Its -4 e In these days of low prices, it is -wellto remember the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson who said, "Everything has it' picead if that pieis.not paid, sornething else,nfot that thing, is obtained. For, during .times like. these, nanufacturers 'of inferior products ternpt retailers with unheard of. bargains, try to foist their merchan-, dise on the public under the banner of low vPr 1ices. Therefore -it behooves y-ou to shop at a, store %that knows values ..that thoroughly investigates ev,%ery article ýbefore it is purchased with the yard stick of quality. At« the stores of merchants advertising Ïi the WILMETTE MONEY SAvEjR and in WILMEïIITTI4- LIFE, yoU cani't go'wrong. WILMETTE, for More than- twenty years a the home paper of the commun ity"'