the. protection, of new tires al winter and they'll stili be as good as new next spring. Get the great- est safety tread known-the Goodi- year -AIl-Weater-at the. lowest prices in years. Wihmttè. Datte"y6Eeti evc 740 Twelf th Stret Open7 A. M. to 9lP. M. Phone: Wihwiette ;691-696, )Jember fflimette Chamber of Commerce HAVEN'T YOU. FORGOTEN SOMETHING?' Summer bas passed. Colder weather is no+ far away. And, when w.inter comes, one of your best guaranlees of comfort is a bin ful of Consumers Coal or Coke. Have you forgotten to order your fuel? If so, phone us today. Don't be caught in the last minute rush. Consumers Coal and Coke are sold under a guarantee of high quality, full wegkt and satisfaction. BUY YOUR COAL ON APPROVAL ,.~ 4i~ ps& il J~4 5~1 Il t2 Il ,ç. ,~ $7 ti ~ 5~f4Vft'Z7~. GUARANTEED FUEL 011 SO.LVAY CC DELVEFRY COAL DKE @ouer@pa YA R-DS A LL OV ER 'THE1 ý - .. . NORTH IWILMETTE 1300 WINNETKA 3385 GLENCOE 75 J S H.O RE DISTR -CýT 600 reenBay o~idKenilworth, Illinois STATION Phone Kenilworth 5496 1- 600 Green Bay Road