Rates- 1 centsa lino ln ône paper. 26 cents a line ln n wopprs. DOLLAL Average of ive words tg> the lino. No black face type use4. 16% <lw<uuut en aileask wI*b order a.1vertiseume.ts wbez brought, te ont oMes at 108Cetral Ave., Wlimettes or 641 LIme>in Ave ,Wlmetka. Deadlne fr Insrtios - advertléemeatm *1,11 b. c WILMETTUM LIPE, or: ail threepapera; Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNUTKA TALK and Thuraday .5 .P. I. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wihnette 4300. Winnetka 2000., Greenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 6687.j à 94", ^ND 'POUND LOST, ENVELOPE CONTAININC. pictures from Austria, between. 9th and Ashland ,and -Sheridan Rd. or on Sheridan Rd. between Ashland, and lake. Ph. Willmette 2$19., 2LTN20-ltç' LOST - ILVER CIGARETTE CASE with blue enamel decoreation.. on Thursday. Sept. 15. between Wiinetkà and Lake Forest. Reward offered. Ph. Winnetka 1058.. 2T28-1 tc LOST-BLACK AND WHITE SPfLIN(i- er Spaniel. Child grleving.. Please return. 'Ph. Kenilworth Ï16. 2LTN'ý20-ltc 9 BUSINESSERVICE BEAT OLD MAN WINTER WITH A. real simoniz at only $4.75. Toi) dress- ing free. Spark plugs cleaned f ree. Ail 'work guaranteed. Cal! Dlck. the Simonizer. Wlnnetka .502C-M. qLTN20 ,ltp Vermin Externiinated P. J. UEDELHOFEN, EXTERMINAT- lng engineer. Ph. Wlnn. 76 or North- brook 128. 9LTN14-tfe PICNICS - PARTIES - BIRTIIDA VS Serve anze! food: double lciiiL-. li size $1. Sunshjine cake 70 ets. to order. P>h. Willîette 3407. 9LTýNà-tfv. il. DRESSMAICING YOUR COAT. SUIT,.OOR FUI.- CO.AT. reinodeled. repalred, relined by ladies' tallor. experieneed in fur m-ork. Also finest rsnaig * STITCH-1N-T1>IFE81-1P 693 Vernon Ave. . leco 16 14 GARD£NING FOR SALE-BLACK SOIL, PI LVE R- imed. huinus-just thte thin'g for top dressing-cow mùanuré. Can make de- livery manywhere, phione for, prices. Urban Hoffipan, phi. Morton Grove 1832. .14LTN20-4tp) BEAUTIFUL DAHALIA BLOOMS FOit sale at Saniuelsons Dahilia Gardens. Take Keniworth Ave. to 25th St., lu.,% DANCING I NSTtUCIloN ALICE: STADI A NNOUNCE.S O1>E:N. Ing of classes ln ballet, toc, acrobatie and tap danicing for lehildren 4 years and bver. Special classes for Hl. S. girls and' adults. 8 lessons $5. Wii- mette Masonie Tempvle.. For informil- tion cal! Wilmette 2838. WANTED - WASING> TO DO AT home;- cal! and deliver; expert work. hteasonableprices. Ph. Wllmette 1351. ________________18LTN20-1ti) 34 PAITING ND DEC LAT1N rHave Yotir Decor. or Pa-,int- ing Done by Reliable. Man CEILING t.ALCIMINED., $1 UP; bedrm., paperýed, 8 I'olls $4; living rmn. $6; kitchen walls painted, $6; antique walls washed and starchied, $2.5.. Outside painting very reasonable. Brick bungalow painted, one coat, pure white iead and oil. $25. Work absolutely guaranteed. Best niaterial furnishied. Appreciate youir eall, W mette 5034, or Winnetka 2511. Paint, Paper 5 Rins., $34..50, SANITAS AND CANVASINO OIK also store and office woîi< at reason- able ics Rm. papered, $4 and ti); roi. wallpaper, cleaped,, 75c ; bathrii: enanieied, $5; kit. painted, $6; ceilimîg cal., $1L50 and. .up. Outside painting~: lVincloms. 40e up; porches~, $10. Bt.st nhterials awd ref. furn. Free esti- mates. Ph. Winnetka 1687, UNIVEI-j ýýITYý 0944. 241ýTN24-1tiij FOR SALE -IRIISHU SETTER , FI.,- male, 18 miontlis 01<1._2 points on ehamtipi9nsliipl. iall Johni Blow, Nor-ti-: b)rooýk 45. ..2 1 "(Y t 38 . LOANS Loalis on Auitomlobiles QUICK. COriýFfDp,,N'1T..iL u ili1»ino. 37 yrs. .12 yrs. with former employer. Filipino, 24 yrs. 5-yr. ref. Gýood butler. COOKS-FEMALE French, 40 yrs.* 3-yr. local ref. Germnati. 41 yrs. 6-yr. ref. Swedlsh, 35 Yris. 4-yr. ref., excelleent. Irish, 45 yrs. 1% yrs. present emiployer. Finnlsh, 35 yrs. 5-yr. N. S. nef. GENERAL IMAIDS Sws.24 yns. 3-yr. local ref. Swedish, 30 yrs. 7 yrs. present empjlloyer. Daniteh, 23 yrs. 4-yr. local. nef. G-erman. 28 yrs. 9-yr. local nef. Norweglan. 29 yrs. 9-yr. local nef. Finnlsh, 25 yrs. '2-yr. loèal ref. Irlsh,. 32 yris. 4-yr. N. S. 'nef. Bohendan, 28 yns. 3-yr. local réf. Fillipino.,-27,yrs. 4-yr. N. S. ref. 1<MOTHER$' HELPERS Stveral at $6 to $10 weelc. Tnained help for a.1l brane s of domies- tic work.. References iflvestigated. Pauilie's Enip. Agencîesý 522 Çenten St. Winnetka 2662-3017 4lLTN2O-ltc EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WASH- Ing to do 'at home., Cal!, for and de- Ilver.. Ph. Wlnnetka 1401. 41LTN20-ltri EXP. iGERMA N LAUNDRiESS WANTS work to do at home. WJIl al for anid 4eli.ver. or wlil do-in your house. Winnetka 3019. 4LTN20-ltp YOUNG SWEDISH GCýIRL WISHES general or econd work. _N. S. ref. Cal! Wýinn. 3238 àSbet',een 8-10 a.m. or 2-5 p.nm. ýI41L20-tp) rlýXP9RIPNCFED, M A 1 D, GENERAL, aend ,2nd work; good cooki. N. S. n'ef- erences. Ph. Greenleaf,1939. 41L20-Itp ('OLý. W O M AN WANT$ GENEÉArL hou1sew-ork. Fond of eblîdren. Good N. S. nefs. Greenleaf 929.7, ask far Vir- giflla. 41L20-t't kt. S. GRADUATE WILL TAKE CARtE of children mornings, afternoons or evenlngs. Phi. Wilmette 1823. 4ILTN20-1t») AN EXP. CHILDS NURZSE . WvoIULD like -position innfiee hoine. ivli asist ývth liousehold duties. C ale.Bet N. S. ref. Phi. re. 1889. 41TTN20-ltp) uXI>. Y iTN WOMNAN VISLTES 1PO- ,ition ais cook or inaidj sinigle orý couple. Ph. University,3650. 41LTN20-ilp U~OULD L1KULe..TO FIND ,WORK FOR splendid white laundrcss.. Clean, honest, in.r.-iy eplioy 2 y.%earq. Ph. K"PINi-oti 506. 41 LTNY2O-1te AýMERICAN CONSERVATORY. 0F 'Musie g,'ad. ivli pract w ~ith young YPiano s tudents. Phone pi nuietka 479. 41LTN18-4te GERANGIRIL, COOK, AND DOW.N- stiswork. Best N. S. refs. $15. Pli. % i l-ltt i T?ý - refererices. Unlversity 0794., 42TN28-1tip YOUNG EXP. IHOUSEMAN WILL DO housework in exehange for board and room. Also odd jobs. Ph. Willmeit 2088. ask for Ed. 42L20-Itp HO5USEMAN, CLEAN CUT, WHITE:9 rorni. board and.-smnali Wages. Cali Wellington 75 39 between 5. and 7 p.m.* 42L20-ltp WELL EXPER. GARDENER WISHES al-year-arountd position wlth. private famnily. Good references. Cail August Lutz, Universlty 0291. 42LTN20-2tp CHAUFFEUR. HOUSEMAN. BUTLER, cean wait table. lExe. refs. -5 years last place.ý Call Rudalph. Kenwooul FILIPINO. COOK- BUTLER, H1OUS'E- man. H-onest, efficient worker. 1-ighly recommended. City references. Dan Gracia. Delaware, 1793. 42LTN20-1 tp ÇOL 'MAN. WISHES POSITION ASC chauffeur. houseman. butier, or gen- eral housework. 15 years4' exp. N. S. refs. Ph.- IVilînette 3655. 42LTN20-ltip EXP.- GERAIAN MAN WANý\T.S POSI- tioni as chauffeur, and housemn.n Refs. Ph. Rogers Parýk 7747. 42LTN2O-1îi) WHITrE CHAUFFEUR, HOUISEMAX, gardener. Wllli'ng wor-kei-. N. S. refsý. Single. Age 28. Wlnnetka 2726. 42LTN20-ltlp TWO YOUNG ME-N -WAýNT WORK,. wlindow washi' ng, or care of 1awns.. 35e per hour. Winnetka 3612. YOU-NG MAN, EXP., ATý FURINACE. janitor, and work ar-ound hou. wanits part or full tiniè work. Iteasonable. Ph. Winnetka 3248. 491,TN20- t p EXEr. AA WANTS GARjI)F1N, furnace. and housework. Best r-f. ,Winnetka 1552. 42LTN2 0-ltpa EXPEIIINCED IMAX J1SflES ( of furnac(es. Winetka 1813. 42T,2"-1 tý 43 SOiT. WirD.-MALE & PEMALE FO-R COU4c (11,1I11 WIýNNETKA 2662-:,017 We~ place eXIpelniiced, bell) 6111y; «,Il references on file. 522('eterSt.Win nctka 43LTN20-îti. XEr.COUPilE DE SIRES PERMA- nent place. '%Voiiitn good cook, -serv- mnig; nian butier, drivln-g. . S. nef., D)avis 12. 43'T Nt,2 8 --t u CHÏAUFFEU R, CGARDE1NER-, H ANDY with tolfs, Wife care for children, m'ending. Ileasonabie salary. Phone .Wilmette 2793.' 4S.'rT2f#lti ÎNDIVIDUAL INSTI Piano. also class 1essonw equlpped wlth 2 planc mette 1651. N. U. STIJDENT. NEW T ate. wl!!tutor ln et algebra., Best rets. Ph. Ail' Pauline's' 522 Center St. ond work. ýD'S NURSE SB. refs. Ph. 41L1 4470. l0-ltp Boit rnp. Agencies refi. $15.. Pauline's, Winneth Wlnnetka 2662-3017 MAID. EXPER., WHITE, UNI 42L'I'N20-1tc. Prot., general housework. TSEMAN. EXPERT A$-Sist with ehtldren. $10. Wli n. own uniforrni. 20 44M Can valet or plain OGENERAL GIRL; SMALL p WentWorth 7415. ýno Iaundry.,$5 Paul ,ine's. '% 42LTXN20-ltc. 2 662. 44L! la , I netica 120-ltc iyiju. 1. -Itp.