Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Sep 1932, p. 40

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losing his property. The Village board will use its discretion as to what property shahl be withidrawn. Village Collector Kerr has been di- rected to furiiishi to the board a list of delinquent speciai assessmnents. Wilmette Again to Use 1Liceinse Plates of Metal Metal village vehiche license plates *i11 be used .by the YVillgofW- mette. again next year. This Was agreed upon at the meeting of the Village- hoard Tuesday night. Vil- lage Manager C. M. ýOsborn reported, that the c ompany f rom whicli the Village has been, purcliasing flie plates. has. announced a reductiOi from six and a haîf cents to five cents :for -each, plate. About 4,000 plates will be ordered. Jorjorian ýBrings Rare Rugs for Lord's Sale S. K. Jorjorian, .1719 Elnxwood avenue, Wilmette, maiiager of the- oriental rug section at Lord's store, recently returned from the east witlh importations~ of rare orienital rugs lfor thé store's fifty-first anhiversary sale. Outstanding is a. Super-Sarouýk, the. aristocrat of aIl Persian rugs, which is. being featured this week. HEADS ACHIEVEMKNT CLUB D orotby Dittmar was elected presi-. dent of the Achievement club of the Highcrest scliool ast Friday after- noon. Pupils chosen for other offices in the club for this year were: . Stella Koller, vice - president; Florence. Hens, secretary, and Charles Beck, treasurer. josephi Hens was first elected treastirer but declinied the office, which was given. to Charles Beck who received thé seconid high. est numbeir of votes ,for this office. ' R.EADS PAPERt AT CLUB Mrs. S. Douglas,-Flood, 133 Kenil-2 worth avenue, .Kenilwortb, read apapert on "Crab Trees"' at the. Winnetka Gar- deni club oni Wednesday, September 21, n at the rsence of Mrs. William r Ogde Gren, Loustroad. Win- netka.c INote: It had been erroneously r would. be October 14. This error wak out the original notices of registràl registration day ls TueÉday, October N. C.E, Children's School Is Resu med Eleven boys and girls were* en- rolled ini the seventb grade of tlic Children's ýschool, 1Nationial College oi Eduica.tion, when. it opened last week, Seven of these'pupils have grown up with the Children's sýclool, having entered in 1926 when it was opened in Evanston. This, entliusiastic group includes -Gilbert Bills, Raîpli Church Jr., Betty Dubbs,, Dorothv Fisher. Happy Fox, Janet -Hollister, Richard Hummer, J. B. Hurd, t.enore Russell, Bob Timmermian, and Suzanne Zin- merman.. Already they are looking forwvard to the adventure of adding 1the eighth!- grade next year In, explaining thé functioîî. of the Childreni's scbool ini the îiortli shore commtunity , iss Clar~a Belle Baker, the director, said that it lias beeîî the policy of the school te).accepit onhy normal and gifted childreiî. 'The scbool is organized to give the ini- dividual child the maximumi oppor- tunity for success. A cd"reful study is made of eacb child's capacities and interests, and an enriched curriculum is provided for superior and gifted children. , Because of the careful at- tention to individual .îeeds the school lias been able to eliniiinate the iper- centage of retarded chihdreni coin- mon to nîost' schools. Eniphasis; is placed on developmneut in social .c-o- operatioil, independent tii inkingý and creative expression." As usuial, the boys are slighthv in the head in ,thce nrolîment, which: in- cludes 89 -boys and .64, girls -in te ten, groups f rom n furserv School tlirough seventh grade., 0f:these children,.127 are forme uils a 2are new. Miss Dittmn'-asistant to the director, reports that althougli lie enrolîment is unconiplete since many of the families have not yet returned f rom sumnier home~s, there s everv indication that it wvill ex- ceed thýat of last year. 'eported that the second registratIon day .comttted by the authorities who sent Iion. ]Remiember. the second and finai j Chritian Science Cnarches f "Matter"t was the- suhject of- the lesson-sermon in ail Churches' of Christ, Scientist. on. Sunday, Septem- 4ber 18. The.-golden text was, "lEvery man is brutish ini bis- knowlcdge: every founder is conifounded hy the graven .image:, for bis molten image is false- hood, and there is no breath. in themI (Jer. 10:14). Among the citations which com- prisedý the lesson-sermon wvas. the follwingfrom the Bible: 'Te.ach me, '0 Lrdg the way of. thy statutes; and I hall keep it unto the end. Ini- cline My heart unto thy testituonies, and flot to covetousness. TÈurn away mine eyes frôm behoïding vanity; and quicken thon me ini thy iay" (.Psalms 119:33, 36, 37). The lesson-sermon aülso .included the following passages f rom the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- turcs," by Mary Baker Eddy: *'As mortals gain more correct views of God and man, 'multitudinous objects of creation, which before were in- visible, will beconie visible. When we realize that Lufe is Spirit, neyer in nor of inatter, this understanding will, expand into self-completeness, finding ail in God, good, 'and needing no other conscioéusness" (P.. 264). ATTENDS A NNIVERSARtY, Miss Marian Langdon, -715 Laurel avenue,. who is a junior -this ye ar and a member of Alpha, Gamina Delta sor-. ority at *the University of Ihinois, e tunned to- ber home on Welnesday, September 14, to. attend the fortieth- weddung anniversary cehebration 'of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. B . A. Langdon. 1senool, Miss Richardis attenaing Carle-' ton college in Minnesota and Mr. Lor- Ienz Lake Forest and the Illinois School' Iof Pharniacy. jMiss Julia Crossley entertained with a kitchen shower for Miss Richards and Mrs. George, 11f is giving- a miscel- laneous. shower Septemùber28 Both Shostesses live ini Wihmette. Miss Rosalie Roach. of. Winnetka, who willI be one of the' bride's attendants, is entetain-, ing at luncheon 'and bidefor Miss Richards. Asks Villa ge to Spread Cinders in Unpaved Alley In. a.communication read at the mxeeting of -the Village. board Tites- (lay ilight F. C. Dierks,13 4it street, requested that the Village spread several truck loads of cinders ii- an unpaved alley al: the r ear of his home. Although the alley is pass- able now, according to Trustee Lee. Mr. Dierks states that it wjll be im1- passable when bad weathier sets im. The Village board decided that, silice econonwv is observed on every hiand, the property owner sliould pay for the, cinders. H-owever, the board de- cided that 'the Village, should furnisli the habor to, spread the cinders if -the property owner m--villing to pay for them. 'Trustee Joseph. Heninzen cast the o111v dissenting, vote. GOES TO LAWRENCE Nishan Jorjorian, son of Mr. and Mrs.' S. K. Jorjorian, 1719 Elmwood_ avenue, inette, eft Jast week fu>r Lawrence colege at Appleton, AVi1S. He %vas graduated tw'o years. ago fromi New Trier Jligli school and silice theli has been working witl- his father, who isl manager of the, oriental rug department 'of L.ord', store. MNr. and Mrs. H. O. von der Iloff and their famiiy:a'd Mrs. von der' Hoff's mother, Mrs. Amerett Peîii- man, are back iii their home at 33> Oak cirche after spending the S'um- mer at Interlaken, Midi. The WV. H-. Smythe famiiy returnied hast Thursday to their home at 43 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilwortli,. froin thieir sumimer place at Portage Point, Mlidi. 333' ,cicesteri N. ., u. bic. satéMr.Smib i Mr. Carls Slifrd ~1ake nte- 50 arwick road, Kenilwortli, have formerly , of Kenilworth, who iîow engaged ini sorne extensive projects tained the members of ber Tueselay club returned from a short mpotor trip make their home in Florida,. are in' in Morristown and ini Albanv. at luncheon and bridge this week at through North Carolina. Chicago. -b-orne, $26 Washington avenue. -o- - Miss Katherine Stolp, 336 Warwick 0o- James M. Buchan, 237 Cumnor Miss Betty Alger, 154 Warwick road,, Kenilworth, motored to Castle Miss Bernice Wieland, 1111 Sheri- road, Kenilworth, bas beet ini Cleve- lane, Kenilwortb, motored to St. Park, Midi. to spend the week-end with dan road, will ertertain ber bridge land and, New York on a. business, Josepb, Mich., for -a week-end part 1y a friend, Mrs. Johin Nelson. club on .Thuisday Of next week. trip. He. came homne Tuesdýay. at' Miss Eleanor Rew's b-' - 4 4 r

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