NOTIONS. Ai ni ecaitFoini ilyxoap; 50 fidill size bars . . . * .4merican Fa miuly Fla kes; 3 boxes for. . *1.25, ivory Flakes; extralag sîze;5 for . .$ Rinso.Graiiiles-; large size; 3 ,for . .60e Cla.Quick;5 ond pakae;special . 23e 'Kitchert Klenîzer; àa dozenl cans for........55t Field's LettiortSapfor bard water; dozeit. 75e .4rroi, Flakes land Slil- bri ie; i of earli for> 19( Gold Ditst,; large iîze . 2-kc Olivilo Soap; dlozeil . 68C Lifebitoy. Sotip; tdoz., 65e Ca JilaySoa p;giîest package wrappers; tdûzen . 75e C'h ips o Flakes; :large size: 5 for *. . . .$ Lux Flakes -là tle sie packages; 3 for.. 60c- S OS; 5for ...90c Ciheesec-IlU; 5. yardls the boit; the boit . 25c Milo Farniunre Crense, 16-oulice boule 65 Dress iiags; earh . 85c, Electrie irons; aulmai heat. control; 6-potind size. chrolmiumn plated;,eg., *2.2.5 Milo silver polis/a; JO- ounce jar.....40e Conway toiletpaper; 1000 sheeta to the roll; doz., $1.15 Ironing board cover and poil;the set . . 38e e Spool bed... A beautiful designl in aln lo .ail- wýaLut or ail-maple; eitber twin o ful~~e 87 Lounging chi r. . . Large -and conforltbie, ilal liair filling anidIftil web, construction. Iii Ij larve selec- tion -of new tapestrv e-overs;.excepiiÔit)al altie. $2t..W appropriate fo .r thé li%:ingt roomor diiiig toom. $J4. 75 1Ili-<t.arI2ed:lamvaj> tables; ahl-14airtili CJiiipeiodale dînette sites; l chairs in Cherry finlishi l 1 *11.73 vers 'iaî table anid S31.50 Furniture andl Draperies trasling border. Special. valui- for Y our Ilornt W~eek...... .. 'fi bie cloti ... Lustrous liedaniask: 72 x 7 2,, $2.65, î2 x 90, .$3.65-z 72 x, 108. $4.6i. N apkins. lo $acdzn 3.6.5 fe<i S,>etiAè eef.s; full u-eiglIt ami full i ont:very exceptiotiaI alir:e 81 x 108, 90c. 81 x~ 99, 85c. 72 x 108, 80c. fPillo%ý ases b îamatch; 45 x 38,1/ý2. ).je5 Qui il bleaeclied ia.1 ress pud.w; hotu ffull and twin sizies; agi e'eeptîon1l ahi c..........$ clorèî coinforters, -withi bedspread.s.afd drapr 1C5 b ni jatelà. Coinforter,.$13.85. iledspreads,;,doùbýle sîze *985; 'ùinsize, *,8.95. Draperie, )ir,. $9,85 Beddinq and Linon, Thirci Floor' TYPICAL VALUES for YOUR HOME WEEK. .1 OTHER THINGS* FOR YOUR HOME Glaiss lititécheonette sels; tid bit tray midij eiglit glIass plateQ ý vsinartinii Earlv Amjericlan desigu; spçil..........................1.25 Doricpateriî reakfa t es; popularcolore(l glazed ware inijade, nîaize,and ,.pink, 41. piect i: square sliape; Voinplete service for 6; a ver Sspecial v alue 'i $5.65 caudelabras: wilh 2 piok and 2 green candies . $5 Ilie meif, Letiox vacîîurn cieaiters; the lom4est price ever offered inii h Chicago District . . . *17i50 Motiter qf Pearl toilet seats; ail colors; spec.~, *4.95 MARSH LL FIELD 'C O M P ANY I