Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Sep 1932, p. 7

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corporation. A resolution wvas passed by the Vil- lage board Tuesday nght giving the hoard's official approval to Village President C. P. -Dubbs' efforts to ôb- tain help f rom the corporation, After Nvilmette voters last'Decem- b)er anthorized the issuance of. $600,000 water revenue bonds for the constrnc- tion of the wvater plant, bids %vere te- quested on the construction *ork itsel f aind on the, purchase of the bondîs.' How- ever, there were no bidders on the. bonds. and as .a resuit the contract for building the water works wvas nlot let. It wvas later proposed that the ýVil-, lage seek help f rom the Reconstruction Finiance, corporation, -either through a direct b9an or through the purchase of the Water revenue bonds. Both Presi- (leilt Dubbs and Village Attorney \ii D. Nance have made trips to Washing tonî iiithe interests of sncb a Village President Dubhs reportevd at the mieeting- of the V7illage board Tues- (lay night, however, tiiat certain WVil- mette citizens are not in favor of get- ting. assistance f rom* the Reconstruc- tion Finance corporation anid that an (bjection bas been filed. with :the cor- p)(raticin by these citizens, agaitist the gyraîting of a boan. IIOLD GUEST DAY AT LINKS Men's Guest Day and aninual Pow- Wow, Jr., was held at the Wilmnette Golf club Wednesday of this week. There vas golf in the afternoon top- pedj off with a steak dinner. Mr. and _Mrs. F. C. Nason and fan- . il\, 733 Cummiings avenu1e, Kenil- wortlin otored toI.ake ,'Genteva, \Vis. f or the week-end.' A short tiiiei ago1 thev netuirted fnm a' ten days' visit1 at, the sumiimen home, of 11r. -and Mrs.l W.O0. l3elt at Tomahawk, Wis. pKIysVi cacivities auvvio ucie ana~u correct 'posture. Besides other equip- ment, a table is available for the chl- dren out-of-doors so that on mild days they may have handcrafts there. Interested môthers are invited to in- speet the playroom where the ehildrein have stories, orange juice and a perioci of, relaxation at mid-morning and Where the regular activitiesar oidd n davs when children cannot -be;outdoors. Aside f rom the physical activities and hiandcraf t, it is the purpose. of thie Out- odoor Recreational sechool to encourage the children to develop an instinctive comiradeship toward onc another. They are taught how to play, and to enj oy themiselves ini a spirit of- gayety, thus acquiring the foundation of a ttue social competence, it is pointed out. 1 1 1 Miss Shapker bas conducted the Ont-1 door Recreational school on the . ViI-1 mette beach for the past, six summers, and.the winter of 1931 coîiducted a class at, Coral Gables, .FIa. Last year she was associated, wîth the North Shore Sehooûl of Physical Development in Evanston. BACK FROM MOTOR TOUR Mr. and 'Mrs. A. T. Bondy, 621. Harvard street, returned last wveek fromn an extensive motor trip.. They had spent two and a haif weeks visit- ing, relatives in Brunswick, Mo., then returned home for a day only to Iea,"e t4e ollowing imorning for a visit with Mrs. Bondy's sister ini iMonroe, M\ilch. Fromi there they inotored to Sanduskv, Ohio, to visil Mfrs. Bôndy's grandfather and ber bhrotber. On their ivay home they i stopped off at Bine fiole Park ai iCastalie.Mii Mr. aînd Mrs. James D. Baker anid Idauglhter, Barbara, ar.e at tie Ken- ilvorth Inni. About October 1, they wvill.move iiîto the.house . tey have leased at. 519 Sunset, road, W.innetka. because of the large inumber of love- ly children attending the school thWs year. Dr. Sauer, in a deligbtftully infort-' ai and simple way, gave us a wealth of information on preventive medi- cine'and namned the foods that sup- ply vitamins necess ary for the build- ing of strong, healthv bodies. The. women are grateful for his advice and, tried to show their appreciatiot, iwith ,enthusiastic applause wlieri bis talk ivas ended. During the social hour following the meeting, the pleasure of Our bc- ing, together again after the sun&i- mer vacation was ver-v apparent.. Rememiber to keep open the.third Friday of each month., as it is going to be, next to impossible to, resist the efforts of the commnitteetot have a large number of. mothers l1-)resclit at every meeting. 521 main St. Wilnette Phone WIL. 32 Including Orange Pel. Toffée, Fruit Cordiala, Creamae and a. hundred and one other vartetles. Rtegular 81.50 and $2 value. $10 IàcIudfing Govt. Tax NOW ONLYSO A.- QUART'ý...... O SPECIAL DOUBLE CONES OR DIXIE CUPS C Youir Choice oýf Thfe Déficious Flavoirs, Banana, Toffee, French Letnon Custard, Chocolate Chip, Choc- olate, VfamUlaSt raberry, Ma- plenut, Peppermint, Orange Ice. DUTCH MILL 1187 WILMETTh AVE. Stores in Evanston, Glencoe' Lake Forest ,Yes. We Deliver I ________________________________ Jl~ h ~ -~ 000» MAD 000, FOR TRlE When the children cogné. home f relà chool hungry, give them a good thick suice' of. un Whole Milk Bread. Remnember, a whole lairge glass of 1niilk -inieach pound, loaf. 00-«M Schooldays- *.FRIDAY APP LE Pl£ of Phne 1! dîrnete Ave.> 406 Gresl Vn.iorm 414 phne KasI Mfossber Wilmette Chamber of Cousus 477S

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