Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1932, p. 24

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de of thanks, obtu- ýs or other affaire published, *111 bé Perhaps.you. registered on October 1. If so, ail well and good. You're set to vote in the. November elections. But if you didn't register on Octo- Rtegster onl ber 1. vou lave onIv 0one* October 1il more 'chanice. You. can regîster on Octoher. Il. If.there 'vas need sonie weeks ago of eni- pbaizngto our readers' that if thev would 'vmtIbis fali tbey inust register, the'need bas increased, since one registra- tion. day bhas passed * loil îî eitra- tion day rernains. The issues,national and state, involved ii tiis coming electiori are so weighty that every voter should.,use the opportuntity ýto> express tbrojugh tbe ballot bisnionest con-, victions. The platforns of tbe two leading parties have been available . for several niont.hs for study and discussipin. Abun- dant opportunity to inspect the 'ainis and abilities of the candidates bias been given. By. November every citizen oughit to be not only able to choose intelligently but he ougbt to be fully intending to express his intelligent cboice on election day. *If you -bave flot already registered, for your countr 's, sake, for tbe sake of your own. selfý-respect, regiser on Tues<iav October 111. October, nontb. of the harvest nîoon, is here again. Sofiebowý., its. arrivai tbrills us' as the coming of no pther inontb is capable of doing. june is ini- October deed a pleasant nontb. We cannot, bowever, entireiy agree witb Lowell that only, in june' corne perfect Andaif they can be preveifted, they cer- tainly sbould be. * Many auto collisions oc- Preventcur at street inter- PrvetSections. A carF Auto Accidents triga ux intfe rs e ction, or crossing, tbe intersection, is, in danger of colliding witbý otber cars.. If tbere are ,no signal filihts at a, frequentlI- used' intersec- tion, cars on the co ngeste(l tboroughifare travel along at usual speed. A car comin g froni'tbe side $treet. may atteml)t to cross wvithout being able to give stufficient warn- ing. It is obvious, tben, that every precaû-.- tion'be taken forpreventing accidents at fthese . husy intersections. Eitber signal ligbts should be -installed at al sucb criti-. cal locations, or i f this does tiot seeinfeas- ibie, then approacbing drivers should be givn bundant oportiunitv to sec 111)and> dowLL the iutersecting street. Onie simple ineans of securing and main- tainling 'tbis necessary visibility is the trimintg dotNn of corner shrubberyý One -'f thé sixi-est ýmëans of preventing ail autoý- ist from seein g wbo is coming on the otber street is la barrier of high sbrubbery at the corners. Lt is imperati >ve' cither that o'vners trinm dpw'n these cornier barriers or tbat Village atborities biave tbern triiiinied dow,ýn at the expense of the. offending property owniers.. 'The poor, the unemnployed, those Iess, fortunate than ourselves, are stili depen- dent uipon %%bat beip we can gîethm 111If we :forget thern, tbeir Remeber ufering,. t b e ir bunger, tisePoor tbeir discouragernent: will increase.- We niust con- tinue to give theni dollars, food, clotbing. Tbey cannot get 'along 'witbout our aid. .Matters are pretty well ini hand in. that regard, also, what with Tomn Lynch of Winnetka firmly in- trenched in Democratic headquarters, and the New Trier G. O. P7. %vhieehorses flitting hither and yon in quest of elusive. voters. Furthermore, we've listenled. to President Hoover and Governor Roosevelt, though flot in that order, and are painstakingly drawing comparisons in the hope ofannounig u reference ere the arrivai of. the next full moon which' is seheduIed to put in its appearance a week f rom this Friday. True. thie.,,folks out where.the tal corn grovs. have éiftus a step beindi( by cornering.the personal' appearances of. the opposing. candidates, but then it's about 'time somne distinction came to that, section wvhichi hasln't heen heard f romn since the, Big Ten executed a football cyclone there a flew years back. Nevertheless, we'rc hegituiiing to, catch the cain- paign f ever.an(l expect, ti hecorne thoroughly :hys- terical-one wvay or t >lier-Iong before election day. It wvas our imlpression, gained f roi the Hoover lroadcast at DesMies that, Most of the f armers ivere stuffering %vith a varied assortment of cold&. WNe tritÎthw-e bhorne folks -were îlot cotughiiig froni cnha rra s,;iietit. \We Sur1i'!e. after > eaérinig President Hloover s Iowa, talk that, .%v.hat wi th the multiplicity of ré- sponsîbilities heaped up*onr our, chief'executive, par- ticularly in times of econo icdepression oto thé gentlem en who souglit the nominia tion last june are gl.ad the other fellow got the bid. But, e11o110 of polîtics. Let us, rather, rise up as onie man an -%e a big hand to the movie managers whio are inow providing large slices of entertainment for a two-hit Piece.' Who knows, we rnay yct revert to the grand old ýdays of thieNickelodeon.. iJollywo<>d turnied out en tmasse to greet the Dem- ocratic canididate, (seems ive can't, get aWay -from politics after ail) and Will Rogers as sured the ..Multitude that the affair- was by no means to ýbe construed as a political rally.ý* Which proves, (quite intiecessarilvy), thatWiII is a humorist. of Pr g- t fi drecl-nued autumn hilsie is a picture whosçenieory will do much to relieve the drabness of indoor days in the winter niontbs. Motor nortbwest intpo the Wis- pel wbatever sbreds oi main. *How .anyonec these wprld artists and our imagination., depression stili re-, DuId sec and hear continue sad, taxes Presidenit Hoover'had Bome nice tbings to say about Roosevelt the other night at Des Moines. You. guessed it; prefixed '<Teddy.» i - ël«" L- Gradé.,ý -Separation Will Save Life Let.'s,. Hasten the Dayl

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