Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Sep 1932, p. 26

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harvest moon, whose beauty nas been celebrated in poetrj and paint- ing; corn-shoked fields and yellow pumpkins that become Jack-O'Lan- ters :with vacuous stares and grins at Hillowe'en;. the Hlarv.est Home party, which is the climactic end of a, coun-. try club's waning summer season. The social season at- Westmore- land is working up to its climax,,theý annual harvest borne party. Saturday, evening, September 24. Dinner wilI. be served :at 7, and dancing with Cope ,Harvey and bis' orchestra ivili commence at 9:30. Last year's bar- vest home party wiis the most suc- cessfil and deligbtful affair of tbe, year, the club announce 1s as. it urges its m1embers to -attend, Saturday's dinner .and. dance and make. it a- "6real get-together for ýaIl members, their families, 'and friends.". Next Wednesday evening the usual buffet supper and pivot bridge is. taking place at the club, witl, supper served at 7, antd a Prize give»i at ëàch table in play. A harvest home dinner-dance will take place at Illinois Golf club Sat- urday evening' this week Sunset Ridge Country club lias--a---simiilar. party a week later, October ,I; and October 8, Skokie bas its barvest home party. The dinner-dance at 11linois. will be the club's last dance »tis season. North Shore Golf club heralds its harvést home dinner-dance Saturday, Octoher 1. the last party of the sea- tnan ever. The 'seasons "grand finale" at the Wilmette Golf club will be 'on Satur- day eveuing, October 1, wbien its members and their gfuests dine and dance to the music of "Waddy"- :Wadswortb and. bis syncopators and histen to "The *Two Graces, society s forteentertainers." Tbe dinner hour is 7:30 o'clock. Dinners in Honot Mrs. I. L. Waldorf , 941S) Iroad, WIIniette, zwif e of file appoiiited bishop of, the .C areaz for, the AMethodis,' churc a guest of hoiior ai a lunicheoi Weditesday; Septemibèr 14, Stei'eyîs hotel, by te Hoiim stotiar3i socictiv of the Rock con fcrcitce of the church. Ti wast a forrnal.welcoiiic to 'Mrs dorf; wvho uwith J3ishop W, reccnîtly arriveéd here front1 Cita'. Con gregational Gudld Year Opei Friday Af te The WVoman's guild of th gregational church starts it season activities Friday ait Septemiber 23, at tbe homei ýGeorge F. I1f., 924 Linden A meeting of the board at 2 Will be followed by a recept riew ofilcers at 3. The proî to be given by Miss Marion fen of Kenilworth whose d taient will color ber reading iiaice" .by Acton Davies. is io give on wuiits. iAs a backg~round many beautiful quilts, some of the art- ist's own, but many leaned by resi- dents of Wilmette, will bang on the walLs in demonstration of the art of tbis bandcraft in days tbat are past, and in the present time. The exhibit will open at. 1:30,o'clocl< and, in connection witb the exhibition will be tables1 witb attractive novelties miade by -circles of the guild which will, be on, sale and on order.. Miss Robertson. will commence ber lecture at 3:15 o'clock and tea will be served. Tbe speaker is.well known along tbe nortb shore. Her exquisite work and original desigfs bave been exbibited at Sbawnee Country club as well as .at various women's c1 !1)s.ý In 1917four of ber quilts won tbe Rosenwald prize,, tbe first time it :vas bestowed on an3' of tbe crafts other tban weaving. 'heridan Sbe bas displayed bher work ail over nwv tbe United -States,. at tbe International chicago exhibit in Letcbwork. England, a.t the .Chz(vs School of Arts in Leicester, in London, ch, give and at tbe College of Arts in Edin- ai thte burgh, Scotland. ~ Mi.~- Critics have praised ber bighly ýfor li~r er work, one proclaiming it "Th.eone e ezren#t .of the most important developnients in S. W'aI- the entire American textile field"; an- ,,Ïtdo-f ' other, "Quilts as a defiinite art medium, Kansashave corne into tbeir own in the bands of tbis clever woman." Each of Miss ___-Robertson's own designs is copyrigbted in Washington. Mrs. F. W. Fuermann, chairman of the east circle, is chairman of the en- tire affair. Mrs. Pbilip Vaugban Bright iroon is chairman. of the splash mats and * quilts with Mrs. Pbilip Huguenin lier he Con- co-chairmart. Working with tbem bave ts: ,new- been Mrs. George Maclean, Mrs. Perry fternoon, L. Snuthers, Mrs. C. C. Carnahan, Mrs. of M rs. George West, Mrs. Daniel Brower, Mrs.. William F. Arnold, and Ms avenue. -Aaron Speer. o'cock Mrs. Clarence Pubîman is icharge, tion for of the tea table, witb Mrs. A. W. Allený ,grain s Mrs. Frank McGibbon, and Mrs. Earl SOrtsei- Thomas as lier 'assistants. lramatic of *'Ro- Chairmen of the other circles assist- -,ing during the afternoon will be Mrs. vl. irs I aI u ai< PartLy, wJin i s se La5 v- ,a son, takes place Wednesday after- d noon, September 28, at 2 o'clock, at tbe Woman's club. * This year the shop is more urgent ethan ever in its plea for members of éthe club and their guests to partici- I pate. The sbopdemnands 'are great- er, its _ supplies are diminisbied be- *cause of so many emnergency de-~ rt mands upon- Wilmnette ýresidents, its 1needs are greatly increased. Its 1purpose is to serve those with lim-, ited incomnes -wbo arej able to pur- rchase at very l'0w prices clothing, Ltoys, and housebold . necessities. 'Its clientele, too. bas increased asý in- comes bave decreased. -Prizes will be given at eacb. table. Wednesday and refreshments are to bé served., mno Mrs. Jobn Segswortb is.cbairmno the commnittee wbose members are Economny shop workers. Tbis list includes Mesdames Ernest Freemian, Robert P. Kolb, R. J. Mulvey, Aima T. Calkins, W. T. Muehlberg, Ar- thur C. Schwarm, Earl McDow, E. W. Roe, Percy Idler, M. M. NMcAil- ]en, Orville G. Daily, Otis Goocb,' Robert McClure> W. H. Tucëker,. George Upson, John B..Bjoddie, Hor- ace >.F. IPressi, Cbarles 1Roberts, CharlesL. Mobr, A. H. Vosburgh Edward G. Henkel; Jobnson. A.- L. Grinneli, j. Canielon. E. G. Allen. J. C. Crossley., Nathaniel Webb, 'Ralr>h C. Jennincrs. 1. R. Adkins, A., N. Clag,ýgett, 'John Mills, George West, F.' J. Newey. Fred Koehn, James Burrili. A. J.-Woodcock. Charles Mc- Coy, Floyd McGrath, Frederick Tilt, Donald Maxwell, R. M. Campbell, E. E. Trimmier, Perrv L. Smitbers, Stella B. Tucker, D. P. Moreton, and Miss Marey Pope. Mýrs M.ilîs, is cbairman of -re fresb-,ý ments; Mrs. Koehn of tables and prizes. Gv Reception, Bridge Mr. anidMr$>. Buel A. -Langdon, 715 Laurel- avenue, were1 given a re-n ception andbridge at the Fdgewater Beach hotel on Wedtiesday evening, September 14. The hosts and bost-. Lakce avenue be Mrs. johi UIrs. R. C. Roll G. LaBonte, Forest avenue, will entertain the Northwest circle on September 30. Assistiing hostesses will be Mrs. Earle D. Lyon'and Mrs. E. S. Buck.- master. Champion at Illinois Illinois Golf club's women players are having, their closing luncheon. Tuesday, SePtember 27. Mrs. Richard Gàmbrill, ,Jr., of Evanston won- the woineniS chainpionship at illipoit last' montb. 1V unnet witn bage at

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