WIDTHS AAA-D THE SAME, QUALITY WE FORMERLY SOLD, FOR $5 AN4D $6 NQW and 395 Exquisit. beyond, ail compare - -the new Feltm.n nd Curme shos mi. te Mir bow --at the Iowest prices of t heir career --- whie the mat erials, workmanship and styles, are finer than overi S.. th. gorgeous cre-" ations in ail the new materials and colors.* AMERICA'S CREATEST MEN'SVALUES Onythe felis are sho.s. choicesf maà-, -usd in fîtes cmaiy* . Lffl vrdon, wflo won fame as .a mechanic for Amelia Ear- hart on her first 'fligbt acro$às the Atlantic, will act as mechanic for the ship.; Gordon .was mechanic for the Public, Service company Sikorsky, "Northern Light,", when Arthur Caperton was its. pilot. The "North- ern Light" isi. "dead" storage at Curtiss airport. Makes Tnip.to Summecr Homne in.Waco, Plane On is day off last week Wayne King, the orchestra leader, .flew bis cabin Waco, plane, wbich he keeps àt Pal-Waukee airport, to'his .suff- mer home near Rhinelander in, north- ern: Wisconsin. His wife, the former Dorothy Jordan. accompanied lime Thev left Pal-Waukee Monday morning and returned Tuesday after- Moon. Later inthie weelk King's sbip was taken to the Waco factory at Troy, Ohio, where some work was to be dont on it. Night Flights Popular, Curtiss Officiais Say Night flights have been unusually popular at Curtiss airport this sea- son,, members of. the airport staff said. Ibis week. Manv north shore be macle for trips 10 the loop and the World's fair'grounds. or -for whaî- ever destination the passenger die- sires. A Cessna and Travelair are, bieing used for the night fligbts. Ni.ght Parachuté Jump at Sky Harbor September 24 Sky Harbor officiais are planning night parachute jumps andi a fire- works display Saturday nighî, Sep- oi SkyrHarbor airport wouîa nbe glad to answer any questions on aviation for readers of WrLmïzTn LiiËz, and F~. W. Loca, Jr., 1040 Cherry street, Winnetka, has submitted the follow ing: 1.Wbat happens when a propeilor is revolved faster than its Most effi- cient speed? 2. What is the adva.ntage of, "geared drive form" propellor? In aniswer, to . the first, question Baiiley A. Wright, vice-president of the Sky Harbor, Flying, club, says: "i ppage occurs to some extent and the effi'ciencY of the propellor decrease.s as the ýspeed increases-,. This does flot become serious, bowever, on a well-designéd propellor." In, an.swer to the second question Mr. Wright says: '.The 'geared drive form' propellorý allows the engine to operate at a greater number of' revolutions per minute than the propellor. The ad-. 'tanttge iof titis lies in the fàct that the most efficient operating speed of an internai combustion engine is considerably higher than the Most efficient operating speed of a propel- lor." Autogiro Takes Part in Flying Circus at Racine Duncan Hodges, manager of Pal- Waukee airport, flew the Pitcairn autogiro to Racille, Wis., on Septem- ber, 9 and 10 to take part in a linz oi1 suDsiuLLJ.tin IUflog the orner wt 'il knowe, pilots. who took part in the cîrcus were John- Livingston, who conipeteci in tht American Legion air races at SkyHarbor and tht National Air, races. aI Cleveland, Betty Lund and Florence. Kiingensmith. "They Know We Had an Air Meet"-Schroeder- When this editor suggested to Mai. R. W. Schroeder of Sky Harbor air- 617 DAVIS STREET tan tnere u commercial ,TUDENT' VISITS CURTISS1 is a new stu- Herb Anderson, former irport, Het is Curtiss airport who basi tand intendss une co-piiot for tht p. She gets bisimore, visited Curtiss fie nse.to reniew, acquaintences. t, 1> ýtructor at n an air, year or* recently, 95