Dearest.......Sidne.%y biner 1 Wouid Live in Yuur Love..... Scotu Duslc In June.ý...... .. .. Fay Fosýtüjr Sprlng Song of the Rtobin Wonianj. , ..Mi. red .tChinlunid,.contr adlto JuàiU..............Elizabeth Gést *Wlith Aýweet Lavender MaCDowell-Auesr Czardas.ý..........Monti-Czerwmonik.% Winifred Townsend 0ree, Vioinist IV' Iris...........Harriet 'Wetr& Hifidoo Song .... .....Bremberg My Heart Is a- zr .........R. Huntington Wroodïnan TaJy Homne Karolyn Wells .cq Dorothy Rae, soprano V Rhapsody in, BIne . . ._ George Gersh In Lois Hammett, planist. Spinstet Dinner 0't. 6 Miss Elizabeth Alger. 154 Warwick road, Kenilivorth, will be hiostess Î+ à spinster dinnier Thuùr.da. October 6.. in honor, of Miss El1eanor Rew of, Evanston, wliose mnarriage to Cliarles; *.Prie aiso of< Ev-antitîwiIItake place October 8. «Miss Alger is to be Miss Rew's only attendant,. gliesI .olouet at lite rcception u'hich <o'<li i- te fJoliand teinter activ- ili's of the -Viior of Kc'nii- iqn T'il.sdav aiffernon.101 (h'locr JiThcree't'Cioln zi'iIi b.' !iý iii 'ahoHor <>oflthe peesidcnt, Ilirs, . (lIIm..ard !h'nt amdilheneze inilbesof Ile club. lTh' o/flcers of the 'ihbasfor the rfoining Entertain"s' at Shaunee MIfrs. William. MNicGibbon oif Shawv- ticé Coutntry Club, %vas, li st es,, to 2a Madame Re gni lîo i4sa former few friends ait lncheon) and Ibridîge Keni1lvorth resident.î,ý the possessor Iast Tuesdav at the clubf. .lof a contralto voice of umusual beauty AStartling New Importation! .Fine IFan Lîlihans 6.6x3.6 $34 vailà- .* %-cu itsLduvey ai*L L iano NVotthidge Notes The date of the cbildren's niovie party sclbeduled for September 24, bas been cbanged to Saturday, -Octo- ber 1, the picture cbosen being "TIom Brown of Culver." ýMemnberS xwboc wish their join the party. may caîl Mrs. M. A. Borreson or Mrs. R. C. Quinlevan. Eliii trees removed froiii the lpa;rk-- wavs at tbletime the sewer and watcr' ,ie ains were. put inbave been iiocated and are available to-property owIcer> Whose trees were takenawa3y. Tiiost- ilnterested in. having theni returlied may cati the village conitact chairman., Mr S. Edward DevIiju, 2015 Thornw'%ç,od avenue, foàr information. ~WO1VN AVENUE New, Silks PLAIDS the 'best many a. Youq'IlIfind- these new plaids and rougb SUlS are. looking fabrics in. season. Only the theisèlvçs. can do ju stice to their beauty-coznc and sec. tbem in silk section. our popular .Suncay afternoor. ber at the Vista. -Nèw Accessories - w. r .~ Leaders the New' Millinery Swunin~g ai.w bat. that ar bound to, get ahead. Youthful styles mi the latest Paris crea- tions. Neckwear--wbvhte- coirjobs aire pleýntiful!' Just look in your closet tiad you'Il find at least one dress that can give one of these fashionabe pieces pof neckwear something to dol Piques, shark crepe. crinkie crepe. Hosery-, Cradie Foot, ilpure silk fàr only 85C STYLE £4 BUTTERICK PATTERNS PEATURED Iu~ 'I 1 m