Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1932, p. 12

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cluidiîlg the little folks. The Meifît c1ass, Is lnuL-harge and has arranged a1 pro. gra m of gaines and amusement for everyolle. A special arrangement has heen -rnad. for. the littie fi>lk.s. ýOur Sunday wors *hip hoýu1"is held.at Il o'clock. The minister will preachi Qn 'the theme, "Marching Forwai'd,"* *takien froin a stirring Oid Testament see. We cordially Invite yen to woir- xship with us. The musical progr an-iarranged by *Miss Rounds, pianist, and, Mr. Otis, soloist,- is as follows:ý Prelude, "Mo- ment Mfusical," by Rachmaninoff; Post- lude, "Postlude ln C." by Cappelen; solo, "The Lord laI My'Shepherd," (Second Setting) by Ltddle; "lun Thee. 0t rord, Do 1 Put XMy Truist,*" by Frcey. Junior -church takes care of thec Ile folks .during the rmorning worshilp SO that parents.mayr be free to enjoy th-, worship service. Mrs. Staniley Peterson Is ln charge. Our Sunday sehool meets at 9,-,30, well orgaized into depiartmients and lasses for ecry agI-'. Me invite yotd to join The 'NetîVs Bibie class n1eets at 9:40) <'lov-k for an hour of study tof the B ible. Wu inv-ite the ineiu ,of 11we~m *The Christian Ende avoîr society wil fileet at 5:30 o'clock with ]Paul Venekla- sen,. 721 Ninth street. Miss 'Marguerite Curîl will lcad the meeting, and th topic for discussion will be, "Other Gods Today." The young people of higli svhool age are Invited. The Woman's spciety wili i eet on Tuesday, October 11. Sewing will be Inu charge of Spoke 12, Mrs. John Hoesli, chairrnan, and Spoke 5, Mrs. Robert * Wite, chairman. Lunichebii will be serv- ed by Spoke 7, Mrs. T. E. Lannen, chaIrman. Mrs. C. A. Keller will lead the devotional. The topic, "Missiouary Service ln the Local Churceh,"' will be led by Mrs. Henry Brandt and Mrs. Norman Radder. The prayer meeting is held on Wetd- nesday eveninig at 8 o'clock at'the Wofi- ans club rooms., We will study 'lhle Parable of The Good Sam 1aritan. We in- vite you, to spend Ibhiq hour of devotion and study with.us. Auxiliary înehiberships Iin the Pres- byterian College of Christian. Educa- tioin may be secured during,,Otobe(r froin 'Mrsý. M. R. Barker, 730 Central avenue. on Saturday night at 7:30. Those ln- terested ln servlug the church lu this way are Invited to be prtesýent. The Official board wil hold 1ts regular mionthly meeting Monday evenhing, Octo- ber 10, at 8 o'clock. Ail mnembers are urged to keep thîs date in mind. The Womhan's Foreign Mlssionary so- qciety wlll meet Thursday, October 13, at 2 Ooeok In the Woman's rooin. This le "Dues Paying Month." Devotions: Mrs. Albert Varley; "Lady Fourth Dàugh- ter of Clilna"-Sharers of the Fellow- ship: Miss 1Laura Clole n. Uostesses: Mesdames C. W.* Colgrove, N.. l)awsoni and C. J. Nylund. The MId-Week meeting orf llowslip, and. praâyer will beé uwdn.Wt-d- nes;day, evening, Octobsi' 26.- The Rock River Conferencè will hold lts annual session at Dixon, Ill., October 11-17. This ls the first session ('f,,the couference at which laynien will sit, as menibers. Raymond G. Kimbeil has been designated as the de.gate froîn, thi't church, and,,Thoniasý H. West has 1befl elected aiternate. Announceents tg) be î,riuted lM the Wilmette Life anid Suifday Bulletin must be 1lu the Offi ce 4n Tlt4e"dIY ioril- lngg. The Girl Seout Leaders' association will meet Tuesday teelng :ît 7 :30 iu the Girl 'Scout room. "'A Potpourri }l'art y"will. 1w sporisored by the wonaWs Aid s4b<.ivty F riav, Otober 14. St. John's Lutheran Wiliiette and Park avenues, Wilnîettný .Herman. W. Meyer, M. A., pastor 406 Prairie avenue Telephon, l2!.t; Church telephone. 5379 SE RVICES .9,~15 a.in.-First service anid sermoit 9:30 à. ni. - Sunday school and Bilje classes 11a n.Scn service ýand serinn 3FEETINGS Thursday 8-Seior Walther league Friday 7 :45- Junior Walther leagut' Saturdayý 9 a. m.-Classes for Childreu Movfnday .7 :45-Choir .rehearsal: Tuesday 7 :45-Meeting of voting. men- Wedlnesday 4 p. m.-"-Claqes for Children Saturday 9 a. m.-Classes for'Chiildreni onn't fai toa ttend the Senio r Wa- Baptist Charcb. Wilniette and Forest avenuein George..D. Allison, minister "A Chuirch that Cares"' Sunday, October 9,,We trust that every member land frieid' of the chuirchi wil be preseut to pârticipate lu the busi- uness meeting which .willl follo.w thé moruiug worship service. Dr. Allison. la following, the ntarratives lu the book of Genesis for the-basise of his.sermons duriug the monthof Octo- ber. The Message of the opening chapter was again interpreted for us last Sun- day lu a Most helpful way. Neît Sun- day's sermon will be 'That Garden .1u Eden," to be followed *by "The Un- brotherly Brother"' the next week. Al departmeuts of the church sac hool couvene at 9:30 a. m. on Sunday inorn- Ing, with graded work doue throughout. A ncw feature In the' chool ls the Young People's. clasa,. for those who have p)assed the Senior Department and still do net~ wish te attend the Adult. class. Mr. Shearer of New Trier Hligh achool la the new teacher ot the class. We hope that a large number of young people attending college or who are, notý lu any other work lu the school,,. willý make this their class each week. The Church school orchestra, directed by Mrs. Stade, began its work last Sui)- day. This orchestra adds a great dcali te the opeuing worship period of the Senior-Aduit departunent. . Mî's. Stade. will bc glad to intervitýV ny p)rosp- tive niemnbers. Friday, October 14, is the î'egular mneeting day of the M-onia's society at te c'ur-ch. The Young Peoffle's society hias -x numiber of extremiely Interesting pro- grains fflainied for dctober. Ncxt Sun- day - we will leave froîn the church te attend a geitlering in Batavia whore, 1.)r. Allisoiy is to be the speaker. Oni Sunday, October 16,' we are plan- ning a -Chinese dInner meeting.- Mis s Brodbeck, our church missionary wvill be with us. We hope te hâvea arge.,num-r ber. present for thls very attractive event of the month. The. pri ce of the food wfIl be divided amnong those pres- eut. The more that corne, the less ex.- pensive the meal. Tue program iolowing r.ue lunilhon m-111 bé iu charge of Mrs. J. Nye- Macalist4»r., The sohiedule of week-day atvte for boys and girls la as follows: Tuesday-4 p. m.-Camp Vire Girl ir Scouts Tuesday-7 -30 p. m.-Troop N*o. 2. Boýy Scouts Thursday-4, p. mi. - Junior Choir re - hearsal Thursday-7 -15 Ip. m.-Seniür 'hoir r. q'hursdày-7 :30 p. m.-Troop Noi. 1, ïBoy scouts ýsaturday'--9,:30 a. m.---Cub Scouts- English Lutheran. Cretîlafavenues and Seventh .t A House of Worship Htpv. David R. Kabele, pastor Sungd&7yServies ï3unday school: .. . ....9 :45 a Morniug worship ............... i . speclal Nusie Prùludec-Concert Piece No. i 1 .Parkç-r Athemi-"S.o, Itit lJ-1 ...aulle-Shell1Y Offiertory Solo-M-y Praye' . C1ioIn William Melhye Jr. Postînde-Finale from 2nd Soliata...............Wîtr The Womnaus society wliIl neeî this afternoon (Thursday) at 2 o'clock, >at the church. This is aL very, important meeting and we know ail of. our la1dies' wiil 'vaut to be preseut. Our confirmation, class for' thùe cîsuiug, yeair Will meet every bMonday 1afteÉnôoîiý at 4 o'clock, at the church. Thers, is stilt lune to etirol lu this ela,-s, and thu i~ tor'wl be glad tb call and omufer %N10-1 thfî parents. The value of speflding an hour liu Sui;_ day sechool can neyer be ovurestirnated. In our Sunday echool we have t vlery efficient teaching staff, antd. classes, for ail ageiz froin the beginners to t ht' adults.ý Auli h4r I lueh.-'hase of bdîi 1 iit- k.. t tii,-)e moe Joyous. Kentotworth.Union Keyilworth aven ue and Warwick rond Dr. Herbert L. Willett, rninister Dr. Willett's subject for Sunday', October 9, wlll be "Rock and Sand." Sunday, October 9, wilI. be ~"foint.- coming Suînday."I Baptisni wilI bc oh- served, inembers taken laite the c.hurch. and the Communion celebrated. Tlir bas been planued and ail members and mneetiugs are. eagerlY looked forwàrd to. groups st 9:30, Nursery and Begne v alnut avenue. The meeting %vill friends of the church are urgtd to be Our services are again well attended at 10:45.. begin st Il o'clôck, and luncheon wiI' lu atteudance,. and the choir la doiug a wonderful-besre intefmofawer work In beautifying theni.* The F011 Reunion dinner of the e.srdintefmofawnr The Womnan's Aid soclety.will meet to- church aud congregatlon will be held , ras un no en e lu Wial day,. ThursdaY, at 10 o'clocl<ç for sew'- The North Shore Sunday School I:each- Wednesday, October 12. Dinner will be Of inclement weather uconWI lue. Tjeý executive comimittee, meets at cr's Training Apstitute will begin its set'ved at 6 :30 p. M. by the Central Cir- be served indoors.

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