîftii v t.nig......... ...... ..... el ieg l'il Take You Horne, Ka.thleen... .... *............. ..............Old Iî'lh Sp~irttual. D)rumsg ln My ......erhl Shawnee CountrY club wviil hold senior family nigbt on Saturday. The first of the art exhiibits to bc Miss Beth Browcer.of wifill'ttc is- to become the bride of Robert O. Of ciintopi., Colu; it.Te on- nIoitc>ent of her engagement wIas :made last zérek iy lier parents, Dr. and Mr. ,Dan iel R. Rrowter of 720 Fif 1h street. Dance at Woman's Club Will Swell Building Fund Mrs. Charles Robb and Dr. Alice Tuttie ivili be hostesses receiving thé guests arriving to attendt the suh- scriptic>n dane ~S2 tirda eeinr- the club bouse as its first fall pro- ject for increasing the build(ing f undj (if th e Woman's chlb. At 9 o'clock Çhile Soiitlîvard's or- çhestra wvili start playing for the dancing, which will continue. until 12. Tho se îîot wishing that form 6 f diver- sion wilI find tables isivitingly arranged in -the lounge where theymay -play bridge aIl evening, or intersperse car<i games witli dancing. Ail mnembers o)f the club are urged to attend thiis first fall social affair and invite the-,- Election of new offici from thie siate prepared inating committee of George E. Bliss« of H~ was chiairman, which naies of Mrs. Newell vice-chairman and M: ;Watkins for recordifig .Miss MarJory Billow wilI continueas presidt D)rennan J., Slater of, treasurer for anothery Married in :septe'7 Edwin L. McCleary Ohio, annouinces the ma daughter, Margery Ali< to Charles A. Lundberg Mr. and% Mrs. Charles, of, 1010 El mwood avenu iii Newport, Ky., Septenr Lundberg attended Mis sehool ini DaYton and. M a graduate of Northwe- sity. is a member ofSi erniity. Mr. and Mrs. L establish their residenct Wh ere the former isc business. WeIf are Meeting ,The Wilnette Senior iare b)oard will meet ai Mrs. Harvey A. Bush, wvood avenue, Mondas', Il O'clock. Important l cone before the board. quota of baby garmients isbed and sent to the Ali station whose support ai ness depencls 50 largely miette's cooperation and, I Married4 couege. i ne 15. The cereniony waiI be soleninzcd by Mr 3. A. C. .at the home of Miss Eckhart's par-. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bt. Eck- ers was niade hart, 206 Cunberland avenue. at 4 i by the iinim o'clock, by Dr. Herbert L. Willett. whicb Mrs. Mrs. James R. D. Stevenson, Jr., of [îghland Park , Chicago:and Mrs. Donald H. ',\c-. presented the, Laughlin *of',Cahmbridge. Mass., wil S. Knigt f for' be the, matrons of lionoir; and i Miss rs.- Elsie C. Elizabeth Eckhart, whio is studying secretar3y.,__ at Vassar, will arrive ini Kcnilwvortlî> of Evanstoit on October 14, to be bridesniaid for ent and Mrs. lher sister. A quartet froni the Litth#. Evanston as Symphonv orchestra «vill. play at the year. weddîing. 72bet be best mian for Mr. Covne. 1'The of Day ton. ushers will be 'Williamn Nicholis of arriage of his Winnetka .an(i James R. .Seei ia McClery. son, Jr. T ihe bride and grom ill g-, Jr., son ýof go to Hot Springs, Va.,. and Ne'w A. Lnnidberg York. on their' honeymoon and are t.) ut, ý%Vilnîette.ý make their jiorne in Evainston o0n1 nibcr 5. 'Mrs.. their return. ;s GlloaVsMiss Eckhart's fricenids' are feting à r. L.undberg, hier. at many pre-nup tiaül affairs. To.. isterin univer- day Miss Charlotte Welch of Clhi- gina Nu frat-- cago will give a dinrier party, anid onï Liundberg will Sunda-' Mr. and Mrs. WilIis H. Lit- ein Dayton tell (Lucille Tathami of Glencoe) wil' connei(ctcd 'n entertain at a buffet supper in lion(>)?.' of Mfiss E Éckhart and Mr. -CovueI. 2ct. ~ Next Monday'Mrs. Owen A. Vs 0Ct.10' and .%I*s.Macauley Carter. of Chi- Infant \%Vel cago will entertain in honor of the the homne b bride-to-be. On Tuesday. Octoher 721 reen- Il Mrs. Fred Little of Kenfliiortlî )ctober 10, -ai with ber daughters, Miss Virginia: busiess illLittle and *Mrs. '.Roy E. Bracken. wvill busieso a lar be hostesses at a bridge luncheon for as o a large Miss Eckhart. 15c t. ood Mrs. JamnesR.D. Stevenson,. jr.. 'ce . Woclwill be hostess at a bridge tea for lier ýnd effectivi- upon -sister on Wednesday, October 12. tipo Nex ThusdayMrs. Sidnev Y. Bal .etierositv. of Winnetka will be hostess at: a bridge luncheon; and on October 4,Mrs. Donald H. M.cLaugin itllP entertain for her, sister, and thiat af- ternoon Mrs. .Enorv Cobb Andrews of ýWinnetka, will be hostess at a tea. Mrs. Granit'Ridgewvay of Keîîilvýorth JÉ, :Will give'a luncheon, 'the date for .~which is îto be -announiced later, for hoth famiilies. of the bride and b)ride- groomi and for out-of-town guiests. NMr. andi Mrs. Eckhart mill entertain the bridaI party: at. a snmali dinneir on October 15. On Xednesday, October 5, Mrs. B. A. Eckhart, the bride's m-raind- an~. urgent pîea for M rs. É.J.Sc and soap) wrappers M rs. B. W. L rk commences at 10, ham, Mrs. H. d as an interniis- Moore, Mrs.1 continues until 4. N. P. Zech. t :.]a. irrince t 1 derr i'. .\7cso» 0 f ýerichi, Chicago, formerly, of llWiliiette, Fcoza, whjch took Place Friday evening, fark- Se Pternber 30,. at the hoe of theé S. H. bride. Mrs. Nelson. is a graduoate of Mrs. the University of Illinois. and inember of Zeta Psi fraternitv. 0 fitiit ýF CIO K, 11iloior ot mei11 fiftieth anniversary of M rs Hop- kins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Saniuel P. Watkins. Mr. and Mrs. Saniuei Prentiss, Jr., and. their smiall daugii- ter -Will corne f rom Denver. toparticu-ý pate in tbe festivities.. luncheon. sion, and- M