Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Sep 1932, p. 12

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certain te register n-ext Suinday. Both ,ichools, the PrImary in the Club House, and the Junior and Senior ln the church, mreet at 9:45 a. nm. There wilI bé an exhibition, of quiltm foi1.:30 te 5. a lecture nl quilts, by Eizabeth Wells Robertson, of Ravinia at 3:15, and tea sérved zifter the lec- ture ln the' Parish House Friday, September 23, given under the auspices of the East End circle cf-the Women-s- Associated Gul4aq. *Some twenty or more St. Augustine's panishioners. have already. purchased tickets for the dinner te hbe given ln honor. of Bishop Stewart Tuesday, September 27, at the Oriental Consigtory (Sirottishl Rite Cathedral building) 919> N. Dearborn parkway, Chicago, at &i:30 P. m. Tickets, which must he- procured * beforehand. can 1* obtaired frni the recto? or Royal D. Slh The Girls Veste.d choir practices each Wednesday in. the Panish Ilouse;: for younger girlec at 4 :15,. and for older * irls et 7. . The GUilScout troon ýat SL 'Augus-1 tine'q begiws itq nweti-nzs-; lisa fternon (Thursday). The, vestry of the church met last1 night. The. rector will spend Thursday and Friday with the -Bis;hop.i-nd Vieng-r of thec iocese planning ,the (Church' FPal campaign at LTtile nymien rep- resenting the parish willI meet at the same place Friday. Satunday, and Sn day for thé same p)urpo.. Methodist Church We will weleome to the pulpit nlext Surday morning our new pastor, Dr. Oscar Thomas Oison, whn comes tri us from Baltimore, Md. The mu sic for the li lekwo)rqhip service next Sunday nriing -iili 1w a.sfollows: Organ .Prelude-"in TheA Is Joy," by Bach, and «'Bel.-:f Saint Anne de Beaupre," hy Russell; Organ Postlude - Toccata," by Widor. The choir wIl sing "Blesaq thé Lord,' O_.MY Soul," by Ivanoff'. and "'The> Woods and Every Sweet Srnelling Tree," by West. Miss Marie Briel, who has qerv- ed us se wéll at the orgaTi. is now di- rectIng the choir also. She w :iî be gýad te welconme new members at the reheîtr- sal on Thursday evening at R-n'clock. NeW en rollments aré coinnz in ea eh 1. W. Jones, and M~rs, ., -'.i'roctor, will act as hOstesses. Each past presi. dent Wil liveover her year in retrospect atnd recaîl the outstanding events. MýrR. Walton will also show pictures and de- scribe1 her -ummer trip through Thunsdiay, Seltemliel- 2q, 1. Division 1)ay. T'he divisions will nieet as fnllows: Pirst-12 :.1( ,P. 'ni-Luncheon-Vrsz. Claude Pitch, 10 3 EIniwoonàavenue, - hostes S-ecodb:0a m.-MrNfs. Chester W. rolegrove,: 201 Cumnberliind avenue,- Kenfllworth. Phone Ken.ilworth 127 for reservattons Thirloa m.-Mrs. J1. 1). Cox, 1316 Maple avenue Fnurth - 10 :30- a. ni.- Mrs. William11 Holmesý, 622 'Central avenue, Miss O -race Quigg, co-hostess- Fifth-10 -:30 a ni. - rs Lewis B. Spi-ingen-. 430 Maple aeuMs lt tie Lathain, co-hostess A cmmittpe froru the oinson Misionry ocietv fis eooper-ating with the -Churcvlî school in promnoting "*The, Home(" nr ".Extensilon" departnient of thv ('hurcli sehool. Tt is, thought that mnany iwbh are flot abîle ti. attend the rt'gulan sessins iof the Church sch(îol * $uStnday morning will -i)e glato be- crne memiers of the Ext(,nsion depart- ment and join in the study of the regu- lar lessons 'at convenient times during the' week. The Home department Quarterly will be broutghi to them. There is uno financial ob)ligaition except ac s members rnav- ontribiîte 'oluntar-ily. Tlhe* study- wifl begin with the October Quamterly. Names o'f those wfishing to beecome memibers no' of toewho milght beconif interested miay be given or pihoned to Ms George Sîiigt'lhauer, wbo ks the newly appointed leader of the, Extension departmient. Addes5ý 1327 Cenra aene;Phione W llm(tt(, 3819. * 1'e ilSvonut aud Boy Scout troops as follows.; h, lué r etn ('xilnI Scout Troop ,1~h sa t. 7:15 Girl scout *Trobi» 5 -usa t 3 45 Browu.ié Pack,214ria t 30p. nm. Býoy Scout Ti oop - Tiiursýday at 7*:30 P. n St. John'*s Lutheran Wllmeétte kand Park avenueq, Wjilmette H -Iermnan W. Meyer, M. A., pastor 106 Prairie ,a venue *Telephone 1396 (hur-ch telephone F-179 a ernpa..fflte. fl, A*,,c'no'n to start. Aj persons are lnvited te attend the senior's gatherings. The date of the -next meeting wiil be announeed next week. Last Sunday the pastoir, flev . ., H. Gockel, brought a wondcerfül message to . evrery 'hearer 'partlculàarly -to those who prepared. themselvýes. by reading the scriptuIre lessoni. Rev*. Gocekel will again occ.upy the puÙlpit, at both sery- ices Sunday hIorning, the subject for his sermon is "Two Timely, Questions." H is text la taken from. Matt heW '22 verses 36 to 42 »In 'refenîing to these verses we find that. the first question ask by. the Pharisees là, Master which is the. great icommandmeéntin, the law? and. Jesus said, Thou shalt love 'th,ý Lord thythGod with, ail thy heart and .with althYs oui and with ail thy rnmd and' ln the liait verse. we find that Jesus asks theni, What think ye. of Christ? This socleintiquestion" of our Lord every man is -comipelled te answer. No -na 1n can say Christ is nothlng to Ile. 1 do not cane to. answeî* that ques- tion. (iod himself demands the answer, ;tnd as *men answer it, so they decide their o wn fate for tinie and eternityý. The 1>hani1sees to whom Christ put the ,que.eition, faile4.to ansmer yet. they v*Ouid have known the true reply for they were versed in thé seripture which plainly teach the deityof our Lord. But instead of following the clear word of God, they fAlbowed their own blind rea- son just as, do many, at the present tine, who admit thiat Christ was a WJise teacwhen, the Most pe rfect model of lov-e aud virtue the world ,has- ever ,-een, and therefore in à certain sen." "divineg" bu.t they refuse te. believe that What do we tlhink of Christ? God in bis miercyt help uq to say with sincere and lipright heart that la filled .with loving faith "Christ is nîy Lord and my God. Ycu wilwant to attend this and the evening Mlission Service. and St. John's will consider it a pleasure to have you. and yn(ur friends worship with us.- Ffirst Congregational- .John G.Hindley, iise Friday, September 23, the Northwest circle, will have a lunicheon meeting Rt the home of Mrs. Frauik G. LaBonte,. 1126 Forest avenue. Mrs. B. A. Buck- mnaster- and Mrs. Earl Lyon wiill bc theý assiýstinpr hostesses. ,The Wornan's (luild will have a re- First Presbyteri'an Womain's club rooms > Tenth street at Greenleaf avenue t James T. Venekiasen, minister At the worshlp service ait Il o'clocýk, the pastor will speak on, the theme, "Great Words of JesuÙs-AÀBTDE." This fi;; a continuation of the 'series begun during the union sumfmer services. We cordially Invite every Preshyterian lut Wilmette and the surrounting* suhurbs, and everyon e not yet es,..ociated with any church to worship withi us. The musical program i rr anged hy Miss Rounds, pianist, and- Mr.' Oti, soloigt, i s as follows:ý Prélude, "ýAdora- tion," by Borowskl ; Ps1ud."Mr* (Athalie yMendelssohn;,solo, -lA bide, With e,"7 bY Liddle ; soloý "Arise, Shine, For 'Thy Light Is (',,e," li M ac.. Dermid. Our Sunday school u"t at 9 :30 ,o'elqek with classes for ahI ages:* Sun- day will be Rally and Promotion Day, wihspecial, prograrn in recognition of the. accomplishment:, 'îof the scholars for thé past'year. Parentis of the. szholars are cordially invited. Junior church, whiclî c.îres 'for th"ý little nne~s durinig the moriflg worship .service s thât the ptarentý may be free to worsýhip without anxiety. about their children, will begin this Stindny U'nder, the direction«0 Mrs. Saîe eesn The. Christian Endeav<or society wil '1neet with Mrs. H. 0. Vonàer> HoIT, 132,Oak Circle, at 5:0o*clock. «William MNorris, ,thcç presqident, %wlll lpad thf timeeting. The topic W,.-4 Ùvt ting the liight Stat" Ail young pecople of Rligh sc'hool- atgo are invited. Spoke No. 2 will n1eet w ith M1rS. ('ui.ý 45 Crescent Place at 1 o'e-loc(k onTu- day; Spoke No. 6 -will iniet wvith Ms. (.. Keller, 820 Greenwoodl avenue Tue-s- day at 1:30 o'clock; Spol<v No. Il will mneet with Mrs. Toi-re", l",41 ljn< aivenue. on Tuesday. Our Prayer tvti~ ill be lield (bi We,(dnesday evening at_, o'clock ut the Woman'S clUb roonî. W llstdthe Parable of The Rieh M i n ànd Lsrs l'uke 16:19-91. Auxiliary MNenîbersip.in lIowell' Neighborhood Ilouse may be secured frorri Mrs. W. G. Colvin and Mrs.ý. D. The-first Get-together éhurch social of the year is being planned for Friday, October 7, at 8 oMclck. Further an- not4ncement will be made. Mrs. R. ach uepartment.The Junior Interinedi- ~ ~ , n j u .. ~ , a i n c i s s e a r r e u e s e d e e m m u i e a e J h n . F s l i r , r . , a n d M r s R . C . a t e d e p a r t mn e n t w i l l m e e t i n t h e eh u r c h , he of avenu eK nlwor tia is 2. a- wt he p so..Rofn.-auditorium with the Senior-Adult groUp. lean ave ue, eui wort . .M r. Z. A . Parkhurst w ili preside. There The Juniior Walther league will hold Our prograni or week-day activities wili be special music and -a prograin of T1he Wesleyani Service iiuild will its regulan meeting Friday, Septemnber for boy.,-- and girls Is getting under way, interest te aIl. Coine promptly at 9 :30. meet. next Tuesday evenitg at (6:3q nt 21, at 7:46. This Is the scond meeting with the followlng grouptt' dellnitely the church, Cars wlll transport the of the fail terni and plans are being scheduled for next week. nWdedy epebr2,te grouP to Harna, Woodus wh.re the of- made touinake this next year the boat Tuesda.y.-4:15 p.. -BIUebirds n Weedy, epember28, theBado elgosBu

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