Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1932, p. 13

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-WiHiR2AS, he bas served as a, jvai an r.8 va juinpero imeaai iLa~!L. trustee of this Village since April, 1931. popularity, as did so many other plays j with unusual ability, distinction; and In- f rom the saine pens.. Otto Kruger, last tegrity, and with the zreatest devotion seen ini Chicago in "C itinselor at Law,"~ to the trust conmntted te bis care 'bys the people ef this Village, and sc.ored a decided.hit as leading man ini j "WH 'EREAS. ho has been held In the' the original professional cast. highest esteeni by those who have bee-n Arp ftepeet iaca if fortunate enoughto know hn for those Arp ftepeetfnnildfi ma-ny years and to serve with hin on clties, this, coniedy shows what ofle: thsboard, and farnily does, when hit "hbetween the WHERBAS. tho announcernentcf his eyts" hy Old Mani Depression. James1 sudden. and untînieiy death has brought profo.und sorrow te, ail the. people of the K.ing. -wéalthy ruhher manufacturer, viilazè. ai. weIl as te t ho menîbrs of hose shoulders bend under the loadi thi board tne deieo >il f a..Wgste.flt and extravagant f amily,i 'WIIEREAS. ~h hti h eir ftn dulges hiniseif in a much needed va-î board to express the .smDath of its memnbers to bis bcreavéd fa.inily and to cationi. I)uùring bis absence, the husi- his mnan,, ifriends. and. ness fails, and the indolent niembers, 'WEIEAS., It is further the d-e'fhsfalysdelfndhmevs of thc memibers of- this board to ex-of i ail udnyidies.it,1 press theli love a td- ésteein foi- hlm.i faced %withi the preposterous atidun-! -'ffW. THEREFORE. BE, IT RE-! heard, of necessity of earning their owr SOLVET) that we. the surviving niem- livinig. 11 this way, a .situation arises.j. bers cof the board of ti'ustees 'of thisl Village do, hereby express .oui- aunàreci.- in which huminor and pathos fight for tion cf bis great service to this coin- supreilacy. mu1iity and do hereby deciare that ini Rgî;rrhasl~aebighl thepaslngcfStace C. Bennett. we have, lost an earneSt and, loyal aSSo- under .the direction tif -Allen LIeiberi' dlate of the hizhest it ,egrîty. a true h; rither of Fritz Leiher, and lie prom- .1nd faithful frlend and à hizhly re-!ie a well trailied cast for a well writ- *Svected, nejilbor-: and tat'otur vIik e la bas loizt a resnected and useful citizen. tl ly hihloss i-annot tnnssiblv be Theae'1 Tl. akt Slb>.- lavers aniiounce; "AND BE IT FURTIIER RESOI~ ED ,h ticesfr"dn n v"w that this resolution be sybread up,ii the î eha ticet fo .aIei ndEa"w ofiareos fthis. Village, and that 11) I aef rcm is week intil No- CODY thoero ho transimltted to il vmvr5 hbereaved family. a___ "PASSED by the Preident and Bloard " cf Trustees,: cf the Village of WilmnefttE' KENILWORTH GIL FPAE8JE8S on the 4th daty 4f Oeto)ber. A. D. 1932. ai oesadjn eeto and deno'slted anjd .flled ln, the tof'(e o af SiesadJneleetn the Villttge o f' ,said Village thisj nlwrI are pledged 1)elta Gain- 4th day of October, A. t). 1922." ..na at Northwesterti university. Helen Rathhone hias I>eeît pledged t(- PLAN DANCE Delta (Gammna sororitN, at the. Univer- Th' e *Trahsq club *of Winnetka is sitv of Illinois, and Jeâti Keith is -i planning a dance for Iligi ,chool: niember of Kappa Kappa Gainna at voting people to be held Saturdav'the University of Colorado.- levenling, October 22, ini th~e Frederick .Wie n aniy S. Tyrrel _Aýsemnbly rootn of Nù- r--. joseph J. Wieadfiiy netka Cornnîunit%, I-use. Tickets 159 Sheridan road, Winnetka, bias re- nuay lc o)taie( frorn mnenibers 4)f .turned froni a trip of three nionthsg the,U o lb(r at.the office'of Cornîult-: abroad. Her sonl, Joe, is in, school at ilitN Houýse.ý Music will be rid Ade. bi- thé "Rlivtibn Rascals,." - We buy ol Xlis I)rell Nottltoii. 235 Raleigil num. irol lrodba(. Kenilwýcrtlb. wiIl leaýve October dlry. Hi@ 8,' for a tril ) to California. Shîe ivill maltes.- Ibe the gtnest ot lier unclc anid amnt, D.1 . Mlr. and M rs. Samuel 1Gunipertz oif Ncý% Vnrk.. She iil moin .themi as 1166 wN thiev pass tlîrough Chicago. ildgoid, si-lver and Ilati- A teeth and broien teÏv. gh ,est prIce -free esti- PAGLIARULO cake . ..... .. .. FRIDAY, OCFBER 7 Orange Loaf Coffee Cake, Velvet Cream Cnts, 4 toasted I SATURDAY, OCTOBER: 8 * --W igSix -CàRe ae pe Six Iinds Of former 50c Coffee Cakes-a great Saturday peeial--Yonrhoice3f LAYER' CAKES, 39e Exceptional lin variety and %&BusuaI c;mbinations ERVEET DAY * PunaPkln Pie.. .8 0-Z o,30000400 The lait word in dlciinem-nlneW Iow prices * Cheese Cake 25c Cnt........ ... 20e' 1129 Central Ave.. Witmtte Phone Wil. 2998 Memniir Wilmette Chamber- Ail Demrie1 Children Captures te Esive Sm ile foi- -.Charm o Bernie n Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purcbased ai Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE, CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE RE ADING ROOM I. "'Bette,' Pictttyes-Better Values-- 1623 Sherman Ave., Evanston Tel. UNI. 8998 ?WIN mO Main St, Evausto., Phono Gi'. 6132 .r~f Conmoroe chrisfia Reading gifi Ili il lit Ili Ili Ili t)III ri Ili I mil il il fil il M il III Il ti fil il Ill III fil Ili Il M il M OH Il Ill

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