Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1932, p. 21

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-tier. TvitLSI- mIi IiisiitJd Ne wm( attemnpt to get ail the news and pre- sent it to our readers in niost inter- esting way possible. Instead oi placing the eniphasis on only a f ew activities, we will try to cover fully ail branches of activity at New Trier.. Though ail the staff has not yet been chosen, there is aà promise of the biggest and best force, working towards. the biggest andi best N'W' TRIERNEWVs NOTEnSsection that .has, ever been! publisheti. New Trier Preparing: for "National Elction". Thie 1.citizenis"..of New Trierý Higli school will holti their "National Elec- tion" , n Tuesday, November 1, at the high. school.,. This election is* to be mun ini the exact manner of. a regular Élection, with campaign speeches beforehanýd, registration, u d geS clerks, and-polling,:booths. Studentsý of the civics and U. S. history classes under the direction of the social sci-, ence department wilI be ini charge. Ail students of New "trier are con- sidereti citizens and entitled to one vote for either Mr. Hoover or. Mr. Roosevelt, the o n 1 y candidates offered, if dtily registere.otionOctober 8.This registration wil be held ini the samne manner as that ini a regular commun ity. Polling places will be available in d ifferent halls throughout thie building. SNumerous students have -volun- teereti to give campaign speeches in the different adviser rooms-each speaking in three rooms on the par- ticular candidate of bis choice. In this nianner each "citizen" will have the opportunity to hèar one speech for each of the two candidates. *These speakers are being traineti in their speeches of five minutes by members of the social science depart- mient. Edward 'Johnson Leadsý New Trier's Philatelists Àmno;g the first of thé New Trier :t cl.ubs to organize and get under way ithis year was the Stamp club. At its iirst meeting. the following officersi juIçvs andu. us tacn * week at ivast one person will think the côlunin is good. Anyway, il will eliminate i good deal of this stuif printed below, Diner: "Waiter, my.plate,'s danxp." Waier:,,"Pardon, sir, that's you- soup. "Tue Yanks are coming,." hummiiledl the dentist as he prepared for extrac-- tion. Add definitions: An oboe is an iii wind that nobody blows gooti. She: "Do you -know en?"' -Shelbaý: "Noô, wbat's about nov?". Poe's Rav- li e raviii' Revising the adages: Two can live as cbeaply as onc- but only haîf as long. Where there's a wil there's a way to break.it. (This cotidgo on for sonietuile.) Anti theni we have the one' about the green sailor- who wated to know,: "What is this thing ýcalle(l luf ?"i (We're saving il, for ýnext %veek.) Let's close with a del.gbitful ittIc *titty entitleti: "if I send niy soni to a dental school, * Will a golti digger teachi the, class?" (If you tiidn't get this stuif it's be- cause you'ne livingwhere the populaý- tion is dense, anyway,. -Rox, Seriblerus Memiberships open. to Student Author$ Scriblerus club invites stutient au- thors to submit mnanuscripts for the jutigmentof the club members in fill- warcl 10 a very successfl season. This "training school for varsity players" is in the bauds of three fac- ulty coachesý anti eighteen picked studeut .coaches, under the supervi- sion of the two heati coaches.. The f undamentals of 1football. andi : the encouragement of teamwork aire giv- en alonig with sport of playing tbis popular game under expert tutoring. This sport is arranged intwo 'divi- sions-lights anti heavies., This year there. will be four t eais , in: the heavyweight and six, in -thee ight- weight division., Each team will play, alternately, one and two games a week, the winner being the tearn scoring the Most points on a basis of fonurý for a win 'andi tWo for 'a tie. The liglhtweight teanis -wil play. tepi games, .nd the heavies, fine in a regular round robin-tourney. Mem- bers of the winuing teanis in each division will receive medals. Freshman Girls Hear of G. A. A. Projects jane Waidner, the uew president of the Girls' Atbletic association, pre-] sided over the freshmnan girls assein- bly htld-Wednestiay miorninig during adviser 'periéd in the old auditorium. The purpose, of the ssembly was to acquaint the girls ïith the working of G. A. A. and the intraninral sports programý. The president .iutroduced Betty Barr, the new secretary,. Jean Has- kins, the treasurer, gave a brief re- port andi éxplaineti what dues 'are useti for. The next speaker was 'the vice-president, Virginia $iith, who outlined the new point systeni. Elizà- beth Barden, after - school - sports chairinan, introduced the heads of sports for the coming year. Priscilia Wbeelock tolti of the- duties of the publicity, committee, of .which she is chairman. Frances Ellis. chairmaln, of the social committee, spoke of the teas at the end of eacb season, and, the banquet in the spring. *Jane Waidner introôduceti the physical education faculty, and- Mise Packer and Miss Boulton spoke about the G. A. A. andi wbat it, means to the girls. man, but what .they lacked iniPounds they matie up for in fighting spirit. New Trier had nine first downs to Schurz' seven anti compleèted tbree passes to Schurz' one, but hati four- teen incompletet passes to Scburz four.. Other scores in the. Suburban league. Saturday were as follows;, Evauston 33, Lane O; Oak Park 1 9, Austin 0;. Morton 6, La Granige 0; Deerfielti O, Fractional 0; Proviso 7,> Roosevelt 13, NEW TRI-ER (1» SCI-URZ (0) Preston, LE Wlsterd Dostal LT -Malloy. Wilson. LG Schwartz Schumani CBrenan, Gielenu .RO Heek Appelyard RT Chrlstenisen Williamis RE Lorenz Nordberg QB Hanson Seller LuH Koehler (eapt.) Wenstok RU Fee W.> Hallquist FB Schutter Substitutions: New Trer-Scott for Prelston, Fox, for Dostal, IHjelndrichs for Wilson, Zoernch for Appleyard, McFadzean for Nordberg, Sullivan for MéFPadzean, flahi for Seller, Knlght for Dahi, Ballenger for Welnstock, Landi for Hallqulot. Schurz-Sechneld for W. Fee, Oveson foi, Christensen. OYffiials7-Crook,' St. John,. Smidl. Senior Music Club Has First. Meeting of Yearý The Senior Music club helti its first meeting of the year at the home of Leonard Krupnick, in Vfflmette, Thurstiay, September 29. After a brief business meeting the first num- ber on the prograrn was announced. John 'Mathieson played two piano selections, Gavotte by Gluck, and Progressions by Chanins.. Norman Modine, accompanied by Sara Jane Haven, was next with a violin. num- ber entitled "Hejra Kati," by Hubay. Margajret Jean Cree,, with Amen Et- inger -as' ber ,accompanist, played Apres un Reve" byý Fauvre and "Arlequin" by. Popper, on her'clo The officers for this year are as fol- lows:* president, Margaret Loomis; vice-president anti programn chair- mani, Normani Modine; secretary, Charlotte Wachs; treasurer, John Phillips, social chairman, Jane OIsôn, and. assistant social chairnian, Fier- names ap- tof "Men rioastic .zccouîplusu- recently announceti Laycock of the col- Ijohansen, vic Jsecretar y, aw ecteti pre iat its fi cd by Ewi Bob Cutl ýr treasur s written in Latin for the ani ristmas cantata. There is n husiasm alreatiy stirreti up >paration for the opera, which gi-yen later in the year.. of i inent by ID lege. on in :0. W. e and wlo timcd

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