Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1932, p. 26

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America this seaý..'n \vill he pertornied- hy Aunerican singers, vielinists.piÂanists and ensemnbles, according to an an- iiouncenent f roin Miss'- Denia E. Harsh- harger. president of fthe National Civic' M usic association. Miss Harshhlarge-r. stateireiit 'li Ibased,>ont the selection (it artists rnadeý bv ýtwo uundred leadiuug cities. of the U'nited States Nwhiclh have alreadv biel their i<)932 civic rriusic meniberslhip vain- paigns. and have engaged artists on the basis of fuumd. derived froni.meinhlership) duies. Fift%,-sevet-à cities have )-et to hold their canîpaigns. but it îiý assumned- that their cliice- wul 'ulovthe genieral trend 'already evideuiceci. Cye Glacle. vouulg star of the Chicago ýC. %,lc opera; John- Charles Thonmas, pr(Imuulelt harituinet f4the sainueinst itu- IFrtderrùk Stock reili auaiet Icad tiou : and Attili - Baggî-ome, renowvned c eChicago Syu/'Iuo;iy orchestra Amnerican tenur oc- the Royal Opera Ii esn I.whvr r e of Ronle. head thu list in nuiuber o u ht ie0cetr i ou eligagînefts for civie music cour>es thi, yzeispormu ii itr u season. Eaclu.,will, sing approxlimatcIr it has beeil forced to drop fi-P of fiftvy concerts. Other Ainericans wbo isenes luave-nuncri uus, butkings are Cv reuiaas N'an Go<rdonu. Mario C)ianîlee, Charles A_ýrtists wî will ýappears soloists Hackett. B'ogtusla\wýski. DuIIsolina ,Gian- jthis ,eason as îîow ýanuîounced, conse- ni., Gladvs Swarthuut, Marion Claire, qt( t aae .E.\ogl n auJFrnci Mcrnlluu.toNew York ecently te conclude niego- nimpre ai ss h viîaar notitations, include the ftollfwiiug distit1- requenitly heforc civicemusic associa- uibe1,nis ties iclue MriaJertza Cladia For -the Thursday :eveing-Friday Muzio., Benjamine Gigli. Florence An.s- JaferooGsnus1Pino i J tral,~~~~~~~ .n Nn K.et meg h sî- ards, Myra Hess, Walter Gieseking, ers : Fritz :Kreisler and Paul Kochatî- Vladimiir Horowitz, Jose Iturbi, Guiniar. ,c,-1Novaes gnPti uop.Rue ski,. among the violinists: and Rach-. esEgnPti uobRuer uaniiioff anJ Levitski,, a tue- 1;.ilin: Nathanu Milstein, Mischa MTisclia- localle plan- ig cu k-kof; barpsichord: lPhililp Ma.nuel and I'ach . oa il Music asso)ciatio>n chooes *îe tlent~ . Piatigorsky, Daniel Saideuberg: vocal: chose te tlet or uts oncusClaire Dux, Heinricb Schhslusu, jean-, In mrder that thr citues inay bc guided Veltd onpsr-odco in their selection hv the actuali .it 'nette Velad co os-odctr abluySergei Prokofieff; choral: Chicago A of the artists rather thauu bv tlîeir pub-, aphacor(ol audrco) sic mee il(Chic MU_- For thé Titesday afternoon series e ,abe .toýA urea'.iat(il ceart s . - witz; barpsichord: PilpManuel and able ~ ~ ~ ~ [ tu neîauauîne.acds * Whimo;violin: Nathani Mil- cns-se(l. a. Inilas luiuiiSI ase arist fes ~iilbestemn; violonceilo: Gregor Piatigorsky; lower 11 eaon iss Harsuiberger vocal: jeannette Vréeland;: composer- states. Only a Iew ofi the younger stars cudco:Sre rkfef hrl Who have had-.ontstaung ucs ChicagoA Cappella choir (Noble Cain, ing the past season will commnand in -_____________ creaçed fees. Coe-Glade, Baggiore, and "Aida"*'In u ra Johin Charles Thomuas are iucludcd infa~fI* tbis hst. .at Stadium Operas day e ëve-ning, October31, undjer the ascainwl pnits tenth season auspices of the Winnetka Recital Suindav afternooii, October Î0, witb a Series, "the world be looks out upon in his music is one of dim distances, prograi ly the Philhiariniic String golden igbts and. shadows, and fate- ' 1t.I is the 6111Y Chanliher 'Muisc fut and steady.motioni." association in the Chicago area and s". As a composer, the famous Ru ss littrc~mc teto o îsca bas been designaàted as1 a conniecting aud those Who 1-vc nmusic. As Cham- link between aild traditions and new 'de ,usc lt gtlyppirtdy idéals of, music.-,Speaking, inithe it is considered e.ltlclss tllaîî reniark-ý musical idiom. of, bis race, he stands abk.l' in the face of preselît coniditionis. between fturism and impressioiisi,,t tte Association lisIeei able to. and depends upon bis ow i great conitinue its season's activities. imaginative power to create his Tinh'li Philbarnionic String <luaiirtet .vas inidividual works. A critical esti- s 0 enjoylt last season that it is tO givc, mate. of Rachmanlii.o.ff recently said: another. programi. AI! the IUiilieKr5 <of "Amfong living Ru1ssianl compilos1;ers., the quartet are with the ('hicaigo _Sym- Rachmaninoff 'unquestionably OCCu- phiony orchestra. Mr. \echris, iirst pies the first place because, of liis, viuiist : Robert Quick. whu ;S .a ncw pronounced. inventive power an( fille- collier in the,' quartet, was f(oi rcrl ly developed sense of tonal beauty. concert nîceister 'of the Seattle Syni- He bas composed in, practically ail îphliîvocetr, le Hîccvie-. forms, and in eacli lias a record of linist, and Mr gcr. Cellist. nîlakc notable achbievement. A concert pian- uîîî tie rest of the (martel. ist, of distinguisbed ability. and a! Mischakoif, Quartet skilled. and experience(1' conductor, Rachmaninoff's attitu(lc towvar<lIlus, Oi Decenîiber 4 tlhe prograw wiilil b art. as an inspirational inuans obn g~e y the Mýisclliakoi)f Strîuug qu11artet, terpretation is wbôlly imodlemi." i wlihýýh is toiplosed, also, of niirIx i s (nLi Rachmaninoif was borni ini tue port, the Chicago Synifiph>uw rclecstrai. of Onega on tbe White Sea, ini the Mischa Miscli;koff, cqncert nwoe fý former province of Novgorod. and the- Chicago sympluony, is' first, violin- studied at both the Petrograd, and îst ; AMr. PoleSIny is seco1ýlN.d îliinist: theý Moscow, coniservatories. ErlÇlarence ESans, fir>t viola, ;îu<i(l Mr. his reatve aility asserted, itsel f. and Saienberg, clit on graduating fronu:the loscow con- (Gayiordl Browne and6hui Vles servatory be won the gol(l medal: for 1uo(i111i(t) and llIenrý' acks,1. his onie-act opera 'Aleko." His, irst piano. acoùil)aiIist.. will- 4m ;îr iiitu concert tour as a pianist estalfis1hcd jaiar%,2 prograun. Teearc yîn bis supremacy in this field ; liis ec- rtst vigvetle-ir tirst rulc m lence as an operatuve conducl1i('WWa citai la.,! winter M (iiag.i' ir, wliclî later- denuonstrated Nvlieui lie asýsimd tlle\- recciv-ed ve\-ry lîîghl raise fir"i tuie leadersbip of. the Private Opera Mu( rtis \r. jacl,,t, cusii1, da finally the 1\oscow Inî1perial opera. brilliant. ongpiallu4. 'l'ime gn~'11p ilI Racbm-aninoff first caile to the LUit- offer an unsalyinturcstii, ng rganiu, cd States ini 1909. 'l'lie (ownfalI l 01 snrd the old regime M Rssaresntltcd iiin sasucl Il-is establisîiiig lus home hiere, and Name Junior Commnittee hie bias. not siuice retuirtied to.,tue- land 'f'lie Fhuavconcert , Nvll lie an-ý of. his birtl where- Iis,, Yvrks are inounced latèr. A new feature ofi flic boycot ted. organization. is -duc jutnior. ct'"nunittee. of In these concerts sponlsoredl by the whichi Robert Brown ofKel'rtîi Recital Semies the, niorth shiore publ:llic cliairman. .'flee'youngý peupfle, have lias an opportunity tif :hcaritng. the sbown a deep intemest in flic_,Associa- artistsý at' a cost -coisi(lcrahl\ less tin n aeeîluisial vre than tbat in Chicago. It is hioped auJ fjor its success this wintcr. ,.*h,, As- expected tbat music levers will p)at- Isociation is pleased to give to the pub- ronize the concerts. and so avýail lic the sainie highi standards in musical was a inuicheon and all day1 in the north, dining rooni of mwater, Beach hotel. Mrs, Char- 'lalleil of Evan-uton is p res ident elib. dsoon to atinourice a series [a aftei-io)oti (conicert recitals am prices.. te Chicago stadiuuîîis 1locitedý Nýrect Madison street. e-COMPOSITION - Priscilila Carver, and-- Mrs.- George of A posthun'ous publication by the late jouies, Highland Park, and Mrs. Frank at Mil.anu Lsk- cornes, froni its foreign Hau'kness of Lake Forest. publishers ini Praha Leipsig. It is en~- The concerts are held at 4 o'clock at titled "A Dreani Soîg-for violin and ini tbe assemblv bail of the Kenilwortb piano."cu. . f

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