suif s- Miraclean. INC The Nu-Way Automatc Oi Burner for home heat- ing will solve your heafing problems for al l ime. This is the, ultimate in oil burn- \~ing equipment ... ifs efficency assures low fuel consumption and ists ma1I motor uses littie would welcome an opportu- nifyto *0explain this engineer- R. J. Blair aboarl, fnnîsned second iný the internjational balloon races for the James Gordon Bennett cup; The races started from Basel, Switzer- land, on Sunday, Septetnber 25. They wére Watched with particular interest here, because: of the, fact that' Mr. Blair. is a miember of' the pilot' staff of the Goodyear blim p, Puritan, *st,a- tioned at Pal-Waukèée airport. The United States navy balloon carrY ing Lieut. Commander G. W. Seitle'and Wfred Busb.nell. was declared win- ner of the race, exceeding the,<is- tance of the Goodyear eûtry about 90 miles. Repa ir on Dean Owsley's Damaged Plane Completed, *Repairs on- Dean Owsley's Stînson, Jr., which was damaged when ii col- lided, with another sbip in one- of fhe to Study iEngines Fil ty-oine boys who are in the ma- chine ShQp classes at New Trier Highi school visited Sky H-arbor airport with their instructors last Tbursday., The machine sbop course at ýNeiv Trier 'is engineering prel)aratory work. It is a, one-semester course. and six %vceks of the semester are devoted to ,a study of, aiirpline and other typ>es ofý engi nes. Maj. R. W. Schroeder. Sky Harbor mangerandpresident ýof the Sky Har- bor Flying club, took the boys tbrougli the hangar, po(iinted out the di ferent types.,of planes and engines, and c- plailied iot detail how an airpiane. en- gine operates.and. the manner toi whichi the planetakes off and lands. The New Tiér boys visited S!<y Har- bor in two grou .ps. one in the morning and another ini the afternoon. Tflitivo nîorning machine. shop classes are taugbt by R. ýL. F. Biesenier, wlîile G. H., Flan ingaini as charge 40 the 6ý ra es ai ioe -AleicanLd ..vnuu lr afternoon group. meet at Sky -Harbor September Il211, ipmà id have been completed at Curtiss air- 2 aeArla ie port. Owsley took the plane to the rwc\-nty,-four of the boys who had rc- Chicago municipal airport Iast week ceived permission f romn their parenits tÔ bave it re-licensed. As it was took airplane rides with Major Schroe- rouinding the pylon in one of the der. races at the Legion air meet Owsley's Roinaldo de Cesaro, who was aînong ship collided with a Waco F biplane those. who took* rides, is a brother, of piloted by Ed Voras. Owsley brought Joë le Ce$aro, formerly a student and bis plane down safely at Curtiss air- later an instructor. at thc .Cturtis>- port following the accident. Nither WVright Flying schiool at , urtiss an-- hie nor the pilot of the other plane port, Glenview. Joe 'is now a.pilot on, 'vas hiurt. oeue of the big air fines. Menîibers of the New Trier machine Plane Euies Low to Get î ast Thursd wh vsieare:H~bo Photos; ýVillagers Objeeti Richard S-trauss, Paul Veineklaseii, Whien. a plane flew low over Lake'lJohn iN<*ris, Mardli E dinger, Roinaldo) Forest Wednesday of last week a (le Cesaro, Gleinn Hutchings, Kenineth numiber of residents of_the v-illage Reinhold, H-arold Reinwald, 1l'dwar l coînplained. It wvas later léarnied that Schmîidt, William Schmitt. Wýilliam. the sbip, a Fledgling f romi Curtiss Sinythe. Keiieth Stephenis, Frainkliin airport, hiad beeti engaged by Mý,rs. TJaher4 Gerge aidiner, Arthur WTall, Robert G. McGanni, 965 E. Deerpatb teBoh Waters, Thomtas. Wilson. Bcih ayvenrue, Lake Forest, to fly oàer irWerstedl, Franîk Ap)pleyard, Bol) Bratin, resklefice and take',photographs tif:Cr lset.MlsGeringer. joli t from the air. Thiat was. the reas.on iKieWik, Lýouis Kludy, IgTom Lýivel-., for fly,îng low, Menibers of the air- Frank MeCabe, David McDonald, Bob port staff explained. Meleniev, Anithiony Peters, Fred Pick-- ard, Roy Reiiiieckar, Robert Robert- - son, Platt Whi.tman, Ccil, Willianis, NOW' HUFF R) GREenleaf 4181 1 463 Shernman Ave., SALES CORP. vanston Winnefka 441. GO~STO BSTONWaukee airport, have Drge F. Fisher, vice-president of their spare time these ky Harbor Flying'club, left last, days playing pflaygroi sday for Boston, Mass., with bis Condit, one of the er. Hie expected to be gone a Waukee pilots, also el or ten days. wben time permits. OUR NEW LOW CASH PRICES M ew' Topcoau, Men's Suit. " Ladies' Dre.ësse Ladsi' Plain CASH coats This price incéludes 0, prompt Cali and déIiv.ry service. ular Pal- the ganie