Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Sep 1932, p. 42

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IN WIN heat, fr1l Elu St. *7 garage, inetka MODERN 5 ROOM HOME. H. W. HT. 2 an *eir- $50. 212 Central Park, Wl). mette. Winnetka 2983. 60L19-ltp 8 1RM, MOUSE. HOT AIR HEZAT. $55. 1101 Illinois Rit. Call Wilmette 3108., 6OLTN19-tp DELIGHTFUL FURN. H O0 M E FO1R rent-near schools and, transp. Very * reasonable., Ph. Wllmctte 3059. 61LTNlà-ltc DECLIGHTFUL 10 RM. FURN.- HOME ln 8. EL Kenilworth. Gas heat, heated * garage. Owner leaving village.. Ph. -Wilmnette 2399 or 2427. 61LTN19-S3tc 491 WANTEO 70 RWT-NOMOS RIESPONSIBLE9, CLIENTS WAlItIN(O for us to Place them: ln North Shor* h 'ores. Mrs.. Fuller& Wm. Pickard 1618, Chîcgo Ave. Gee .ef7220 62LrNl6-tfe 5FOR Rnmv-STOU» s OppleCE FINE STORE ROOM. 501 CHESTNUT SL,Wtieta arous street front pub- lic achool. Winnetka 690. 66LTN53-tfe 72 FOR SALE-HOUSES OWNER Wil -Self orLease ATTRACTIVE ENGLISHI HOME. 7 1rnis.. 2 battis, studio living rin..3, 1biocke to, Kenlilworth statlone Also consider trade. Must hatve finmediate action. 1345 Ashland Ave.. Wîlmnette *BAIRD & WARNER 522 Davis St.. Evanston. Greenlea.f 185à î2=T19-Ite ]NDIAN 1111,1,CLUB GROUNDS 11,' ACRES. W'ITII ilUTEW'%VLIOWS. Higli location wlth gorgeonis views of grolf (-ourse. Higlily restricted. Plaid $32.000. Offered' for '<iîik. ,ale at $22.000., Mrs. Fuller & \Vlin.> Pickatrd9 $2.500.00 WILL BUY EQUJITY IN 71 rooni trame residence. Wilînette. oitn East side. lovely location. 60 foot lot.1 Big, bargain. Ph. ownaer. George Ramnes. Wlnnetka 2192:or State 7772. 72L19-lti) 7RM4. HOUSE. S. E. WINNETKA, near al echools. transp. and beach. 011 lit., 2-car 'gar. 481 Eider Latte. Ph. Wlnnetka 783. 72LTN19-Itp 73 WANTUD TO SUY-IgQUSg 87 WUTW, TO WELI.,KNOI electrlc refi reasonable. r1728. STIfl'~'flO-1 tri EDISON ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC- Hot. Water Heater, almost new 835.00; Peo Motion- Picture Projector $20.00;- Quaker Victrola Cabinet Tyipe 01 Burner 835.00..Circus, Pony 875.00. Smali Frigidaire $70.00; Radiola 28 Battery type 81.00; Ueed, 7.00 18 Cad- lllac Tires 83.00O ea.; 1528 Hillsîde Rd., Ravinia. 111. Phone: Highland Park 3586. evenings. 88LTN19-itpi BARGÎAI - ELEGANT FULL SIZE E~n lish baby coachi. Practically new. Value $75. Van bie had for 830. Ph. Wilrnette 646. 88LTN19-lte GILS26-INCH BICYCLE IN EX. eond., $Î. Brunswick console victrola, and(' records.. $19). Wliinetka 1303. îIýZE 16 WOOL AND) $iLK I)iE . Cretonne drapes. Librar-v table. Fire- place screen and box. Winn. -"Il1 80L14-ltp BOYS -AND GIRL'S RANGER BI- cycle. Like new*. Reasona:ble. Phone Glencoe 119. 88LTN19-tfe FOR SALE,-A N'EW WL-TI WID- ML..CALI, BELMONT 7148. 89LTN19-Iti) se :WANTED TO muv-inc. WANTED-OIL, BURNER FOR MOT ,%aj.er plant.4 5 rmi. .house. Must lie ehea»).-Write B-472, BoX 40, Willniette. WANTED BOYS, BICYNCLE; JUNIOR size; goodcnitti. Phi. Wiliiiet'te 2573. LT1-t 91 MISCELLANKfOUS RESPONSIBLE FAiMILY ,WILL CARE for good grand piano;: will pay for xnoying. expense. Wlnnetka 3392. 91LTN19-1teý ]VOTICEZ TREÂSUET DEPÂETMEBNT Oie..:04 the Coumprofler of thelacCr. IuIy $1, 1982 Notice lealiereby given to sîl persons who mayr have ciaims augainst The PIret National Bank of -Wllmette," WiI- mette, Ill1ita that thi. sacMe mt b; presented to molvIn B. Erlesoxi, ne- celver. with the legal proot thereot within three nionths frorn this date or they inay b. dlsallowed. J. W. POLE, Comptroller of the eurrencY. July 3lot, August, Septeruher and October. LU2-tr GO TO' WASHINGTON' Mr. and Mrs, Howardl W. Hod2 .;vi" b ...nw r.n.ng -vcr.& J 355 u Mill-8U Ltary order. Then they 'gathered a.round the camp fire for the closing merit awards and 'sang their camp y ongs, which stress the three aims of )the campers-hea1th,' happiness and thelpfulness., Each tribe then* stoodi at attention, before' its own tent, ani taps was sounded. At: the last note,. each tribe "struck" its tent, and camp was over. Awards for the season ificluded the presentation. to the. foilowing children front the northshore: AI- bert -and Clinton:Carpenter,. Leonard' and Norbert Junkrowski, Roland' Klingler, Harry Moiter, Robert' Lewis,'.Lucian' Williams, Cordon Fairman, Scott Mclntire, Billy Tay- lor, John Wilson, Tom McGovern, Bobby Johnston, Amos Miller, Ed- ward Watkins, Malcolm Crofford, John K enney, Jack Friedlich, Jack Fisher, John Cocns, Mary Carpenter, Mary Sue'WsnJa Woode,* Betty Adams, Shirley Clayton, Dor- othv Cullison,, Jacqueline Gerding, Jane Hoops, Mary Rosenthal, Winii- fred Brandt. Marian Colegrove, Rletty Jean Moulding, Carolyn Johnson, Giadys Ciayton, Mary Jane Hannon, 1furiel Kenney, and Marcia Smith. The ýaward for the boy and. girl haWving the- highest total of points for activities was given to Clintoni Carpenter and Muriel Kennedy. ïThe highest award, a hand-carved piacque with a silver plate onwbich, as. engraved the winner's name. is' given to the boy and girl Whbo, by' vote of' the cout-cillors and instruc- tors, bas been in~ every 'way the ail- aroun3 "best' camper."' Thils honor was won by Waring Wilson and Caroline Johnson. Mr. and Mrs, C E. Carlson and famly ,208 Oxford road, Ken-ilworth. sPe-nt the week-end :atý their su'mmer borne in. Cary.,Iii,, Mrs. Carlson's sister and family,'the Edward Man- zes of Chicago, were' th.eir guests. Carl Carîson 1 is i.siting bisgýrand- lnother at Lakewood, icb. J ohn L.a% Wiids, 244 Oxford moad, Kenilwrth, left last Sùnday on1a Li 77£ Y ÇAMl0~I~SMr; aindMrs. Perry Buchanan., Beye and Beye Camp and Cherry street, Winnetka, spent Schol-M rcelusMic. wek-end at Big Bass Lake, Schol- arcllu, Mch. Mrs. Buchanan and her tuother. , OPEN. ALL YEAR--REGISTER FOII George Hinnian, miotored on W sehool now. Ideal home. Manual Trainlnoe. Boys-girls. Tel. Volitila nesday to Mount Morris, 'N. 14-P-4. 825 month., 77A-L19-lttp where they will stay a we'ek. 591 luncheon and bridge club on Friday, Ito. enpoy îwo weeks of, golf, swimT- ast September 16. *I ming and fishing. Vis. '0o-- o0 frs. The Melvin Hawleys of 515 War- Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Layman of ed- wick road, 'Kenilworth, have returned Cincinnati, Ohio, arrived Sunday to Y., from their summer home at North- spend a week with the H,-oyt. Ulreys, port, Mich.26 Essex road, Kenilworth. lors5 WelA in £tu5A. = 1 5 5. lai 111. straight victory since joining Wilmette. He has yet t0 suifer a defeat. Oliphant, former captain of the Northwestern university basebaîl tearn, was the batting star of- the game wltb, four hits in four tîmes1 at bat. He knocked in four. of Wilmette'sý. five runs, bis single. in the ýfirst scoring. Janetz and- Mellin, and bis borner in, the fifth scoring Mellin ahead of him. 11 -To 8attle Nîil..Ceuiter This next Sunday, Wihnette will journey' to St.,Paul park 'in Morton Grove to meet tbe Nules Center team « as the feature atbletic attraction at tbe Republican rally andpicnic. ln* the Rogers Park game, Wiiiniette ,.vent into the lead in. the first stanza.. Janetz, first man at, bat, drew -a pass. -Mellin bunted and was safe wben an attempt was nmade to get Janetz at second. Both runners were, safe; both advanced on Wilsonf's sacrifice bunt, and later scorcd on Olipbant's single to leftfieid. The visitors tied the count in the sec- ôfid f rame. Burke and Cowp'er büth sîngled and advanced on' Luth's bunt. Luth was safe, on Scblueter's poor throw to first, Schlieuter being cbarged, with an error, Bujrks scoring. Cowper tallied on Schleutier's wild pitch. Marx, %vas out, Oliphant, unassisted, and .Setzke and Roemer both f anned. 1Wilnxette Talc.. Le"d Duc Rennolds' mnen took the led ii th 'e fourth inning. Dobry' singled after two were out, went to third 'on Schleu- ter's single. and scored on Janetz' single to ieft. The home boys' final taillies were made in the fifth act' when Wilson started the inning with a double to the center gardex and' scored on Oliphant's **beim lauf" o-ver the eenterfield bank., Shorty Scheuler's,.crew. added anoither, taliy.in the seventh. John Roemfer sin- gled to right and wveât to third wben Deinlein lit thé baill get througbh hm, and scored on Cowpem.s singie f0 left- field. B.ox score,: Wllnmtte oigers Pa.rk Jittetzecf 4, 1 ,CGetzell.2> 4 0oO Mll.b 3 1O Neis;en.lb 5 0 2 Wilsonrf 2 1 1 Alnan.ss 4 0 0 Delnlein,rf 1 0 0 Burkecf 4 1 2 OliPhant.lb 4 1 4 Cowper.c> 4 1. 3 Baker,2b. 4 O 0 Luthlt ' 3 1. Robinson,c 4 0 0 Marx,3birf 4 0.0 B'kmore.ss 4 0' 1 Setzke.3b 3 O 0 Dobry,lf 4 1 1 Llnk.rf 1 O O Schleuteran 3 0 2 R vme.13 2 1 1 a!

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