Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Sep 1932, p. 38

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Beautiful Westmore 'lrail SUVERAL BUILDING SITES AVAIl, able at - prevallinir prices. Why no select your future ýhogne8Ite now a n take advartaire ef present cenditlg, nq Tubs' lroperty hans-ail the requillîf that- a fanliy may deaire fôr a ~pérmq nen o readence. For further Information -Cali HILL &STONEF SU, Lincoln Ave; Winnetku ià4j 3 B]LOCKS ýTO STATIOi'N 13ARGAINS LIKE T111.4 BEIN( laken up. The owner paid $3.900 foi this lo-ONLY 3 BLOCKS TO KEN; ILWORTH STATION - intending t. build. Business 'moved hlmn to tiiiitli(- city and he now offers 'thé lot toti $L,450 cash. BILLS REAI,TIY, m lc. 93~0 Spanlsh Court wiliuîtte. 3'i-I( AIN 'UNUSUAL 80-FOOT PlEC(WC lafldscaped wooded prcîperty i flai ert )f W'nnetka, fleir akt.,.xi..l transpôrtation. wrilc B-s1, Bx 40. WUlmett. 111.. 741,TN2¶ -Itl -78 FOR ALE-CEMETERY LOTS MEMORIAL P A RK MAUS«fLEMg. ,$.ect. 4 graves. ltêatsoii.bkt. 111). Ilevensweed 4721 after 6P. M. 78LTN'21-îtik es EXCHANGE-REAL ESTATE ro EXCHANGE-BEAUTIFUL NORTH.: '5;ore homne in attractive location, 3te minutes to loep. Moving te California. Want borne in Les Angeles. Writce l'-184, Box 40. Wilmette, Ili. S51,TN2l-1tu 00 dFon SAEE-MOUSSNOLD 0000» PAINTED SET OF BEDRM. FURTNI- tune., 8 pieces,, inner sprlng inattresýses inluded, $30,; 1 gas canton clothes dIryer, $50. Caîl Winnetka 2(p66. - - -------861,TN21-Itc 1-AIL1NTED BEDROOM SET ('ONSIST- ing of ý bed, chest of dnrawers, dres$- ing table. dlnlng noom set, and dînette set. Wnnetka 930,61ZN11-1te l'OR SALE- OLD. BUT ClkA BLE. zas range., $2; baby's lron bcd.. $2. 734 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. SO Tù%21-1te* '-$RANGE AND ÎCE BOX UN EX- vollent condition. Very reasenable. 443 Chestnut. Winntetka 3238. 86T2.ty Il t JuI'y 31lst, Algîîst, qclljtemb(,r, and October. L12-te NOTI.CE TO DOG, OWNFIRg The Village of Wimmnette haûs the fol- i<)wing dog in the Pound: l'art Polie male, Bltck Fae-WhlIjte 'ýlota son chest. cuire guardtan of Ilinois, Order cof fob's' Dauglitens. iNVITE. TO >LECTURE 'Big Sisters, memben Couincil cf Catliolic Xomen, is exteuîing ait ii1- Vitation te a lecture by lthe Rev. Daniel A. Lend, S. J.,'01oitIhe subject. "Father Malacby's Mrce"te.1)c ami. lis associateri îvith ,the National Surety cemipaiiy' The 6-rooin, 2 bath brick homne at 535 Briar street, Kenilworthi, .Was rented te A. R. Findley, ai. officiai of Mrieboldt's Departiment stores. Roland H. Peterson ,yas the broker lu the above leases. Joslitua l)'Eýsposito bias nented thet 9-ooni brick hone ef Mrs.. 0. B. Yeaîntan at 521 L1ake avenue, Wil- mele. M. DEsposito is the well known consulting~ enginieer and at. f-ii --ý the. saine. Upon ap-p-1Clay rirn true Jý vaittoitio§pital. master will supply pros- -0 Wth a circulai- givîing Ains. Heleit Pavne, 221 Wood court, 0 requireenets and in- aî îreparation of bide ýj(ad her Son, Bill, rotored to Michi- ýany sanie. pFlll3NK. gan last week, retuirning aft.en a sev'- in 4ecretarv.. eral davs' visil. ZUZU Wvashington avenue. day eveuing' with Claude E. Fitch of, -O- 1033 Elmwood avenue as ils host. The Frank Blesers, 1319 Wilmnette avenue, returned recentlv froin a Mns Leon M. Alleti, 258 -Melro-b., môton tnip îbnough Illi nois, Ioiva, and avenue, Kenilwonth.,.enlertaiîîed b er Wisconsin. brdeclub ait1luncheon Tueqda-v. UOOKUOUlty Ilin sa will more TIso Winnetka is vice-presideut. lnato ofsreetouead f ully appear frein the certified copy of is Janne Forsythe of Evanso stores which have been on tbe imar-ý J~~~ teid enonfl n MYr Office; that cbapter chairman, has plafnnèd a fullI ket for rent. The inquiry for crn- the warrant for the eoiiection, of SUCh assessment is in the handa <of the under- year's program, since. tIis aluinnae inerciai space bas been particularly signed. Ail personis interested are here- group, aside from its annual pledge active and1 it is encouiraging. to re- bY .notified to cail and pay th e amount of $1,000 to the. college building fund lport that high priced space' lu l0e- assessed nt the Collector's Office, 417 cooperates with PeietEn enctoi ieOrntnaeu n Whlemond Road, Kenilworth,, Illinoisq. PeietEn -a ain ieOrntna' w ithin thirtv >>(30 > days fr ein the d ate B aker . a d t e c l e e f c l y y n ) v s s r e , E a s o . b v e x hereof. .said Spvectal - Asseesment i~ggenerouslyý in pÉomoting manly col- steadily rernting and thé nuînber of ievied to be.paid in inëtailments. lege activities., vacant stores bas been decreased. Tue firat Installment, $1,457.71. Ms ldsBretmrbrhp "In the -bousereti artth Payable Auguet 12'. 1932; Mnsseaselluythe nuniber of bouses seodIntimet~chairman, plansogral reduction i h ubr fl paabeJaur ,194 active mernbership il, the North available for rentai bassteadily con- third nstallment $j.300.00. paleJanuary 2, 1935 hr chapter this year. Tbere are ttiued. In the lower priced rentais fourth instailieult, $1,300.00.,. more than five: hundred, National there lias beeni active cenipetitioni payh nale nua. 136; College of Education aluntnae re- evidetit in the last few weeks be- vayable Januarv2 siding iu tbe Nortb Shore.area. tweefl prospective tenants;ý two Or -Wifthi almn . 137o. threeprospects making off ers at one .1 fsald instalinieuts. lîcar iî.terest stJix percenît: p)j* ëfrîu State Club Feédelratio)n limeý on the same bouse bas remninded AUiust 12, 1932. is of. conditions existiug in the active Dated thiez 2IMt dyof S'eptembîer. SPno rs etueS D. 14Lecure erieçs nmarket of severai years back. Reîit- F. L. STREEDJ, A course of1 six. lectures On bow 1ais aeofcoreoute13lve Collecta.il « to write newspaper publicity tvill be hi>t atri.re lias been a tendtncy for L20-2te given by Miss'Irma DuPré under tbe the landilord t« stiff en on bis price auspices. of tbvllni Fdrtino aiwtl a certain amnounit of suc- XMIA NOTICE Women's Clubs. The lectures ivili be cess jf the moderate priced lieuses. An lIN FR OLC ANgvnortepesand, publicity.,de- ,A,'large number et ouses ilu the Poieaminatien forlage o iion et pat nlutsOf the clubs, and for de- cIas cttwee>ii $100 anid $'50 ;u %Vill be held on September lothi, 1932 partinent chairmeit and miembers who meontit bave heeîî rented lui thc la>t M' 8 O'olock p. i. in the -village Hiall wilI be interested. They ivill be hield thirty days. (ouniî eni at 10 o'cIock in the moruing lu the "One of the inost eficou raging Syll his ex-,.rai ainl pî , I beState Fedenation beadquaters, .30 W.toso eprsnmaetlsbei tî'ld.mIe(II scf the Village of osOftepen mrehahej Wilî-tt' ,etc-,gtes. * Ifd Tabngton street, Chicago.. the iucreasing nuniber of sales.: Ai- ysars .ir ag~~~~. Tbe first lecture will be given r tog h oa 'lnçi tl C.M.Oborî, 'r Tbunsday, October 6. The other îaltefatttevrfewdy Vîiag. Mnagr, dates are as follows : November 10,aohrbu~ srprc odi December 8, Jantiarv 19, Febnuanv- sure indication of lte improved1 feel- N 9 pi, 1 IF:9, and Marcli 9.- The suibject of the ing of confidence on tle part c N(>TiÇ j.course is"OrewpprsadHo prospective purcliasers. 'rhere have TBE~tÎty.1E1'RTj.N~' to Use Tb'lem." lucen several instances of tivo or Ofic'e of the conîptrojier of h.4e (ur. treofr htesit ii uoi reney, .Washington, jP. (% BETHEL-44 MEETING cftle 'bers tthsan ieonn July si, 19828) h es tv S Notice Is her*eby, given to ailpvsn Bethel 44 is holding its reguilar The firni reports the fo)llotiiug who may have ciams against -The înonhhly Meeting Tuesd.ay, Octobér 4, îasnîàde in i New Trier village> ~'irt Naionl i3nk 0 Wimett-" iî- at 7 :30 o'clock. A bintbday anniven- sîc h is fSpebr Pfeteted fli)ois th a. he saniesomuxt 1w sanv"pot luck" dinner at 6 o'clock 'l'le 7-rooni, 3-bath -. home at 717 Llesent the Mel1R).Eeson vill have for its guests of houer, Keiiilwortb avenue, Ketiilworth. iîaý, %vithiln three nionths froni thfis date ý'q Mrs. Edith Lîtdwig, grand-guardian, been. leased .to N. H. Midgiev%.i Mr.. h' 1 mi' be disallowd. Â nd Arthur W. Scbwab, grand asso- I .J.W. POLE, i.... .... ...- Midglev is- movirie' lere froin, Boston Meri's Whist club iiiet ýerhb(

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