Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Sep 1932, p. 10

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EVERYTHING FOR THE AUTOMOBILE We Grind Valve s Standard prices orbetter-See Jack COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE-FIRESTONE TIRES BATTERIES-WASHING-MECHANICAL REPAIRS EVERYTHING FOR THE 'AUTOMOBILE N!VF.R CLOSED 721 MAIN, ST. AR WILMETTE OIL BURNER eSales & Service Phone WitL 2600-2601. Member WUimette Cham ber of Commerce Monaco ans Go National; Will Become Theta Xi 'J'le Monacoans, a~ local fraternity at Nortlteste rn university, will be instatied as Alpha Kappa chapter of Theta Xi, national fraternity, at the. Masonic tenuple in Evanston, October A9 Chapters fromi four. schools-Ar-- mour, Purdue, Illinois andr Wiscon-ý siný-%vil Cèon(uct* the inistallation, ceremnony. E. P. Harniltoni of ýNew York City, president of the Grand lodge,, Theta Xi, xili attend. .Clar-. ence A. M1ohir, Oshkosh, Wis., iIl be president of Alpha Kappa chapter at North westerni. Aniong the north shore Monacoans are H-arold Schlue- ter and Victor Deinleinl, botlî of W.léte MARRIED SEPT. 3 Mr. and, Mrs. Lester, P. Schoene. who were nmarried in Kenilworth Septeniber 3. ilave now taken -ail apartment in Camibridge. "Mass. MNrs. Schoenie xiii finish lier senior year at Radcliffe . college and Mr. Schoenle Nill continue bis studies at Harvard where lielias a fello\wsh'iP. Mrs. Schoenie, the former M Nary Evans, is, the daughiter of NIr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Evans, 535 Warwick road, Keniiworth. Mrs. John N. Doerr of Evanston *will spend the winter with bher daugh- ter, Mrs. Edward A. D. Black, 1226 Glendiining road. She hias been at lier sunier place at Maple lake, Paw Paw, Midi., all suimnwr. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McKîbban, 225 Cenitral Park avenue, and their son., Walter, are back f rom a three weeks' visit with Mrs. MçKibban's fainiily in Philadeiphl-ia. They motored there anyd back. STORAGE soli street, A 4,ivaston, 'architect. who is connlected with the Cenitury of Progress exposition ini the D)epart- ment of IJesigning and Architecture. hias been studying the Winette end of the course, which comprises seven holes. The dirretors, decided tO plant some shrubb'ery along Sheridan road, nor th of the fourth green. Ani artistic effect ill, be created at the fif th* tee ýwhich is off the end of Greenleaf avenue, Here sorte trees and shrubbery wvill be. plante(l andl tespot will be mnade as- attractive. as Possible. A fewr years ago there, Was a, hutge tree at this point whiich was damaged bv wind and liad to be cut down. Under the direction of 'Mauî- aing Director ,WN. L McGoodwin the ýgrove on the enorth side of the canal between Isabella street and, Nlaple avenue lias been- cleaned. out ,on either sie of the fairvay leading tthe eighth green. This is'oneo the pretti.est spots along the Course. The grove bias been overgrown witlî brush and weeds. This is near the. Isabeila Street station of tlhe VIe- vated. MIr. Crane lias plans for stili furthà- er (leveloping this particular part of thec course. He -Is now drawinig plans for tréeating the. space around the service house. at. Maple avenue and the 'canal. This- is a. strategir point iii the course. . It is fromi this, point that the golfers drive ov e .r fth canal, or at léast.attemplt t() do . fromn the seventlI tee. Major George% A. Quinlani, 211 Greenleaf avenue, one. of the direc- tors of the association, states that in due timie the W'ilniettepart of the .cour~se will be more .beautifully enibellishied. Sev.eti-eighiteenths oi the profits,. over and above the ex- pense of mainitaining the-course are, assigne1 to, the Wilmette Park. board. The WVilmiette Park board a pp oi i s ()nc of the miunicipal. directors of> the association, lie l)eiigý . Frank J. Schieidenhlelm, e 804 Fores.t avenuIle. .E'arl E1. Orner, Jormier V 7ill'age presi- tion. L) and FURNACE COMPANY, Aijr Con iitioning Equipment 740 TwIfth St ~Phone Wil. 691-696 91Lne v.PoeWin 7 ubr od k 'e 911 Linden Ave. Phone Wi.nn. 17-01 740 Twelfth St; Hubbard Woods

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