Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Sep 1932, p. 44

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1 tic ' '" "Id-~" ' or'tue rearns jr>in the eague ha~vC e (-(n ' 1ý -' '-'-'** u trie.'Iay- Mfainristrect in1,imttt ; Sok'e comoiilef 1, . R e crca t i c)Ila -ýÎ,,t an t ,ground< highway betwecn 1Harrison sreet, âand shoW theten fi fnIshi. in th(. -Fonds for the Iandlcapinj (,of thl«- IEvanston. and WIo~ ri>al W~in-î~î~i~onr section ofi the campus are heirig netka; Shermer avenue f rotn \ uw raised byi the Parents' courncil: which kegan road south of .%f(rtoi(îrove r>rîîr -las cooperated ivhole-heartedIly -.in to I)undcecroad norih of \orth fis-lhsrt i st1îmany (-)i t he undf-ertakin-gs o the Ibroor)k, ani Crawford avenue betvc .ehldrt 1 ofcidrnsscol Gros Point road and Glenview roaci. Iv-,24 >i~, II Mrs . Wiliïam -ýKixM\iller. L)r. E. E. Thc east-west roads iînvoilved re r f. j raham and Bentjamin Bills were ap- Glenview road from Wankjegan roat 1 " î; zo. :printed h1y the aet council to in lenview to the Skokie valler, uine Jrit2i'(5tkecag fepas for this im- of the Chicago. North Shore and provement. Milwaukee Xailroadl, and 1.ake treo:tihe chol opened o(\--)rida iroîn Ridlge road, Wîlmütte, to .ocu't T PNDNIGSHO nrig etme 4 ihaf roi-d west of Xilmcn,-tte. Ms lc td o 3 îte co r ps rif teachers from fast year and ConuideT Work on Elgin' Road street ils commencing classes in fia!-wihaadionttestfWsn Iii additon; consîeratione let, toc, tap. and acrcy)batic dancinL, McGraff, w-ho iltahsinea givti y he tae"hghgaforr chilriren four years old ancle.l mathemnatics in . the rine%%- openedi givélieiiart Shé will co-niduct'speci;al clalsses for seventh; grade, and. arithmetic in, flic mletn oto d eti ct>lan,, ort : c(n higli ch o girls, alid a reducing. and Isîxth. Mr. Nfc(raff has the degreeù pltin f wo scio of lMgin rChi îî(I l1ng cas fr oe.Iof Bachelor cof Science fro)m theU.i -on a (gol saton ve te laseswii h hM nri u~afa- versit. of 1Ilinois. has clone grafluat,*- roago, the aukce and StIi.r an! ailo-ternobrn in the iMa'ronic tenmple. Nfi.- work in the University o0f Chl«i,g. roa th oheratF.lînroa'sintr-Stade taught the chilIdren'ls tari <anc- arnd the University of Nlintie.,r-tk, and setohwt Ccr aeu . ing classes. at Vattman, Park Ipla.- Las taught in the Francis Parker Throuigh action. of hée Wilmc tt(4 rrtri during the 11111imf1r.school andi the Chicago )Normal,>col-ý Village board of trustees atd the- ge ,cciufty hikhway d fepartînentlat week, cointr;icts tecntativety w Uere . en1 ng raWlnet,<tni awre o i i.îpe on if 1 lew,ocstroad har, bhen t narlt, coin- GATHER FLOWERS FOR CUILl) Green 1 Bav r oa n , i zt-lubilrlo clntr>ia (l ted. lu addition, widiening o(,i.The Kenilworth Home an(]d Garflen Evanston»() frinEîsco avenue, l,.akc tre.there it înItersects il'cub i1 confue to accept contri-' .Winîette, ro the soîîith Keîî.ilworthi the ncwtt Skokie highuay west <if t utiow, io the Plant, Flowecr, and *onà liis ùcra xectntion (lithe on Jfillard road has. been aclcompllisheni Fruit guitd. tracts. ati start oif work awaits ontiv Connect With Cicero Avenue the approval <il fhic'taté ihav Utnio fHe 0fo Soi OOKS FOR SALIE' dprm twhîch i s cooPcrating inîliha to co)nnect the'.cxistin Second< halnil(]oo(k', wilIlibe sold to' :hie project; 'Thi5 ppovli extieet - odway at XViiJf wroadl, inneétka. imtcsho hlrn nFia e d withiîî a w elka .id (icoavenue, -e.st. of 1,vanstotiî.,îî atray<f hs e at liolthil Illacerueîet <of Hepai at thi.5 Las beeni ipro)gress for, several h -oadadteCnrlshos point wîll permîllt ti!rering (,f nc.w wees. Cûmlet.ion of the uwork ill Î hihwv ron coric ran in ark the opening(ofthie Skoki- 1Mr. anid Mrs. J'au] 1.'I)avis,25(6 1F.vans,,f)to fl h&iciJthlImItnI ýof thle. C'iccro route frorn Oakton' strcett o 1VoostkavneKnIot,.ih Villatgeof Glenjcoe. Ail parts .À coun11ty î,inc' roani, exctfting for; their fricns M.adMs 'o thec oa.awth.tt n'ex(ception short tretch south of Avoca rrîad 1,ecker of HI ghland Park; speuf this> are alrecady ini lise. Negotiafionis are lor whvIjclî titîttoilto -wl ~ast week-end, at Culver, mIn., at the '.r oîducf c liy fw coiiit~ ~t in jtItinltii c unmr home. 1Patricia Davs l11)W ,>(rng, c wIl](rclrn to Keînper hall, Keno'vha Iîgiwa dpartineiit for fie l(. 1v< - Fxtensiot iof Cra.wford avenwî*f,îIc to oKeprýaIKnsi, muent , ifltice iorth 'aIl. soItll> igi - >nnect, with l en»ivicxv road ÎStIf ,W<iý * oiida,Setibr19 WfYin Gleicoe.j der contract ad.scul > Nr acCoin.- aryWllans 0 To Rebuild Glenview Road :>lted w;11,11 a fcw %(:(,ks, Mxfrd roaui; Kcn ilwrth, nstaîne &ontrav s fort lie econstuet mî <'t Shrtier veline desiged to (;leiie~w'rc';trfr<'m \Val<kegan rond la s a relieî higiw a v for Wanikeigaiî i Csts at tuedne n aho. fo ue koke vilv ue <f te 'li- n'a' fri Toilî ~<veue o I>unceshls la';t Saturday at Kniollwood coNorth> Shore anîd NIilwa ilkcec r< 'mi land likcw% 1isc fcîserve.as à A i)l.trY <'clb. T e teaiedi honor of, M r. and Mrs. Larl Wiîlianîs. raloawe Iar.(ë( výt erses,(J f uenos .vr of South America. an(l cou ntly hîIg hw ay du îartilncIlt , v rýc, l i a s lîee .îrn 1no'er co îîri " t11 î<îný1ý Atigust 22. CGrading and r(ýIbnlfillg f< 'r sonie t-iots aîîd flic 4 Mr. and M\rs. onM of bridges ,il(] ulvert conîîtered jîr<gresýsiig rapidllY. 419 Niîîtî street, have corne h Iomel ithis sectioni of th(. rowd, wil Two Plans for Elgini Road froint aliUornia: Mrs. McDonald andi c'ojrieslliaif the idistance fronîî 'wro possible programns arc no ie siilîson left. ii lune< and ini Au- Gîeviw to \Wiiniette, werecom let tnder considerafioii bY the stateîguît %sverv j I,îvl yM r. loîl e.A Iust wcek. 1Pla4cment (f of ç<> ic l I igllwi v <lenrtiiieîit Ii ,oiii n ectl)i l] ,,, i .i.f. ili- i..i. r1,l lbt ï î,urcliasc of uesv ri vo h<,lowcvvr, an ify 110 a tuiai worl for aiother year. Replacement of cret.e pavemnent 011 * stvle to' beautiiy the Iaur with ttowe-tr- Mig -hruibbery, showy beds (if cannas andi geraniums, edgings of gaily -clo.red f<laeplants, a s-hade tree and rier- hâpýý a cast iron lawn ornament o)r twîi and here anri there an ev-ergreýen. B,,, tr<Iav ii the day i evergre,-ns A ,over the country, f rom east tv weý-t, and n'.rth to _.so(uth, there is ý nex ly-% aroused interest . in evergreen, ssveep-, ing the country until. tir) up-to-dlate planting is in st'yle ivîthout them.- The reason. ior thîs ik not hard to under- stand.. Everg-eens, of cou.rse, are- hie omiv y-ear-ar>und (ltrees-more beauti fui in wîntcr than in sumfmer.. With ill- wide variety iii shapes, color tints and in texture of foliage, cvergreens are the hL is of ail pla.nts, and the m-. t dignified. and conservative. There ký also(- the added advauntage or perman- ence an(] less need o f lacements f roi y ear to vear iwith esergrùtn planting. . Plantings of evergreens 'are atm-.,ýt an essential ar(.und new homes.. You. have proh)ably noticed the newer homes in w4ir n eighbo)(rhoo--d almost iflvariahlv art plantt-d with evergreiens.. Old ho(mets can be transformed with afe of thel-c lovelv trees. Shrubs that hiaveý outgowntheir usefulness catir easilv Le replacecl w th evergreeus., Atrip around the nur>eries Inithc Chicago district affords manv uy. s~ AIo-ng ssith the trend of p)rice ýchan ges in. other ,commodities, evýr-greens are 110w\ av-ailaIkae t such prices tlîat aiîv- ,!)le cati afford ani attractive platnting. The faîll taoî or planting vr g reens is nosv inifuît ssvîng .and sItl continue until the grourtd iret-zes. Iead- ing iiir.ser.\men recommnend the fail ptIantiig (if Ûvergreens and pointt(out that plant1 igs at titis season hiave(.a (nîkti11ct advailtage oiver spring plant- îngs.- We have more timé for plant- ing and. for thue actulal work oi plant- lue \\ - arc îîot so bs ivwith, tir other garden. activities, and then we .Cat1Il lia cý ete ld pleasure! of the t1jo- nient (Àif . ,einlg these trèes during ti e comîng inter months. Purpie B Team Will, Meet Lake Foresters l'ake Forest college Las cCnîpICled arrangements for a gaine with *thec rçrtwetcîîUniversi1tv B teanh to be pflaved at Farwehl - Field, Lake Forest Saturday, October 8, accord- m'~ t o fithe leoriginal plans, entailing gradeK» stol) m \ W tsiilgtoi, cen route to Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Beani, Mary- ftu iir,- I F ' t 11C crossing at 'Cicero and a feînporary v;isit friuîlds. ~ and J ohîî. 411 Shieridan road, spent igh fi~ s n-trestle over thle railroad with cr-os- Mr 2 a week recelitly at Beaver Lake, iin ;Ir>>a>I ing at grade ait Wautkegar roîtd. For C..1 lbert '32 W\arwick Ws k NwilI l ibc iîl anvy other course, extensive right-of- rtîad, Kcnilworthî eîîtertained lier, O %Va%, iegotiations wciould have to be South Sîde club at Iuîîclîcon and A. . Carlson, 118 Oxford road" the ?041fot cp condtîcted which %vouldj delriY coinj- bridge iltIth NVista del. Lago on Kenitworth,, lcft Mondayý on a, t.alke avelliue. l(- 1- leior-everal cyars. T1)<1s fht 1k.. bsiness tP to-Ncw York, t

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