the bencmti i the bUiufi w i start at 3 o'clock. egaine A 'sil1 admission fee will be charged in order to raise f unds to send the band to the Michigan game. Glenn Cliff Bain- tan, director, of tbe band, w ill >have bis entire band of over 100 pieces on hand to play throughout the atron -Saturday's gane wilI give Evariston. a nd north. shore football, fans their first glimpsc of this year's Northwest- ern eleveil. Coach 1)ick Hanley will tise every player on the teain during the ganie in an effort to get. a Ue on the players be fore they go. up againrs t ,Missouri the fo.1loving wveek. Capt.. "Pug" Rentner will start at, lialf.back for the Wildcats -and will be* out to give the fans some advance views. of what' they niay expect later on this fail.- Pug lias -displayed al bis old prowess as a bail carrier duriug the practice sessions to date and is counted, Kenilworth Boy Scouts Await Over-Night FUke Kenilworth Boy Scouts, under the -direction of Robent W. Townley, will hold their fiirst, big hike at Chippily Ridge this week-end. It will be an over- niglit hike.> The Kenilwortli' Girl Scouts, uinder the direction of Miss Elizabeth Macauley, plan to begîn their faîl and winter activities next week. Miss. MNacauley said this week that she niay have tbree troops instead of two at the joseph Sears school, depending on the number of girls. Helen W. Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold V. Green of 1600 Highland avenue, left Wednesd'ay for the Iowa Staté college at Amnes. r otter, .regula be unable to1 game becausei uarterba y until an injui Coachi Hanley, will start bis first string line *against. the freshie n.. Last year's euds, Dick Fencl and Ed Manske. will be. on baud aswill IHarold, Weldin, regular center last season. Bill Riley and Bob Gonya seem to have inherited the tackle positions left vacant by Riley and Marvil, last year' S ail-Americans. George Dilley, a regular last fall, 1wilhl old down one of the guard positions, wbule Cliff Kinder, who wvas a member of -the team two years' ago,. seenis to have; the call on the other guard position. Those atteniding Saturday's gagne wilI get their first and only glimpse of Nortbwestern's gigantic freshman foot- ball team.. These huskies outweigb the varsit y uearly 10; pounds to the maà. JUNIOR CHOIR TO RESUME The surplieed children's choir of -the~ First Congregational churcli wvll mnake its initial appearance Suuday niorning, Stptember 25, leading the. congregation in, the procesSional and' recessional1 hyins.' Mrs. Madeline Day, 701 Laurel ave. nue, retumned f romn a business trip to Boston last Sunday moming and left in the afternoon by plane for Minneapolis of] DUsilIess. 5he wviI be back the end of the wveek. -o- Austin Srnithers, son of the Perry 1, Sinithers, 71 i. Lake avenue, lias entered the University of Illinois. His brother. Aines, ieft last Tuesday for Deerfiel.d, Mass., to enter Deerfield academy. Sponsors the .New. v rForwérd, Movement« So: dé we ... andI SO woi you Vken you »se h.par- fec1iy charmilng hais which so cleverly a&,d jatîn 1i n fetirprefthiis mode Defin- forw.rd . . «. end downward oeer fbh. right oye, w1th e confrasling lift revimali'ng ,sof1 waves of hair a11th. soft. Suef 11achiIvest tis tavldling bere6,tech which boasis th. altra-fashionable bow af th. side, front . . iust one of many Fali modela. Millinery Saloei . . . Second Flooe WIEIIOLDT'»SmEVÀANSTON jOn Davis StIreet WiIm1t, 1100 if Epicurus-were alive HE WOULD GO TO BARTELME'S, for wonder fui FOU' Yes sir ...old Epieurus Icue Men's, Rabber Rails, 25c Wo ese,'s Rabber Heuts, 15c Wieboldt's Basement-.Fvanston WIEDOLDTS DASIEMENT On Davs Sf. EVANSTON Wîim.tte 'l100' thing o two about food. Ave.