Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Sep 1932, p. 16

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"Mr. Norton %vas .73_ years old. For the past 24 yèars he had been a resi- dent of Wilmette, living ail of that time i the homte where. be died. fie was an accountant in the gererai of- fices Of tbe Illinois Steel company for 30 years prior to bis retireinent tbree years :ago. His maâternai grandfat'her. Armstead Runyon, was the founder of .Loc4port. Surviving. Mr. Norton are: one son, Hioward E. of Wilmette, three grand- sons,' andi two brothers, Samnuel Nor- ton of* Portland, Ore.,' and Herbert Norton of Sbreveporit,.La. Howard, Jordan, 320 Cumberland avenue,, Keniiwortb, will leave -the Iast of the month for Choate. scbool. Mme* CQ Marguerite Fishcs tm A unoun8ce T. ler FormerPatrons that she wilI «ain, es in the Pest, specialize an SCALP TREATMENT FOR GENTLEMEN. 3. days esch week (Wednesday, Friday and Saturdsy) at the. Henry & Martha, Beauty Shop .. 57CHESTNUT ST. WINN. 119 I . First town frocks. James Simnpson, Jr., against Mr; Cburch fQr the regular republican nomination. The case was closed last week and a decision is expected .soon from Circuit Court. Judge Thomas J. Lynch. The Churcb forces Monday fled their findings of fact and Iaw with the court. Mr. Church..stated be wouid take no action* ,with regard to the indepëndent petition- until, the court had handed down its ruiing. PLANS PLEDGE DINNER MNiss Marion Ortseifen, 337 Essex road, Keniiwortli, is vice-présîdent of the, Na9.th. Shore Alumnae% associa- tion of Alpha Gamima Delta, and, is in charge of the,,piedge dinner to be given. tbis Friday, at the chapter bouse in, Evanston. Mrs. Howard, Duncan of 1006, For- est avenue is returning* the end of this %veek f rom a: short 'visit with f riends at' Pine Lake, mid. I GOLD W. buy o14 wold, silver and ïpatl- num. gold tpetit and1 broken jew- elry Rigest ricl fre esI- Jeweler 1166 WIL1INFETTE AVENUE S WIL)[ETTE 1041 First. Autlumn Thle gay music, decorationis, anid varied entertainnient ballet, tap, and, tango dances miade it truly a carnivai. Prizes. were offered to the survivors in a bal- loon. dance, but NVhp could tel *vho the survivor was Pl The fol1ow*ving members entertained: Mr. and' Mrs. Harry L. Ilauer, Mrn and Mrs. E. F. H.lbert, Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Sbrader, ýMr. and Mrs.. E. J.ý Harrigon, Mr. .and Mrs. Clarence B. Buree Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bonner, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diament, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward, Uhiendorf, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, B. Scbultz, Mr. and Mrs. Everet Grable,- Mr., and Mrs. Raiph E. Heul- mani, Mr. and 'Mrs. John C. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coyne, Mr. and Mrs. Hl. E. ýCutten, Mr- and Mrs. Ives Caîhoun, Mlr. and Mirg. William, Browvn. '.Mrs.,W..P. nute, XV'iiietka Baker, 342: Forest. ave- ivill be iiostess for the lunc4"eieoSeptember, 26, A group of men -'have expressed. the intention of continuing volleyball gams and, suni bathîs .on. the beach as long as it is enjoyable.. Ailmembers and* their guests are. invited to join the group. 1 wast there, but they tell me the magician did marvelous tricks at the -Men's Nighit party Wednesday-but. il wvas just for men. RESUMES PIANO CLASSES Ernau S. Akely of 615 Lake avenue bas. resurned her fail work in piano in- struction and in harniony and theory. Mrs. Akely an active pianist and an organist, played -accompaniments- for Fay Palmer Kreer when .shie sang at the first meeting ýof the North Shore Musicians' club and is. to be soloist, aI the club when.it meets ini October.. IN RCKFORD MINSTRELS MissRJanet H-all, daughiter of Mr., aiid Mrs. Howard R. Hall of Wilmette, will have one of the leads ini the Mins- trel. showy given every year at Rock- showed 'musical ability. At the age of 9. he entered the St. Petersburg conservatory, to study the piano, but three years later transferred to the Mostow, conservatory, sitidying first with Tchaikovsky's ficnd Zvierev and afterwards with Silotii.and tak-. ing theory and .composition wiith Taneiev and Arensky'. in 1892, he won the, gold medai for'compositioni, quitted. the conserva tory -and wvent, on a long concert'tour through the 1cities of Russia.. In .1897, after he had. aire.ady, gained famne as,. a ron- cert 'pianist and composer, he was appointed. conductor of the Moscow "Private Opera. " His own one-a 1ct oýpera,' "Aleko" had aiready been pro- duce d with success aIt he Mo0scow opera anid-his p-Iiano. pieces, songs, large secular choruses and orchestral works were beginninig to be- recog- nized. far and wide. An invitation froun the. London Philharmonic society to appear in ,the ,threefoid capacityý of composer, con- ductor and- pia-nist, afforded Rach- maninoif bis first great success out- side of Russia, and bis performance> there estabiished hixn immnediately as no longer a Russiaii but an interna- tional artist. Hi 's first symphony Ulas ýplayied at a concert ofAthé Royal Plîil- Iîarmonic society 'in" 1909, Arthur Nikisch conducting. The story of bis, caree since these debuts as1 coni-, poser, pià nist and conductor bas been one of cumulative success in ail three, and wvhen he miade li.s. American debut in 1909, lie aiready occupied the very distinguishied position lie hols tôday in the music world. WILL HAVE CARD PARTY The Catholic Daughters of America, Quilmette Court 848, wiil have a c ard party Friday evening, September 30, at St. Joseph's school. Ail tbe prizes, twhich. were, made by the sewîngclub, are on, display at. 725 Ridge ave nue, Wilmette.- Mrs. Ernestine Hernies is chairman of the card party. Jack Broad, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Broad, 436 Tentb street, lias returned f rom' Land O' Lakes. Wis. sport clothes. Afternoon and evening Smart accessories. 976 LINDEN 761 CHERRY STREET, Opening Ouctober 3,1932 Miss DOROTHY SEARs, Directress e3 te 7 Ye.rm *KENIL. 163 THE NEW SHOP IN, HU.BBARD *ýWOODS Umm

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