Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1932, p. 1

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S TO- T SHOW I New rierTr*Ship Club Offers <Big. Radio Acts as Benefit for Needy Students Radio* entertainers of the -National Broadcasting company will':appear at .New Trier High, school Friday night. October 14, ina-. prograni to lie givenl for tile benefitof -boys now atten d- ing Nev Trier who -will be unable to*conltinue ini school withiott finianci-. al assistance. The program is to lie called "'Stars of the Ether," and will be givèn at 8 #o'clock. The Tri-Ship club, which is composed of ail boys, at the hlighi scho6l, is undertakin g this project in order to help some of ýits oNvin mcm- b)ers 1to , remia in ii scýIhoolz. Contractor Begins Main StreetPaving Work was startcd tlîis -veek on the north Mainî street widening ai-.d lav- ing improvemnent f roi the Kenilwoôrth limits south to Elmwôood avenue, where the ncw paving wvill connect With! the already compieted Portion of Main street aliong the Wvest side of the Chii- cago and North, Western railway right- (If-way to thé S'outh Einits of Wilmette. The street, formis a linik iii the ncw through higlnvay which extends f rom McCormick boulevard ini antnto the soutît limits. of Glencoe, and whichi ev%,eiittiually ill be extended 'tItroiugh Glencoc to te Lake county fine. 'lie MI. Foley conipanv of.Eastu lias, the conitract for the %work of comn Pleting thc project ini Wilnictte. Exca- vation work and gradlng g in îder Way this week, and' it is cxlpccted that con" ,crete %ibepoured early liext Nveek. . King WiII il." M. C." Dubbs Explains "Why" Jean Paul Kinxg, well known NBC of Chieken Ordinane announcer, will be tiasterof cere- Vllg President C. P. Dublis stated nioiies mon tueNBC uitrtie at the meeting of the Village ho)ard wlto wilappear on the prograutiar the Doctors', Pratt and Slierinan;th Tuesday niglît that thecre lias heeui some Pickard family; -Hal Totnci, popuilar nisuniiderstaiiîig as tu the intention Of the board witli refereuice to ait ordi- sp)orts annouincer; Clara, Lu aîd i( Em the Comdrs(ui ure',adlice passe(l recently regtlating the te Co-eds -trio, whiclî recentINr w' epiîg. ohecViae ns aî thrfw anational aud<ition iiite 4)Iwtn the Villag iimit entertaiintient bureau. (>îîce of the The ordinance provides that enclos- tw'O doctors, Rail.0in NM. Sheri1au,. s tires in whichlhenîs are lkept nîîist e a rtcdiit ni Wilineîka. . at. Icast 75. feet front the iîcarest resi- 'a spca ýtmeonheporttdciie on property adjacenit to that of .xii._ec a atal wi-laionte pron thtthe 1owner (f tîhe .clickens. iuuee huit- remeit world serics andl oui lîaseî>alî.rdfe stî inutn itit o in genieral. Totteni ,a Iioiller Iii lc eiclostires wvhere roosters arc kept.« The I)ràdcstiig.of big Ivagut liasebaîil ordinance also stitlates titat nn case gradcsatndg vý1W1'téCIîat)shah1 chickens he alllwed t( mit, at, Cubs-New YorkYakeSseri es for large. NBC. I Mr. Duhbs C *XI)Iaifle<l that it is the lii ddiionto ue il ît-intention. of the Village board to, en- tertiuiuen, terewiIlbe eveal tu-orce tht urdiuiance strictly oliîlv mvhere (lent .acts of exceptiouallý- high complaints r nd."î rince' ciuaity, P. D. Frisbie, faicîtlty -si)on- 1 us inot intended to %vo'k a lhardship »on sor of the lTri-shlilpclub), a.nuiotuuced( uîo.le ad titis&4ek-- RESUME GRADE HEARING 10,365 Register for Presidentia1 S Election Nov. 8 Teti. thousand three hundred and siXty-five voters of Newv>Trier town- ship went to the polliuîg places last Sat- urday and registered for -the presi- dential çlection on Novemher.8. It is expetd' tiaf thc 'Second> and final. registration (>n Tuesday, October 11Y will bring out -a larger numnber of registrants. In the thirteen MVinette districts 4,608_ voters rçgistered. last Saturday. lu ,the ten Xinnetka districts the num-" ber: who registered was-. 3,263. .lI Glencoe, wvher.e tiiere are five voting districts, ther#l, were 1,767 registrants.' Six hundred: and forty-four vo ters registered in Keiiilw'orthi. inuIDistrict No. 16,. where most of thle.: voters live in Northfield anld regis ter at the Avoca sclîool ýii the north- %vest section ôf Wilnette, thieie were 83 tegistraits. Voters xvho <i(l îot. register are urged to) keep tlit date of the final regis- tration' October 1l. in inid. Al Who wvjsl to vote in thlIwesidén-tial electioni imust registcr. Bogus Check Passer Is Nabbed by Police James Callaluani, 35 years old, 22(X) N. Halsted street, Chicago, who uvas identilied as the mai who passe-ri worthless checks at two fVlmettc stores last Saturday afternoon %vasý arrested by Officers Charles Brant- ugami of the Wihniette- Police depar.t.- ment as lie . as about to board a North Shore uine train for the citv. SShortly after 3 o'clock last Satur- day Schineider's bootery,'1133 Central avenuie, reporte(l to'the police, that W hlIank. clleck h 'ad been refused tco a: mnan wvho. asked for one. The niail, it wes later revealed,, was Callahian. Officer Brautigan was detailed to ini- vestigate, aiid arrested Callahan- -hortly afterwards as he was abolit to make bis escape.. Inii thenîai-.1 WINTER COMES: JO0B S NEEDED! lUnemployment C o m'Mi ttè.e Soundi Stirring Challenge to "Co6mforta7ble" Folk By W. Cielmaold (For Wilmette Commnittee oit. Uneniploymew) More jobs neede!l That's the appeal that ouglit to be Iîeard in every comfortable Wilmette rhome rigit now. -h lias more, sbriek to it thati the. shrill roar.,of the winter, barrage, whicb prevails at the, moment that this is beiiig written. Every swirl shouts tbe approach of a keener suffer- ig which will develop, as the trees shed th-eir leaves, and al -nature hastens to pro tect itself against the attack of the forces -o-f King Çold. Every pulpit ini the Wilmette churdies shouki cail upon the mem~bers of this tcongregations flot "to grow wear" lin this inatter 'of helping to provide work for Wilmette's unem- ployed, in order to make the Wilmette, Man-a-Block plan a real ,success. Here's thé Ch*IlB»g And just, as iniiter' first skirmish grows, reports are heard that .soôme of our people, enîployed at "regular jobs," and earuing incomnes, are saying that they cannot see their way clear to ar- range for the "permane.icy" of employ- ment, whicIî the Wilmette Man-a- Biock commrittee lias been urging. And the question arises-WHY? 1The need for emiploytnent lias not passed %vith tlîe fadiîîg gardens and dying lawiîs., It is stli here-even more insistent thaun tlîat %which exi.sted dur-. ing the summner. Cerftaitnly, at least most ofthose who are>*now- emptoyed, and *ho have beeti employed straigbt through tfre. "depression," are îîot in, Po stion to 'wasli their bands" of that moral responsibility to help icreate work for residents. of, Wilniette who have beeil workléess for nîonths -,luiniany (Contintied on Page 5) Oetober 12, at the cliurch. The Rev. John G. H-indley, minister of the. churcli, wihl conduct the discussion. <Dinner will lie served by the Central circle at 6:30 o'clock., rage .. . ... . . rer News ..... 20-21 Page ............28 Guide Map. ..4 vvUiVimeteis chairmnauîo!t ue<coi- mnittees;. ON BUSINESS TRIP J. H. Preuîtiss, 519 Warwick road, ,Keuihworth, left last Friday for Ari- zona to remnain iSome weeks on busi- ness. AT CH NEFS'. CONVENTION ire Chief Walter Zibble is attend- ing a three-day convention of the Great Lakes division of the International Fire Chief s' association 'at Milwaukee. Thue convention sess ion s .opened .Weduîesday .iiidwîihl continue through Pr-iday.'

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