Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1932, p. 27

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ment is the niost coveted hlonor & amnong polo players throughcult this section of. the country, and because it is so highly prized, Sunday's.-gamien will. be an exciting, spectacular affair, r enlistingthe outstanding players and f the fleetest ponies.min thé mîddle %Vest. tI Among those -players wvell knowNVIq te, and hailing fromn, this area, W ho V wiIl bc eligible te compete in Suln- day's classic are Mai. C. C. Smiith, Capt. C. A. 'Wilkinson, Capt., C. E. D)avis, Carl Crawford, James A. Hll- ah; Herbert J. Lorber, Johnt C. ýBow- ers and. Roy D. Keehni, .Jr. XII of s themi have displayed- brilliant per- ij formanices during the scason, and, their presenice ini any gaine is a niag- B net to polo fans in this sector. tr Tickets have been placed on sale i and ad vance reservations miay bc made at Chandler's', 630 Davis street, ini Evanston. teléphone Greenleaf 7-00, as wvell as. at the Chicago' Ieop1 Ileadquarters, 1507 Otis biîiling. teleý-. phxone State 2M9. Arranged b4 the Central Polo asso- ciation, tis tournanient is being~ plaved during the wveek under sane -î tien of tîhe United States Polo asso- ciation. l'le contending teams in Suniday's tourney final wvi1I bc nanied as :a resuit of p)reliinarv m natches'ý: during thisý week, and tlic teans; se- lected wilI be certain to eNiibit 1more' individual.,brilliance, noobteanx play_ pe, 3r riding. t raditionial rivalr%- .andc genierally excitîng polo0 thian blas been cexhibited lhereaboutl in recett ears. New :History Textbook S Used at Avoca Sehool A newv history bock, "Eý'xplorinig Anerican History," is beingg nsed as a textbeok for se\-enth and eighth grade ptipils at the Avoca so-hool this year. The volumne, whicli wgsý writteli bv- IRlph Henry Gabriel 1rof'ssôr cof * history,,at Yale uîiiversity ai-d B. Casner ef the.Xahnte col New Haven, Comm., bears a 1932 pub- licatien date. Map wverk iu the bock, is doue by George Bell, xvho dees sinuiilar work for tivo well known magazines, Tinie and Fortune. 'rNNelveC copies cf the bock, have been, pur- Angeles, Cal. She had been inter- viewing severa1 of the motion picture actors for the Fox studios, and miet nearly ail the stars. She bas a pic- ture of herself taken with some of the proininent actors, and auto- graphed by themn. garments. Throughi the courtesy of hier husband, Maj. Lenox Lohir who is general busi- ness manager of the Century of Prog- ess exposition, Mrs. Lebhr held bier frst comrnittee meeting of tbe year in he. Administration building at the. ex- position grounds. Iater 'the group visited theCeok County «hospital, going nier present needs, and outlining its EETCLUB OFFICERS Uprgrade pupils. at the Avoca ichool elected their Achieivement club ificers last Friday. Robert Repke, is 'resident, Jack Anhalt, vice-president. Bob Anhalt secretary, and Adeline Graf treasurer. It vas the clh's first. mieet- rig of. theyear. CLASSS 1WE E KL Y Ne lMerest-.No Carrying Charge CAINTIN sinîa rtly styled gl ses fitted te the con- FRÉS dition of the patient's eyes and ."de- NO BLGATONsîined" te, conforni to bis -features.. Qi sen Rgisared paomariaa inCharge JEWELERS-OPTICIANS Ebann 614 DAVIS STRIET EVANSTON WHY i NO NOW? You will be pleased with either ourý Economy or Standard Service Every job "SATISFACTION"ý guaranteed Economy Service or Standard Service Ladies'Pl1a in Dress or Coatcc Cl1ea n ed and Pressed. Mn's Suits' 'or Clea n edand Pressed CASH & CARRY, CASH, & DELIVERY Any 2Any OF DRAPES AUTO ROSEýS FELT HIAT$ Established 1921 Orro F. PisHBR, Presideu: 1150 Cent rl Avenue Phone Wilmette 3710 or 704 Main Office and PIant-Wsukegan and Webster Aveu., Highwood, III. AI! Phones Highland Park 3710 .1

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