Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Sep 1932, p. 29

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.The afternoon's progranm is to in- clude "Greeting," by Mrs. Haiunah G. Solomon, honorary president; "A Word of Welcome," by Mrs. Gerson B. Levi, président of the Chicago section; "Our Opportunity and Our Obligation," by a national officer; Group of Songs, Ben- jamin Landsman, :formerly with the Chicago Civic. Opera. Hostesses for the occasion are Mes- dames Samuel Alschuler, A. G. Becker, H. 1. Davià, Barnett Faroil, Henry Gerstley, Arthur Oppenheinmer, Sylvan Hirscbberg, Feuxik .evy,, Nathan Klee, Martin barbe, Felix Lovy, Moses Pur- vin, L. M. Stein, Joseph Spiegel, Jullus Rosenwald,, Chartes Shulman, 1Igna*e Reis, Emanuel 'Mandel, and Miss Jut 1ia 1. Felsenthal. Thbe committee ini charge of the af- fair as announced l)y its chairni, Mrs. HaryI. Canmiann of Highland Park, includes Mesdames Harry Kahn, B. L. Stein, Ira Fischer, N. B. Bederman, Arthur Levy, .Max Woldei)lberg, I. >R. Warshawsky, Lee L.ewis, Irving JBer- lin, L. Suekoff. A gain Golf Chairman at .Indian Hilli Club Mrs. Hobart P. Young of Winnietka' wvas ýreelected chairman of womens* golf at Indian Hill club, at the annual luncheon meeting held W\ednesday of last week. Her co-chairmnan is Miss Jean Armstrong, wvho is again woman 1s champion at the club. Assisting them wiil be Mrs. A. C. Goodrich, Mrs. Ed- gar . Stevens of Ienitworth, and Mrs. Willis Litteil of Evanston. Prizes were awarded the winners of the recent tournament at this time, as aninounced iast week. oe Macý- Morran presented a set of.matchcd clubs to Mrs. 'Henry Tenncy,. hoider. of tÏe*'higest net score for thc tour-, .,aen, a nd alsO: gave .a . n idirton 1to Miss Mar garet ý,Knapp, holder of the second hi ghest net score.. TJhe oëfficers were elected asnoîninated by Mrs. Arnold' Totnian and her corn- iittee: Mrs. R. C. McNamara andl Mrs., Carrol' C. Kendrick. Summ1iler place at Druce Lake on Thursday, SePtember- 15. This was the last outitig. Luncheon was served at 12:30 o'ctock and was fol- lom-ed by a lecture-recital by Charles WVakefield Cadman. Miss '.Ina Clarke of Oak Park is, president of the club. The othier offi- cers are- Mrs. Hl T. Wbodmian of Chicago, firs t vice-president; Mrs. ira H. Miller of Chicago, second vice- president, Mrs. F. -larry Andersoil of Oak Pari, recording secretarv; Mrs. Samnuel Smnurr of, Oak Park, c6rres ponding, secretary; Mrs. S. ligelow H{aley of Wilmetteé. treasur- e r: .M\r s. M, E. Eilinwood of Chicago. assistant .treasurer. Tiiere are four iiienihers of the board of directors,' ail cf Chicago. Trhecclub,, whictî vas )rganized in i1921. is iinterestcd ini the care and support of chljcren frontî the juvenile couirt. Eaclh vear the niuibelr has bieeni increased unitil now there are thirtr clildifren lcig cared for.. ,Oie tag da *y and one card partv andl bazaar contribulte the necessarv ftinds for carrying ont this .Nork. In 19228 thu ('l11b was placed out the Honlor Rzoi] of Ahiveîn.in \W!ashlingtoni. D. 'C.. and in. 1929 it wvas ilndorsed. bvthe icago,.Associationi of Com,- niierce. NTcting days of tlîc clubl are oit thc fi rst and* third \Ved'i c sdaY s of ecd i onth in . Marshall 1Vicld*'s Wedg-wood rooni. Nort bridge Notes Nienibers of .the NorthridgeCclub .ish*ing to bave thoir children join, tie movie party on Saturdav after- noon, Septernber 24, are asked to cati Mrs. M. A. Borresen of 2010 Thorn- Wood avenue or Mrs. '-. C. Qiniev-ii of 1928 Tiornwood avetine. This is the first of the .mnonthly inovie parties for'thec smaller. chul- dlren sponsored bv tie chitd.welfareà committëeof' vhich M rs. S.m johnsoni is chairmjan. Eactî ,nronth, a picture' particularly suited to children is chiosen fromn recommnendations by the M otion Picture Censorship board, "Rebecca of Sunn-yhrook Farm" at the Teatro del Lagco heing the scec- THE HAT- rurban weuhbuckle ornoment ajid hdlo r'eil. Broten 'or block THE DRESS- Paskioned of Sha.ga crepe - note the kigh neckline (scarf collar ùs white galyak) and seee reot ment With self covered buttons,. Il'o'clocjc and luncheon wilI be The Woman's guild of the Church served at 1. The program ini the of the Holy Comforter wilI hold its afternoon will be in charge of Mrs. faîl meeting , on October 3, at 3 Henry Brandt, wbo wilI give a re- o'ctock, at the residence of Mrs. sumé of "The Lady Fourth Daughter Cornelia Keith, 310 Warwick road, ofs China," a mission study book. Kenilvorth.. As this wilIl)be an im- MsEta. Morris, Mrs. Colvin's sis-, portant business meeting, a,,complote ter, will be. aspising hosiess. attendance Îs desired. h Broad-rninded about eleeves and shoulders! Narrow-rninded when it cornes to waistlinest ILWITNESS: STEVyENS' PALL DRESSESt

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