the s upervisin n e >LIULupeA58i8'Vncien year nas seen a tremendous menrease tary;-, Nrs. R. E. 'Dalstrom,- corres-j day evening, October. 14, under aus - of Public Works, C. C. Schultz, and is n the use o ok iharsii' ol-i-pcso h intaGr-ncu charged wlth the duty of repairig *obokwtharstingpoding secretary; Mrs. J: . Anie fth.inta adncu malntainlng, leanlng streets and ai- shorter lufe span for the books owlied. derson, treasurer. for residents of the entire nortb leys.; cleanlng and maiiitalning the In order to have more new books The prograin for the eveiling will shore. "Wonders of the Gomuion- sewer system; collection and disposai' of ail waste such as garbage, rubbish it bas been necess-try to enlarge the lie given l)y a group of Miss jessie; place" ivili be unfolded on the screen and ashes, and the ina'ntenane and rentai collection. Fornierly a rentai L. Pocock's dancing pupiIs. The1 during. the evening. supervision of the water systemi copy duplicated a free copy in the dancing numbers will be as follows:i M\rs. Langdlon Pearse, president of * When we* consider that the Vlag has72 ile c steet,'4 mlesofi brary, but now aIl new fittion, and "A. Polka.'"..ini which those taking !the Winntka Garden club, is chair- which are paved wlth hard surface,, some popuùlar non-fiction are put iiito parti wili I)e Violet Purwin, -Barlbara itman of arrangements with Mrs. God- and 18 miles of streets which are1 it the pay collection. "As soo.m as a. book Aln Mailyn Joh sn n elei ry tinc-chairmnan.-,Mrs. Rob-. streets, we eau begin to see the volume'.pays for itself, ordinarily in three j Senimierville. *A UI.ttie Irisl ol ert S.Lir.251 Ridgeavne Win- of work that the Publie Works depart: ti delt hfeele"wl e(acd1wCl .Lid vne methas, to do tW keep tixese streets montlxs' tiitme, e hv Patty Atm netka, is chairman of tickets which clean and ln repair. The business'sec- collection. The fee chargedi is very Leach. Tish Payne will appear unra epoue ihr from ber or tien ef the Village is cleaned daily, ad nominal, two cents for each day out. -a "Joclkey. Dance." Betty .Dyreni-,;at the door the ýnigbt of tbe lecture. t.he resideutial section ls cieaned ap- ýIncluded among the. books now on fort n osBcsenwl ac niaecoeuso idbrs pro imnately once each ,wecki The cdean- tanLosBcienwl'dne ing i4 done by a power ewee.,per. This1 the, rentai list are the following: "The '«\forning, Glory ;" Violet Pur- includingaogoher motion pic- work is done at nlght se that there, is: Novels of Literar 3Merit Win, "Chiffonette ;" Muriel Purwin. tures, a rb-botdbmigbr but the slightest interference with Bevtey-Inheritauc et ednce;May nero eein t oganed asudy inbird parked vehicles.; sf Caredace ariIgrll, e-in te Begadintuy n br .*During the suminer ef 1931, the VîlI- lasgouw-Sheltetred Life "A Xaltz -." and Anita Celeste - ps chelogy throug- a pair of nesting lage oufed approxlmnately four and eue- Godig-Forward froml Babylon vr "Vivacity." aý toc nuniher.sog parswl faue th haîf iles ef streets, uslng 18,500 gai- Irwin-ýR«,%al Plush i McClintock lecture. Plant move- lop f i a acstof$7116 onysMNaly-Housê of Vanished Stn'ri et'iîaieb hw.A six "l'ho Stat..- law.provides that mnys1Saint-Exuper.%-Night Fiight mI Opening Classes inn. rece-ived froin vehicie licenses muet go' llubreSaint SaturuîlnCI weeks' ýgrowth- o:fltuc wi ps tn the repaîr and mannneoforStuart-Pigeon Irish Dramatieis, Speakine eoeoesee nsvrlmnts streets. $26662.50 was reecived by the Walinsley-Three Fevers \ir Maion1..Milero r- ccunherendsn illaerar m n-s Village during the year ronvehîcle, Beteetive storieliAccibrtnrl il pesfa- licenseps, and apprexiniatelyr $30,404.811BiyRdCsi yteysdsa 12 hnia od inettic iit s efforts te find and take hold was spent by the Pubie ýVoûrks depart- Grinishaw-.%Mystery of Itjtmbling ReI f5 legiiilniig Classes -in elo cution, of a sýupport. ment in inalntainlng and repairing the ,cott-Dead Hand's Rericlung dantcadpbi paigo h r clnok rdaeo s treets and alleys. Slitedntg-LucUs le lry dantcadpbi sekn nte M.MClnok. rdaeo 11Waste Collection. Liglît Retullng north shore. 'She is a graduate of Yale tiiversWit5 iga niember of the "Ail _raeadcmbsil at 1a--l ae ..Nrhetr universitv in the class Explorers' club, New York City-, Is collected by contract. This contraût <hase-Last of Wisdom udr\a--\ieia rihlgss provides for two collectilons per -weèk' oo-uie rn teD f 1922:;lias done work udrXa-AnrcnOntoeit'n frein October 1 te June !,. aÙd thréee 1 ravs tin tte rii otn Pyjereci àn teacher's certi- Maininalogists' society and Amneni- <'llections; per weelk frern June >1 te lip.velae-e-Ciiarmitig Sally ficate freux the ChicagoMuil col- cati Asso)ciation for the Advance- ()ctober, 1, with daily colléection. the year 1 Itrsha,ILady ofý the Manor lege.- The University of Clrd n ett f Science. .From 1925 te 1930 around atthe stores In the busineqss sec- !R9hrdynBaneatWns arar ' ' eand L ? a tien. 1,ichat-rdsn Gregtî agîHeaitardawWere the other sch ,0 fis ldthie ranK Of proff'ssor utthe "Two thousanid five hundred nnd wdia1e-o Water leehela done gradua te work. L universitv of Pittsburgh. He bas forty-two ton-, of garb-,ge anld. comnbus- W1, hnt.nMr.Tayloril Mrs. Miller bias taughi oral, ex- lecture.d a number Of times before tible wastc were collecteil and dis4posed; _________Géogaphi_______o (it lu the Ininerator durig the yeai', * pressiont and coachied plays at pri ate the atolGoraicscey c * at a cost of $6.68 per toin. TJhis icest doeesil, col n etl.'SeW 1'Wsintn . . nTbfr h nat -include the cost of land an-d build- 'cea Scouts Need Books g1lsshosiiSate h vsai ahîtn .Cadbfr h ingorderecaton * ~ ~ Tsu coach for the \Vesleý' Plav'ers of Amiiericati Museum of National His- 'Anew contract for 1h.-u<îl<gi f or Their N w u.ibra1ry ite VIiièrit f Washington dur- tory in \Ni- York City. oft garbage was enterced imto on Janu- Memibers of the Sea Scout Shîp: lng 1924-25. ary 1, 1932, for a period of cite year, :at M \astico, Troop 4, Wilnette, will; For the past three year, M rs. NIili- logue to Iagrt a .redtxction of approximîateiy fifteen ~aou n~drt piercent undler the. 1931 contract. appreciate donations of any' books or er lias beeti teaching* elocuition in' ASb Sind Rilbblsli Co1ieffloR periodicals, relating to seamanship, îthe grade. schools of Cfiicatgo. In Mcdiii Lecture Course The service cf collection et ashes for the library whichi they are start- ' thut citv Sliwaise' coucbed classroom"'WatDees This Country Need?" anud rubbisl. was cutinuud by colicctin»g ing unider the direction of. their first .and P. T. A.. u!ays. Howver b, er work 1 ivill ie)t the. question discussed in a .0ufce eavh. week during the furuace sea- iiitdochlrn> -oand once each two wek. urng mate, 0.: A. Anderson. Persons hav- is tioîtnie To csildren.he lias dialogueaàddres-sed. te the iiversitieý; thluieTe yearly ch-arge' for- coi- înig any nauitical literatune, for wbîch l)rep)arrld tuati-ptitc speakers for, or, Amerîc aiandeaturgtedd- lecio, hih asrepald O.lury1,they have ne further use, are re )af rrN ork. I atio of lte George R.. Thorine hall. 91.was again 're-enacted on'Atigust 1, quested, tocaîl Anderson at- Wilmette' Instructions ar gie thrl-ath do tonc puofTh 1931, at appirexlimately onie-half the rate reýpe i e n a tedWioncmu fNorh-ý that was charged prier te January 1, 3467. l ividually (in pivate) or iii class. western ýuniversity ou Wednesday 1931. This charge, was made, nece ssary Periodicals, régarded 'as especiaily' evening, October 12, ut 8 o'clock. The liecause et the lnability ot' the Village heipful to the boys, are Blue Jackets eronsM rktN w program, conducted- under the te aie uns b txe t caryonths anuals, M1otorboating magazine and auspices of the contemperary thoughit "Ilt cot the Village $2 1,69i.37 te carry Yachtingk magazine. Anderson states Ce1ebrates Tenthi Year department headed by B a k e r on this service during theý3ear. $8,420-18 that books on the following subjects i Pearsotî's market, 813 Ridge road, Brownell of the Medili School cf et this was previded for by taxes, and wvil i nterest the Sea Scouts: seaman- is celebnating its tenth year in busi- Journalisim is open te the pblic, as $1,7.9teprvddfrb the chasrgedrs."ip, sea history, navigation, piloting, liess in WVilniette, this week. The mur- aire ail the other conternporary thouht Appended to tbe report of the sea chants, knots, sea stonies, model ket bias been iin the saine location for lectures. Public Works department's activities bottsiig ad.otn -hie entitre ten-year oeniod, but the1 With the exception cf the school is a table showing the amounits and store hias been muchi enlargedl and vacation periods, the other lectures cests of- colecting and disposing of Two Cars. Recovered new\ fixtunes ain d a new refnigerating Iwill be given each Wednesday after- garbage and rubbish by months for svstem instalied during that time. As nocti and evening, at 2 o'clock in Hat- theý year ending April 30, 1932. Few "ours After Theft a- feature cf the anniversary ceiebra- ris hall on the Evanstôn. campus and< This table shows that a total of Two cars were stolen ini Kenilworth tion, balloons are being given to ail u 7 o'clock in TIhorne hall on the 5,082,912 pounds of garbage audd mb- last Saturday night, but both. were ebldren whe. visitbth, market thisI downto .wi campus. bisb were collected andi disposeçi of recovered a few hours luter on Win~- t'eek * . during the year andi that the total netka avenue~, where they had been i Mannwrud Shbop Moyeu cost of this work was $17,025.26. Tbe a4bandoned. The cars, lboth sedans, b-e-i IRONER STARTS BLAZE average total cost per MiOtth was loniged' te M. Ci. Weimiar, 240 Cum- W ilmette fireinen were caUled tel to Lu.rger Location $14&7 berand' tead, Keniworh,and P. H. the EL C. Howard residenxwe 318 Oak iÉthep M.LVauerud fis$vng he GillelaUt, 170 Li»4nd. steet, -Wint- circle, Moiiday mcfrnng Mieu n wr~ dress accssories shop TtAIÇME# fMt%'- ~ka. h - s though*tatt thecarfs electtric iroit set fine to an iron*igfoù ii1Un fta 'Mrs. S W. Wiglania again will were not stolei'by professional board. Theiriiing board'w-as de- builingi ut 1159 Wilmtte aenue 1 have French' classes ut the joseph thieves, but were ilirely x*sed for joy stro> ed andi smoke il-lieol ihe ousle, larger quarters at 1157 Wilniette ave- Mrs i. J. W. Rthker2 to snoeni é oî tb erduéï<thery ruai aàe a - Îli#s s. iais erd -s é v#ne t a avenue, Kenilworth, has lier sister, Eloise, is back f rem a month's visit thiel'past weelc. timie, she reports. Monday, 1Tiesday Mrs. E. C. Suinmerfield and ber two at Green Lake, Wis., with bier par- ' and Wednesday cf next week Mrs. cbildren, cf Dallas, Texas, ith ber ents. Ifrs. Otis A. Heath, 1426 Asbury Maninerud will hold an ex~pansioni for a isit cf two mnonths. o- avenue, Winnetka, entertained her sale. 0o- Dr. H-orace G. Smith, president cf luncheon and bridge club'last 1Fidav. The William O'Belt fainily, z2 arrett Biblical institute, and Mrs 0O~ Charles- Jordan, brother cf Mrs,. Abingdon avenue, have returned to Smith are now established in the Charles Ware, 325 Abbotsford rôad, William A. 'Moulton, 235 Raleighi Kenilworth from their summer honme bouse they have rented at 616 Greg- Keniilwcrtb, ieft last week Wednes- road, wil. return te Kenilworth th4i at Tomabaw%*k', Wis. ory avenue, Wilmette. day 'On a trip te Denver: 11,week freux a 'trip te New York.'