Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1932, p. 10

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Grade Welcomes 1 Two New, Boys WVe have two niew boys fron different .schools, and two 'boys froint8A have been transierred to 8c. One of the new boys came front Nichol.s. school in Evauston and the other camne froin Hubbard Woods. The onie f ront Evaston is Charles H-aigli and lie lives oni Walnut avenue. The other new boy's .ume is. Paul Wip- perfurth. He lives oin 'Main stireet., The two. 8A boys, wlo were trants- ferrecl to 8C were julitns Kaspar antd Richard'Curry. lit returni for these boys; 8A got Jack, Maconole, luI. Howard,. Bill Harri 'dgeand Art-tur Stanton. Class 8A hopes toelie one of the best out of the three ighthi grades.-Fred Baker, Hloward &A. Football Players Getting ' Ready for Pennant Tilts Football seasoi iopenied, with .a bang the .first week of. schooi. Al the roomts fron fourtli grade up areý practicing for titeir teants. We are: sorry to say that Mir. Gathercoal is flot.,teaching gym at Howard thhý yea r, as lie put a lot of: spirit iin thc gaine'and, we Miss humii greatl3y. He is teaching at Stolp. We hope tokee:ý! up te old 8A standards antd win s oin of the pennaànts.. - Doniald, Scari',. Howard 8A, Who Wants Grid Con test With Indian Hill Indians?ýt The Indian Hillitindiails would liku a gante with any teamn. VThe boy shouid be betweent the ages of 9 and] 12 years aind s ôrne. older. If anrvhody is interested, cail Wîlnxette 4887 and ask for Martin* or corne to IMrs.. .jones' room, 8A H-owardlsbol- Martin Kresge,,Howard.gA. Heavies Try Out Plays inIi st Football Session 11l'iciax ý weiglits first football prac-i tice was heid at W~ashintgtonî park. Sep-j temnber A). We tried out sone, plays, irls o> HowardaSA 1 Open Kickball Year The 8A girls of Hloward hiad their fr-st gaine of kickball Wednesday, Sep- tember 28. VTe following girls played on 8A's tearn: Grace Centofanto, cap- tain,ý for first 'gaine; Louise Schreiber, Virginia Marsh, Dorothy Davis~, Bessie Bouchikas,,Edna Bauglimnan and -Mar- jorie Hill. We rotated su everyone could play every position. The 8A.classwoin by a score of 21, to 12. The game wvas. close unItil1 the lastý innîing. \Ve hope to Win mùore games throughout the' vear.-Marj orie Hill.IInr( A Heavyweight Candidates Meet for. Grid Pracetice On Monday, September 26. tite boys1 who were tryingout ýfor the Minmette heavies met' at Washin gtoi, Park. Ther'e were twenty-two boys on hand. Mr. Davis'gaveý us a talh- and the. boys whowere goinig ont for, backfield practiced kicking uinder thev suipervision of MIr. Davis and Nlr. Stone white the boys trying for line positions met with Mr. Gathercoal.- 13111 Harridge, Howard 8A. Touch Tackle Features Morning Work of Teams AtHoward school, if you woulid corne over iin the niorninig about 8 :30 o-'clock, youi wottld see teains playing touch tackle; that is, touclib)al sing tackle rules. Althoughi gym i asn't started at the tune of thhs writitîg. we are~ get- ting. into condition for our gaines. At New Trier, the grid- suason. started Sat- tirday, Septemiber 24. whiie at North- western the season legail Octolber I.-: Nirin1resge,. Howard 8A. Ail Childreil in Class 8A' Will Write Sehool News, (Class 7C is now SA amI. we'like it. we have Mrs., Jones for a teacher and vvlikec lier. l'le second day the roo'n was decorated withî flowvers in beauti- itii vases. We have tliritvý-iune children iin the room. We ail have to write J uNioR ui article-s-eveýr\-. wekeven if they dou't gct in-Gl'oriia Gonzaiez. IIc êward 8A. New Pupil at Howard Writes His Confession Wben we moved to Wilmette juIy 27, 1 did flot like it. 'ro inake niatters worse, the few f riends 1 had gave me a long, grave, tale about Howard school and how hard it %vas, aud t mt e reI was tbinking that ilo school could Comn- pare with Nichols, the oie 1 used to, attend. I hav~e had th.ree, days of school at Howard ani I arn quite illing to change nyiy nind.--Charles Haigh,. Howard 8A. Howard, Stolp Trade Their Gym Teachersl Howard. and Stolp schools' traded gym teachers. We had ou r firý,î period, yesterday. We went out and M.Stone .s howed us three,ways. tâ pass a football. After wýe passe.d foi- awhile, we ended the period by pla -- ing touclibail. I arn sure we all ljk. Mr. Stone as well as we did Mr. Gathercoal.. By the looks of* things we -will1 have a very goodfobl season. - William Grahani,.Howar'i 8A. Wilmnette Sehools Opn; Students GIad ýto Work The Wilniette schools opened'Mon- day, Septemiber 19. I think that everybo4ly was glad to get back t(- school and gét somnething definite.t do, after thirteen weeks of Vacation. Everybody is glad to get back to work. But after two weeks of school, I think we shial begin to worrv abtout Christillas vacation.-Murraý' Triplett,, .Hoard 8A.- Science Studenots Pause and Listen, toBa News. While we 'were 1in 1 the scienct.i room, Mr. Stone cane 'in and said lie had some bad news for us. He said they didn't give himi as,.many ticketý' to the Northwestern game as lasi1 film snowing the ruins or a iainou; temple of Buddlia ini java. Tîtere. ,will be two showings, one beginiting at 10 a. ni., and one at Il,-it thic James SimD)son theater of 'the u- seunt. Accommodations are availabie forý seve'ral th9îi,ýand -clildreu. t---J . i--- happyv. about i .- Dorothy Eisler r PLAYERS ARE CLASSIFIED Howard 8A. MTe are going to hîave football this ycar according to age, weight, and The D-3 football tearn i opes to hieight. I an on D-I's tearn and we hope have a successful season. Our capi to wiun iost of our gaines beause there tain is Don Speclit. who is a sevénth is onie teanu 1 want to, heat.-H-oward '-rader aiud a verv, good 'tiaver.- Reinwald. H-ow~ard 8A\ Jam)es Anderson; Howôard 8A. A CORRECTION. rThe. tiane. of the pliotographer, Mlathew Francis, was omnitted froîn un- der the. picture of Mary Elizabeth Brown in last *week's issue of -titis paper. \,Vrýr'ri., mL.îP regrets its Days Resumed by Howard 8A, \\cil. p ' il>Ie, here we are back, learu- .ing thie goldeni rule. I suppose Mnost of the children are glad. 1, think 7C of hast year is very lucky this year té be. ïn 8A 'aud bett r, yet to. have. Mrs. Jones for a room teacher. Some chil- dreix froi our room had to be trans- ferred and 1 don't think they ikcd i. SOur president this year is, Martin Kresge; vice.-president, Virginia Marsh; secretary, Jeanne. MacDonald; treas-' urer, James Anderson; councilors, Don- ald Scarif antd Louise Schreiber; ap- pointed to watch 8À in the hialls are Dorothy D)avis and Frank Bryclita; appointed toj take care of the room. Bui Harridgc and Alice Wagner., Pretty good line-up, don't you tltik ?f InieS-hireiber, Howard 8A. Wipperfurth to Strive for Howard and Huck. The boys have been weighed aand classified. There are tbree divisions: heavyweights,. lightweights, and pee- wees. Tbey >are under supervisîon. of Mr. Stone, who is o ur ,athletic teacher. I am in the D-1 division of the peewees- and. hope for ýa berth ;t- halfback on. theteain. Doug Hucli. is our captaiin and I surely like1iutu. I arn going to play my hardest for Howvard and Huck.-Paul \ipv furth, Howard 8A. Pre-Sehool Group to Hear Welf are Leader VTe Pre-School group. affiiatefi vIth lte Logani-IIoward -Parent - leacher association,, wil.1 have t1ite first meeting. of the year in , the h-, brary of; the Howard .school Tues-, day evening, October- 11. at 8 o'ciock., The speaker for the' e1cning wiil bc 'the child, welfare chairman. of, the Illinois, Congress 1 of Parents. and Teachers, who will star-t tîhe group oit what is antjcipated to he a yýear 'of real study. Any one interested in lhe problenis dealing with the pre- scîtool Childl is cordlially invitedl to attend the Meeting, it is apnountllcû4. STUDYIN AT N. T. *iiiiie \\,cckler, ail arotin(ls' i

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