Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Sep 1932, p. 32

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The fact is that tulips have come along down to us together with the history-making pioneering of the races, their developmnent, variety and chbarm increasing as they spread out over the earth. They corne f rom meager beginnlings. We, think -of tulips as being the prôducts of. HoÉlland. The Dutch have been great traders, and.finding Today Moe.ère new uses for Ever. ,green, new colors, new shapes. new styles. Evergreens havebe.- torn* a symbol of fte ptodt home grouds. IS THE TIME TO PLANT. DRIVE OUT ANY DAY Over 50 varieties, aUl shapes and co1ers, 50c and as>. Large selec- ien ai $110 te $2100. Visit the I.ARGEST EVERGREEN NURSERIES IN AMERICA. Make your own personal selection. Largeê assortmenit of varieties and sizes rehdug, ready to take home. prîces and sizes te. suit eveuyone. open 7 d.ys in th. week Juring the. planting season. Note ix thise n~te plantil u1cs ruJgitUnbuuuwevable prices froin the ro Yahy, kings who tickled their vanity by securing the best for themnselves. To JIôlland the tulips became as grain or cattie or potatoes are to us, a mnarket commodity. Tulips are by no means peculiar to Holland or to Chicagoland, but are widespread in their generous garden contribution. BEA-TING THE DEPRESSIONq. A Young lad in Hubbard Woods wanted, to go to camp tbis sumnier and the. family,,budget was unable to provide the need.- However, on this Eplace, which isa pioncer landmark, tbere are several clump.s of big gen- erous lilacs, out in. the, open whereý tbey really bloom.. So tbe young man,, bei.ng .young' and with .thel expectancy of youth, entirely over- looked the fact that there- are rumors o bar d times abroad,' and proceeded to au bis vacation ou.ting by selling homne-grow-n lilac blossoms. He sold to thte lorists, which would flot seem easy, in competition with wbolesal- ers, and he set up also a corner stand and sold Iilacs in an atrnosphere of courage. Another boy witb bicycle and home-grown flowers is said to have garnered over a hundred dollars last year. This fund helps with tbe gro- ceries at borne and tbe story goes that wben times are better, the amiount will be set aside as an educa- tion fund. So, early and late, this young boy is seen defying the slumps and the burnps and going after the elusive dollars and getting them. YOUNG FOLKS HOPE 0F THE FUTURE 0f course, at first thoughit, we know tbat children must be raised, garden-minded and trained in gar- dening, if ail tbe love and garden ski!ls- are to.continuei. More tItan. ibis, we will be getting new inspirations, freshi entlxusiasmns and candid crîticismns f rom the younger generations. Junior club activities and their participation in thé flowver sbows indicate that ini this field they 'can. be expecte<l to atle tco th e area in general, a flower wbich is flot in- general or widespread profusion. We have states choosmS, the rhododendron, mountain laur-l,- orange blossoni, sagebrusb, mist'etoe. Botb Illinois and Wisconsin bave tbe violet, Indi- ana -prefers tbe tulip tree blossom, Minnesota the moccasin flower, and Iowa is known by the wild rose. So now,, here is a chance to build individualitjy into the gardien by einjphasizing the flower represeniting tbe native state or- any ot her favorite state.. "HOWy AUTUMN GARDENS A garden, té be shoy, i rf it is a small garden, must'sa .crifice much of variety. A bit of this and a bit of that, wbile it makes an* interesting garden, doesnoýt resuit %in a beautiful1 garden or a picturesque scene, nor does it impress one as being showy. For spotted detail there must be substituted sweeping masses of color such as a painter's brusli would put on the cativas. Fali gardens cati be brilliant with asters, phlox, gaillardia, zinnias, petunias, rnarigolds, agera- tum, alyssurn and salvia. There is an abundance of material and if space is available, the late .gardens can bc sucih as caîl f or no apology. SAYING IT WITW FLOWERS Flowers, like the clasp of a hand or a friendly arrn about one's shoulders, cati and do say rnucb, whiere words are out of place. We hbave just noticed a new place where fiowers flot: only saythings, but~ also add an accent of. lively cheerfulness. A lady, last week, Lougbht a bouquet of cut flowers to leave ini the home from which she was moving. She was worried and flurried f rom the disappointments of nôving vans andthe work of relocat.- ng, and.stili sbe had a thoughit for the foks ýwho were to corne iii after, sbe vacated. How empty and Iifeless a vacant house seenis to the tired stratîgers; rriving iin an atrnospliere of, moving j av ir ivas ai]thme style to beautiiy the lawn withi flowering shirubbery, slhowy be'ds of cannas and geraniums,' I egi~sof gayly colored foliage plants, a shade tree and perbaps a cast iron iawn ornament or two and hiere and tbere an eegre.Butý today is the day of evergreens! Ail over the country, from east !to west, an(l north' to south, there is a newly arouse(l interest in evergreens sweep- ing the country, untu to tup-to-date planting is in, style without ýthem. The reason for. this is not bard, to understand.* Evergre.ens, of course, are. the- only year-around trees- more, beautiful in winter than iin summer. Wit.h the wide variety in shapes, color tints, and'in 'texture of foliage, evergres are the. showiest of ail plants, and the most dignifi'ed and' conservative. There is al1so the' added advantage of permanence and" Jless need of replacernents from year to year with evergreeu plantings. JŽIlantingsý of evergreens are alrnost anesseutial .around unew bornes. Youi bave probably hoticed the new-' er bornies in your neighborhood ai- niost invariably are planted witli ei-erg.rens. Old bornes can be transformed. with a few oi, these Iovely trees', Sbrubs that bave out- growvn their usef ulness, cari easily be Atrip arouud the nurseries in the. Chicago district, affords many Sur- Prises. A long witb the trend cf, price changes ini other commodities,- ever- greens are. now available at such prices that any one can afford anl attractive planting. Te fall season for planting ever- greens is nôw in full swing and will continue until the ground freezes. Leading nurserymen recommend tbe faîl planting of evergreens, and point out that plautings at this season have a distinct advantage over spring plautings. We have moretimâe for planting and for the actual work of planting.. Ve are not so busy with our other garden activities and.l then wé. cai blave the 'added pleasure. of the enjoyrnetît of seeing these trees duritîg the coning wiuter nothfs.ý Square Meal Defends Phone Winnetka 914 1;)ulu'ImelI'n ledng your lawn and 1 pat.sa square tneal of a balanced plant food. The application of it on established and new lawns in the late Osummer and early faîl deveîops strong, O vigorous Moot systems thàt wilI elp 8 Prevent winter killing. .6. b -b It m tl SI

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