cen palae and moýtivai glands proves quite a fickling the Ameri- muiresi American salivary glands ta iat fimai. For complet. can, Pimenta or brick, %-paund packages. 2 for 27C If you'r. en unfortunate indiviaualt mat à Norwegian cocktail ta start the. salivary >funcfioning we&ve got tlhe makin's in our end fr.th stock of groceries. Challenge, 5-sewed' gaod quality. ns 23e each 39r, TOMATO JUICE H Richelieu CoId Pack, 2 Quart Cans 35c SHELE PAPER Plain white, extra heavy, 14- inch, 100-foot roll Speial45e KELLOGG PEP Bran Flakes pkg. tOc "Richelieu, quick or regulair.,.Large I 55-ounce package New white claver comb 18e OX TONGUE>- 1 BACON Freuh oir corned Swiftts Premlunm or Armoars Star lb. 23e lb. Shoulder of Spring Lamb R rlb. 25e 23e RIB LAMB CHOPS ery L 39c' 'Fresh made b LAMB PATTIES t re L24e %Il îopular brands 'b HANIS Wijole or hait I 18C BEANSgreen and wax 2 gtS. 15C Acorn SQUASH frbkn each 5c Tomatoes home rQwuv box 39c; bskt. 12½/c- POTATOES ,frb n rboln ek 5 CABBAGE BUT Firni erlsp hend~ FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY L. Finest fresh chuirned counlitrv -roli, lb. TOR PEARS. lumbho size ...... eacb 'S. Valencia, (californiia Stunkist. sîze .. . . . . . .. . . ..,2 do .. POCTATOESS ...........5Ibs. NEJI 510 TRAL Membei 25ç 25c COFFEE Richelieu. Our very best lb. can 34e JELLY GLASSES Taîl or squat with caver dozen 39e PAROWAX lb. cake lOc. FLOOR WAX Johnson's 2-lb. can $1 1I.. . " r of Comt .~ .~ SOAPý Kirk's Americian Famly. 10Obars 57e GOLD DUST Large package> Dutch CIý 3-O.c ca CORN. Richelieu golden -bantam whole kern el cut froin cob No. 2 can 16e I m