Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Sep 1932, p. 1

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MANY VILLAGERSIWlmteRsdn IN "WHO'S WHO"____________den Lateet Edition of Famed Roster _____________ of Notables IneludeS. 119: New Trrie r R esidè'nts ()nc hun-dred andl nineteen resi- dlents of tht four 1Né%%- Trier towii-' shjp vil lages-Wilnet te , Kenilivorth, W\'iinnetka and Glencoe-.are listeil in thie 1932-19.33 *ý\Wio's WVho iin Aner-ý ica," which is just off the press., Eý,ift),-two of the 119tis honored live in \Vinnetka, thirty-two. iin \il- Mette, eigliteen ini Giencoe, eleveni in Keniil%ývortli and six -iin Hubbard WVoods. l'hey are listed accordiuig * t vllaesas fo1iovs: Wihhàete NewvnîanL F. Ba ke r, proiessor of lawv at ortli%%vcsterni uni cersitv and 4tpcîalist UL4---rûiiiioIogv.; Wàlter L. I teain. grain corporation officiai; Ciavton 0. BilIow. consuiting engin- IL. cr anrd a pioi mer i the .dev~eloptuent oif oil > mrîing industrv Viiiiî Chamberlain, utiîtv executive. Har- rv G. Clark, railwav o)fficiai;, Nathani -'Colwvell, physician .L)eunis R. WV. Crule. surgeon and orgiuator 'of the muethol .of resuscitationl of dyiiîg persons by injection of a<Irenaliîî iii-ý to the- heart; Irederic B. Crossley'. laveür and educator; Davidi J. Davis, I pathologst; WViiford WV. D)eBerard,ý cdi tor. enijneer and former mieniber! ()fth Wihnette Village board; Burt1 1 . )enniîan, publi c uitility .operator; Clarence E. Draver, cugineer and real estate mian: S. 1. 1)uican-Clark. editorial writer for tl.îe Chicago I)ailv. N\ews; Harry **A. Finney, auithor;J Robert (ord on, clergyman: Craig B.; Hjazewood, banker; Jens Jeiisei,l landscape ar'chitect, Hilton I.'joncs. * chemist; >Benjanmin H. Marshall. architect;- W. Frank- .*McCliure, adver- !ising mni anîd founder and president "41 the' WVilmette Sund(av Evening club; Clifford Older, consultiiîg enigi- * neer; Carey C. Orr, cartoonist for Aie Chicago Tribune; Edwin P. insu rance department ot the bank i establishied the Kinudtson Mortgage ai I4oan firmn with offices at 1167 Wilmet avenue. Mr. Knudtson's concern w engage inthe real estate loan, coilater loan and insurance business. liq. hop, 1i. L W1aldorf. formiicpll of thlu Kansas iti' arca o f the .Ihtl~iis E/iscaldenioiiiion, anid WJIo rcntsuccecçded l3ishop *H. 11. Hughets as head of the Chi- <4qa ' M) y1w, asoccu pied flhe episco Pal: reidn <'ai 9)41 Sheridan road, Il ~ // and M.11'<ii? lrs. Ilaldorf livý,'dal the ANord, ,Shore 'l ina 1-aîîston for several -wcceks before takiu; pos.sssi aj ýof leir netr Fewer Wilm ette Pupils;1 lst Time in Many Years, For. the first time' in many years thýe enrollinent at the Wilmette public ilone hour lupon retiring Saturday al iligit! FÙ GRO' ISchool Board Hope. to Raise Sufficient Amount to Keep Schools in Opera- lion Th1rough Year . Subs).ýcriptîins are stili cominig in,,it was- reporte(] at the \NVilmïette Public. schcd)ls office this wvcek, iin the cm paign to raise tunds 'for operatiîxg the school1s, ,which opecned .Monday. àAp- proximateiy .$25,000 has ,becin -sub- scribed, and abouit $4,110 of this anlounit is in cash. Supt. J. W. harper stated tliis wce'k that lie wishesý it einplîasized that, al- though al parents whio are financially able are. being urged to loan the. schools, mloncy, theic act that sonse parents do flot pledge themselves to purchase tax anticipation warrants does flot, mean thev cantiot send their children to the public scbools. 'The schools are being operated in., the. saine Manner as in for- mer years, Mr. Harper-sav s, :and there sno distinction. whatsoever . iiithe treatment of plupils. The board of education is hopeful that enougl . money will be raised so that the schîoois na%- be kept open for the etiire year. Parents- are be ing asked to b lan ionl 1ey ont; tiebasis of ten dollars per ininth for .,aclichjld in school. J Kenilworth Decides to Remove Safety Islands STvo safetv islands at the intersec- tioni of Green Bay road. Roger ave- nue and Sterling road in Kenilworth are to be renioved as a result of ac- tion~ taken liv the Keîilworth Village board at its regular mionthly meetinlg Monday night. The jslands were ini- tended to serve as traffic guides and as a help to pedestrians crossing the intersection. Howev'er, on severai oc- casions automobiles ran into the islands, and it was decided to remove them. J. A. Shortridge of Keniilworth, wiil do the 'rèmoval work. October 1, at the Dyche Stedium. SEEK SITE FOR P,.--O. BUILDING Plostmaster Jôsçph Shantz I.' Authorized to Advorise for Bids; Need 37,000 Sq. Fto Authority to advertise for bids for a. new post-officeand federai, build- ing site .ini Wilmeçtte,bas been giveil to Postrnaster Joseph E. Shatitzby the assistant secretary of the - Inited Sta-tes Treasury department, Postt Ûmaster Shantz announced'this %veek. Thje bids for the ýpost-office site will be opened in the officeý of the supervising architect, T r e asu r y (lepartment, Washington, D. C., at 9 o'clock on the morning of October 12. Preferably the site, shouid be a corner lot,' the announcement frorn the Treasury depârtment states. It. should contain approximately 37,000 square feet, with a dimension of approximately 180 ineal feet on the more important of the two street frontages, and should be centrally and convenientily Iocated. Supply Bid Circulars The anuîoumcement concerning bids for the new post-office site further states that "sites having different dimensions will be considered pro-, vided the area is approximateiy thé, same." Prospective bidders will be sup- plied with a circular giving particu- lars as to requirements and inistruc- tions for the pi-eparation of bids and data to accompany same upôn appli- cation to Postmas ter Shantz. Indications are that the govern- ment intends to erect a new post- office in Wilrnette îmmerjiately, or as sooni as a, site. can be obtained and the contracts let, Postmaster Shantz said this week. After a site has been obtained the next step wvill be the taking of bids oni the construction of the building itself. It is understood that the'zov- e Manager Osborn made a n this niater at the regular of the Village board Tues.

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