ip-post ai the street in knocked down. Bot] Up one hundred-dollar a month RENTS:a gas burner that will. convert your funaeor bie noan automatie OAS HEATING PLANTý A new Publie Service plan of intereat Io every mne Nov you eau enjoy ail the. comforts of ilkan, carefrée pgs heat in your home with-ý. out inaking any investment in a new heating plant. You cau rent a burner from the Publie Service Company that wili convert your present furnace or boiler intoa mod. No rent is charged for the. burner during the. summer season-and, if you wish, you can apply rentai payments toward the. pur. chas of the coinversion humier at auy lune. Ask for Detalils Thousands of homes in nortiieru are already inýding gas heat the soli .11 their heating problems. A. the AdIres---.------ ition t I Leoeps tudio- Be»arboru 3881 Rsiule as consin. Mr. and Mrs. James. H. Devine, 2026 Kenilworth avenue, Wilmette, are the Parents of a daughter born Sunday morn.ing at the.,Woodlawn hospital. euleat 1118 Ia The new adjunct to their business 1011 is on Chestnut street, at the rear of ,rs 819 Oak street, Winnetka, Braun __Bros. Oi Go.. offices. It is equipped for rendering complete servicing of ail types of cars, including washing, greasing -and simonizing. The various grades of gasoline: and oiuare handled, with every conven- ience provided -for: rendering. quick, and efficient service. In addition to Mr. Fairclough's architectural work in designinlg*.and building, service stations, bis experi- ence as an aviator and. bandling of plane mnotors> during the World war, gives him added knowledge and abil- ity for the new line of endeavor with the largest distributors of gasoline and oils of al kinds, throughout the north shore area. Mr. Fairclough resides at 958 Pitie street, Where he bas lived' for the past ten' years. During this timne he bas been actively -affiliated with vani- ous civic b odies, includiig, the Win- netka Rotary club and Winnetka. post No. 10, Amenican Legion. Spoutore PaRdîhers Club He bas always been a leader, in promoting and developing. Coinmu- nity bouse: activities and was the- organizer and sponsor of the Pan- thers club. Tbis is a group. of more t han fortv boys, ýorgan.îzed seven years- ago. Most of the charter inembers, of that time are stili actively engaged in the promotion of the club's ideals, and as they are growing into young mnan- hood are taking active part in civic endeavors. One Hundred Boys at Sears' lst Grid Session One. bundred boys turned Out for, the first, football pratîc tth o seph 'Sears school in, Kenilwortb last week,. Robert W. Townley, athletic director at the, school, reports.' The North Shore Grammar Scbool league, of wbicb Joseph Sears is a mnember, will start its football schedule on1 October 1. Kenilworth ivil enterý teams in- three classes--nidL-ets $ a-