Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Sep 1932, p. 13

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]Rehe.ir-s:il for- the.Juinior choir ls to be Snýturda'tr ,ornihg this week at 10 :15 o'clock. The Senior choir rehearses at the regular tire on Thtirsday evening at 8 o'clock. On Friday, Septemnber î0,, the young people. are having their regular» "Fal Keek-Off." This i,4 a rallying tinie for .1l our young 'folkr-. Corne for supper ,t 6 :30. t w~il1 ho served by Mrs. Walter Haas and lier cornmittee. This ls your bet opportuflity to hear the plans for our B. Y. Il. U. for, the entire year. Be- gin t) advertise now. Tickets. will be in the hands of the commnission directors, Alice Dernehl, Anna Geîtrudeý Orvis, John Cuthrldge, and jPaul Willianms, th!, latter part of this week. A good pro- gram is plianned, Edwin. Phelps, generai secretary for the ýB. Y. P. IT. of A., is. to be our sekr Last: îunday morning tle. following new offleers of the Pioner Fleet (Jun- i<r-IIterrflidiate departrnett) we~re ii- stld: Admirai, Iniiogene Kaufrnan Rear-Admiral, Hiarry S( ifc rt ; Ensign, i)udley Yeomian. The first Sunday of every. m<,nth we are to haive a speciai missionary program. Mr.s. J. C. Biay- lock %wilil e our speaker on October. 2nd. The Pioncer ibrary ivili he open next. Sfinday, .and the. books %Nill be on hand for everý'onje. We hdpe th.it every member of the "Fiee.!?, ili ie prosent. English Luth eran Greenleaf avenue and Sevcenth ,treet Wliimette A House of Worshiip Rex'. David R. Kabiel",, pastor *~ N <DYSERVICES Sunday scehool ............ ... 9:45 a. ni.i _%Iorning worship...... ... >...il1 a. ni. Sp)eil Musie Sunld;iy, Septeniber 25 Pr'eluide-M.%editation.....ý... ..Bubeck Antheni-The Lord is My Light ý. Hiles Offertory-Cantilene . ........... Pierne Postlude in Fi'......... .... .Robert- The Luther league wviii mec!. Friday evening, Septemnber 22, at 8 o'vlock, at the hoflie of the president, Miss Marlon Melbye, 244 Laurel avenue. Trhe Con firmatlin lai,,s iili meet for tefr!session on Sunday, Septem-be r 25,, duringthe Sunday ýýehoo1 hour. Confirination instruction is on e of the most valuable practices in the Lutheran chùrch> .t is through thk >inst ructlion that our cehi]dren are, as a mile, broug t toaconscious kriowledge of 'their re- lation tc their Saviour. It is in this class. t ha tthey becorne con.,4mlous of their sreat .need of a Savlour. t Th. here that *A fine programM as be,.~n arranged and w!!! be brought to a eclnix by an 'ad- dress frorn Dr. Roy Cattîni, president of the IlIinols; Synod. Reservations can bo ma de by calling the parsoinage, Wilmiette 4279 or through M rs. Paul John.ýon, Wilmette 2470. An Hour in the Hlouse of God will ti«tkç the week rmore joyoue. KenilWorthUnion Keniiworth avenue and Warwick road Dr. Herbert L. Wiliett, minister Dr. Wiletts subject for Sunday, September 25.: wili be "The Forest Santuay." The church -service. is, at The Sunda'y sechool will nieet at 9.,45 a. m. The, Primary departmient, includ- ing pre-sehool>, kindergarte-n and grades 1 and .2, mneet Iin the gynîinasiun. The Junior departmient, including gtades 3, 4, and .5, 'meet ln the guild' roorn. The Seniordepartmnent, including grades -6, 7., and 8. through, thé, hlgh school, mneet in the churceh. Gordon Wilsons L@ave for Stay in Southland The Gordon Wilsons left .ini their Car this %veek to motor to Florida, cxpýectimg to remiati .away from WiI- t'ette tintil July. ýAfter spending' several mionths in Florida with Mrs. \Vilscinis famuily, thev plani to travel On through the southern states, their joulrnie,%iig taking thein into old Mfexico. 'M1r s. Wilson (Winifred Wijlson the artist) expccts to paint as she travels. *'l'lie Dan Kohlsaats haive rented liotise on 'Stin tiiimate friends. Mmr. and Mrs. John Hembon anid their two sons have returned from a thrte nmonths' visit ini Santa Barbara, Cal. Thev rnotored back by wvay of Texas ai.d,àthe South- Mrs. Jerry Merchart and Mrs.. Esther Neunier of Marinette, Wis.. were the recent week-end guests of Mrýfs. George Rettke, 1145 Greenleaf avenue. OFý Special values Coutera; A ç siahstaotial savi d Casi week1 ftF UAR'FCut fromi youat. i/2 POT IB OUSEWtender beef, lb. -HAN <BIJ1tGER resbl r oadnmuade from 91 seleeted lingredients,,,lb. ROLLED ROAST BEEFý The. cornomnicAl of roast&.: No borne", no waste. Cut from 'oub ,tede . I310. ROASTING CH[CKENS Fre*h Dbry Picked - and.2 j tender lb.. LAMB 1932 Geniilne Sprlnfg Forequanr l6 l3c* HindguaSter IL.14e. LAMB CHOPS Rib or Loiw, eut Iw.m Ombiulo Sprirng Lambu, £ lb ..... . .... l a PORK LOIN ROAST Sniall lean 1w..,s rib or lofi end. Lb. ILO0lé L LAMB ROAST. Slio.luhr eut froua gemauia e, LEG 0F LAMB Sum, a legs eût froni. genuino BROILERS Fresh Dry Picked Broiters or, ,ARMOUR'S SAUSAGE sSua eve, Vgni Bologne, Tliuerirngr, Salamil c Sau!uae I6 Ai, ent., PORK CHOPS Lean Conter ss;lac BEEF OR LAMB STEW Fresli cut. 3 lb.. TENDER fil* ian uaos M- IMM*, w w XO PRONE OI4DERS. FRUIT AND VEGETAB LE, DEPARTMENT SPECIALS for THURSDAY9 FRIDAY, STRA FANCY JONATIIA APPLES. S No: PIONE OitDEEs ;k. .. . . . .... l#c basket ........... . loé .....lb. 18C rER. ... . .. .lse ---r-

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