Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Sep 1932, p. 33

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publisher; Ch.farles T. Ripley, 'mech- anical engineer; Horace G. Smijth; president of: Garrett Biblical institute manager; William M: Kinney,j engi- Specialists in Itrai ni ng young peopie for the better kind of Secretarial, Stenographic and Accounting si tuati ons. Be gin now. Studio Building 1718 Sherman, Ave. Perpetual. 0 'The.care, security and are uneoquel.d and are * Los ofany dd m e . ivitie yuto iset hs lot beor seectnga 'burlilplace.... and former pastor of Wilmette Par- Ileer; KRoy C. Usgood, banker; Guy isli Methodist church: Judson F. A. Richardson, president of the Chi- Stone, estate agent and president cago Surface Uines; Anne H. Spicer of Wilmette State bank;: Oscar ator William A. Wieboldt, mer- Townsenid, railway, officiai: Estol V. chant and philantbropist, and the Rev. Tubbs.. educator, and GereH Herbert L. Willëtt', ato'f h Weaver, physician. Kenilworth Union church.ý Winuetka Ilee Hamilton Allpot netmns t Alf red S. Alschuler, arcliitect; Ar- toR.Banrt, patestmwer PanOt thur E. Andersen, accounltant; John t .Bret aetjiyr.Pu H. Arnold, librarian; Henr .By L. Battey, consulting en gineer; Abel ers, railway officiai; Joseph. Brenne- Dvs himno h or ft mnatn, physician; Edward V., L. Chicago Titie* and Trust. companY Brow, oulis; DnielH. urnhmilliam R . Dawes, banker;, Arthur Brownec, ousth D nil H.Crn a ,B. Farwell, president,,of the Chicagc arhtc;Rs .Butler, lawyer; Lw n re egéHrl.E >Hinton G. Clabaugh,. industrial engi- FLeaw a Orer eg e arod ee:Mark W. Cresap. hiia'fFoea, akr; Oscar G. Forema theord oHat, Chafnran ofbanke r; Albert R. Gates, national thM ard .vofsarclth r er nd golf administrator; W. J. Hagenah Croôvell, manufacturer; James W. F. pbi tlte;Cr .Mnr hm l>avies,. president of Religions Edn- 'st; R. F. Schnchardt, electrical engi- cat ion ýSociety and former director of ner ae impson. merchant; lHenry J. Smith, editor and author; Winneka Cmnniity Huse;XVaI L. F. Stern. investments; James H. ter F. Dodd, awyer; William -A., . ~ikro,.eea jde .G ~y D)ouglas, newspaperma4i; Edward . Wlesn drljd .G ry I)oye, pbli utiitie; Wllia S. E lectrical.enginieer. and Angust Zies- liott. lawvyer; Victor Elting. 1awv er: "'g, civil engineer. Geoôrge B. rveritt. president of Montgomîery _ýXard anid* coMpanvy;1 ANNOUNCE POLICE EXAM î Hlowvard NV. Fenton, ban ker: Frank ,Village MNagerC. M. Osborti vas' 1-'.' Fowvle. electrical enigi neer; 'George instrncted hy the Village 'board Tues-' E. Frazéer, acconnitant: Sahmuel A. dav inight to hold an exarnination to'fil Greeley, consuilting. engineer: James the vacancy on the Wilmette Police . Honà-ghiteling,tiiewsl)aperiiaii: Na- department caused 1w' the death of Offi- tlianiel L. Hoivard. clirinani of the cer W'illiam Kreil. MNr. Osborn las' board And president of Hýie X orth anncrnnced that the exaination will be .\111ericani Car corporation. Paul lield Friday niight, Septeinber 30, in Huttchinson, inanaging editor of. thie the Village- hall at .8 (&clock. Men be-1 Christian Cenlturv; Harold 1_ Ickes. t\%een, the ages o -f 23 and 35 are eligible! lau-ver ; James S. Kemiper; inttal t(, takte aiaio. i'îsuratice ; Paul R. Lxacli.' political ke hj.niiain \vriter andl former' war correspond(einlt for the Cliicago i)aily News., Patul Mr. and Mlrs. George Ortseifen of. .L.eech, clieinist : Max NIlc(iraw.ý Kenilwvortlî, their daiigliter. is ýor)o ration official: Tionias H-. Nic-I..Marioii Ortseifeii, Mr. and M-\rs. lnniterie3, président and,(irttor oif 1Adoîph . Ortseifen of Chicago, Miss NinlDair\- Pr >oduets corporation: j.1ane Newton, and Charles Schwartz, Howvard V. :O'Brien. ntir : 1liai hoth of Wilmette, ivere aIl the gnests ()~lahrtv ne'Spper core$1on-ofConigressian Fred A. .Britteni at (lent ;, Lngdlonl Pearse. eii in( er:'tlie regatta held off the UWorl(ls Fair * Herbert Pope,. aw'yer; linvJ. zrotinds last Sunda*' afterpoon. Reilly. armyv officer:,Edlt'ard S. Rog-; -'o- crs, lawyer; Louis W-: Satier, pIiyv- Mr n Mrs. Fove Hutchinison are *cian : Arch NV.Shiaw, publishe r., rOC n lRoger Sherman, lawy3er: XVýil i nl at cupyiing the H. G. PlilIlipps house ;,,~ i......-1, -, 7Indian Hill roal. Tn<Iiin 1Hill A ~CEMETERY COMPANY' 5800 ýRavenswood Ave. LNbah54 jPATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Make Vour Decision NOW! Enjoy OIL HEAT This, Witer! Depend,âble. dean d econamhical, 'the Nu-Way Aufona tic Oit >Burner salves yýour heoting -prob- lems définifTely and finalIy. Ifs low fuel consump- fion, ifs imail, sient motor, ifs electric controts ...all contribute ta Nu-Way's supremacy. * Z) ------I - .. .jpy, %fîte aE HUFF RADIAHEAT BOILER SALES CORP. 1463 Sherman -Ave., Evariston 4181 441in.t 44' Il 'I I 'I TWO-GRAVE LOTS $97 end up, ind lan CAR.E convenience of Rosehifl Cem.ery wîtMin the. reach Of ail0;66 0 . ROSEHILL, IY ie 1

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