Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Oct 1932, p. 6

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IWIL. 420-1.2-3-4-S ~ EVERY DAY Vvlday aud SstuaoedySpeolals FRUITS VEGETABLES *Orange%, for .juice, 3doz..i...... Homey Dews, large 9 CookingApl, 29 WtaIthy's, S5Ib9. s*,edkmsi, 211. 2 c Mutshrooms, fabey qualiy,.lb 35e Pets.... uh y u g 3 5 c QUALITt XEATS Ducklings, Long 79e llddtype, lb. . Faying Chick ns, 23,c Pork Roait rolled, 1 Le o Lib 23e eaux Spring, lb.'13 Beef Pot Rbaut, frorn the, shoulder, IL.2 Oyst~ ~er:5e1t 9 iqiiaity,, quart Bacon, SWaf t't Preminin, sliced. 2 Ib.45 2-lb. ROIÜLBUTER MeadW4 e FlourAl . AdvertlaCd Brands 9 Quaker Oats l'kg~. 9e Pemut Butter TraymreBrand 250 Corn Prkwty Brand 3j74l Aws»reiau Panuly Soap Nna Se I-b PK 390 Wild BRie. orI 9 1-1b. Pkg. Tromato Juice Beed 250 I Pa*~es _ ýCleanquiok large. Santa Claran 81 ibo. Chips <'<met 350, Admirai Cluverius is a niemiber of the United Spanish WNar Veteran. .He .was a mnidshipman, on the iIi-fated battleship Maine and his assigninent to Great Lakes represents bis first shore. duty in forty years. Invitation to "Navy- Nighlt" lia 1s ben especially directed to vetcran of ..the' Spanish-Amnerican -%var who are , nôt affiliated with 'the ,United Spanish *'War, Veterans of wliich there are a 'considerable nuluber in the north shore Villages. ANNOUN4CES ENGAGEMENT mrs.. Williamn T. Sprenger of. 537.. Egrlston road, Kenilwvorth, aninounices the engagement. of lier datughter, Esther, to Dr. Willard Mc]E-wen of Evanston. Miss Sprenger graduat-cI froin, North%,estern universitv and is a mnember of Chi Onlega srrî, Xoý date is set for the wveddiîug. iwas explained, in ordèr io flake its alrcady: limited f unds go further. Thei change is in lune with the policy of re- trenchnient in the whole prograim at the hligh SChool1 to cope successfi!ly, withi the currenit.financial crisis. Uliiler the new régulations the f ol- Iowing fees will be charg.d*,eaich pupil per semester: foods' course No. .i (domestic: science-depaetnient) - $1.50; foods Course No.. 2, $Z.25; shop, $2ý: glee clubs, $1 ; orchestra-. $1:-Madrigal chlb 50 cents. physics and chctnistry, M;biology, 50 cents. general science, 25 cents; typinig, 50 cents. -.111l neker f ce. 50 cents. 'Theý locker feç. for cxaniplec vr towels, soaii and locker, initlhe !g3>m- îîasitun. The school formnerly furnisi-' ed toweis anîd paid the laundry charg"es, as well as providing sioap and the lock-- er f ree -of cha rge. 1Noaw thie student iWill l)e required tù pay a fve for this mr. and Mrs. . Hoiyard Beîxt and. their fainily will return to their homne '-\r. and NIr s. 'Iheodorc AÀ1f rc 4 at 338~ Melrose avenue. -'Keiil%%ôrtli Larns, 100 Dupee place, are the par- October 15, after spending tîhe sum- ents ofa duhe.CrlRt.br mner at the Oak Crest in Evanston September 18, aithe t, EvantstonhIlos- Mrs. C. AN Bickett who leased. their'ptai. àlrs. Lamns and the bal»re home, leaves for N1>?laînii Beach, Fla.. turned to. their home last Szitirdla% October 1.. .fro.m the lhospital. BctM ritzreently %vas liost at (1,11,er at bis liolîxw. 22<>4) ric road, Kerilworthl. * rs,'Chîarles -8lOflacer, 1148 e cca Iroa)d, will clitertaini 4r'l)rtd9v clibi at lunticlheon Friday. A HINT TO HOSTESSEE If you want to get as much enjoyment out of your party as your guesta, don't spend hours hi the> kitchen. Cail Wilson's and lot us tend to your bakery needs.> W45uwtt. Chusboe Uoiflos.roe I PLg. 250 t.. 4775' F, oomwwroi

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