Rates- Il centa a lIne ln one paper. 26 cents a lin. ln ariy two papers. 30cet Ulne lnail three papers. MINIMUM. CUGE ONE IDOLLAI, Average of five 'words te the lins. No black face type used. 16% discount on ail cash wtI order Bdvertlseenuts when brouchlt to our oge. ut 1282 Centrai Ave. WfImette, Or 681 Lincon Ave., Wlunetka. Claslfled advertlsemnents wlll bo ac- Deadlsne for, Insertions-*cepted up te Tuesday 9 P. XI. for* *WILMETTE LIPE or al three papers; Wednesday- 9 p. m. for W114NETKA TALK and: 'rhursday 5 P.. M. for. GLENCOR NEWS.. Telephones:- Wlmette 4300. Winnetka 2000. Greenleaf 4300 or Sheidralce 5687. 3LOST AND POUND ___ I.OST -BLACK. MALN SCOTTY; eoat cipped;, answerx Lu naine of 'Rowy."Reward.lih. wilinette 4285.2LTN19-lte 1i'OUNqD-FOX TERRIER. BLACK & white, mate. Kenilworth Police DepIt. 2LTN19-1tt, LOST- RED COCKEit SPANIEL. Answerg to name ' Teddy- Re*zard. Ph. Winnetka 3872. 2LT.N9-itf> ÎÎETAIN YOUR -HEýALT A ND beauty by havlng a regular massage, aPVlied 'by an experienteed nasseu8se. Call Davis 7578. 7LTN19-ltl) Verin iiExterniinated P. J. UEDELHOFEN ' EXTERMINÂT- ing engineer.. Ph.,Winn. 76 or North- brook 128S. 9LTN14-tfe PICNICS - PARTIES- BIRTH-DA'YS Serve angel food; double lclng. lar-ge size $1. Sunshine cake 70 ets. to order. Ph. Wilmnette 3407. 9LTN5-tfe- 14 GARIENING BLIACK. DIRT, î\,ANURV, WOOLJ, garden work by day ut, hour.,Winv netka 1966. 14lTNI9 dtip 15 INSTRUCTION _ KINUVI-tA1LTEN A N1) NUtSKII'Y tional (Collegte of'duatoni to 12, $J wr~eek. \Vil1 tralisp" 2 for $4.. BEAUTII] Else Ddo eng-Winivte131C). black 4 1l5[IllN1!-Il> able. 21, PIANO LESSONS WNE luyour homne. fromn Ainerican Cons. of rîP Mu-eie graduate. Reasoniable rates. Ph. WlI Phonie \Witietk 474-9. askç forMis. Eisendrath. .15LTN18-4tc PIAýNO- LESSONS AT YOUR HOE. OR SAI Katherine Wlnifred Mcînerny. Chul- North 8 dren's work a specialty. Best North tranfsfer Shore refs. Davis 2444. Sept. '20 15LTN19-ltp- TITTPcING 3a 5-A F 22.A-PIANtO TUNING_ EXPERT PIANO TUNING, $3 U'pright or~ grand; also repair; work guart. ;,16 ys Steiinway, N'. Y.; H1. C. Thomasz. 1Pk. Ridge 877-W, reverse chg. 2ALL-t x-4 PÀiNIrNQAND DECRAT]NG Do Your Decorating Now at Lowest Prices Ever Offered CEILING CALCIMINED, $l1 UP; bedrni.papered, 8 rolle $4; living rra. $6; kitchen walis painted. $6; antique walls washed and étarched, $2.50. Outslde painting very reasonable. Bricbun¶galow paInted, on¶e' côt, pure white lead .and oil. $25. Work absolutely guaranteed. Best material f urnished. Appreciate your eau l!- mette 5034. or Wlnnetka 2511. 24L19-ltp, Paint., Paper 5 Rrnis., $34.50 14ANITAS AND CANIVASING WORK, also, store and office work. at reas. prices. Rm. papered, $4 and up; rnm. wallpaper eleaned, 75c; bathroOni enaméled. $5; kit. painted, $6; eilfing caleirhinedl, .$1.50 and up. Outside patnting: Windows, 40c up; -porche, $1.Best mnateriais and reference furn. Free estimiates. Pli. WL,'NNETKA 1687. 24LTNI-lt: Cnýlciimine ANY. Ceiling .......(200 Clean Paper -ANy. Room -.. $1.25 Conilete , Palinting and Decoratin"' Srvices; Cal! before noon. Winnetka 2160, 24LT1 9-îtp) PETS___ -FItL T HOR0O10t1-G -HBR E1) ECocker Spaniel PUPS. Ra 7un [5-3rdStr-eet. Ph. Wîlnette 1875. 26LTN19-lte ) -HOME FOR -BLACK rsian kitteni. House br Ioken. imnette 3580, 26L19-Ilp CLUB MEMISERSMu 522 Center St. Wlnnetka 2662-3017 41LTN19-1 te eral.. or as housekeeper in motherles honme. Excellent reffer. Ph. Wvilinette 4866.. 4ILTN19-ltn AN . EFFICIENT, REF[NED) LADYï ,woujld like a position as housekeeper. Besti reference.. Winnetka 2336. ____________ 41 LTNI19-1 ti DOM ESTIC lE L',~ No charge to employer. Effiient. service for the. N. S. homie. We lnvetkaàte; references. SPECIAL NURSEM DEPARTMENT Paulilne's Ernip. Agencies 5 Suburbga Offces 522 Center St. Wlnnetkmý 2662-3011 41 I.TN.5:-t re GrIRL ATTENÇDING HIGH SCHOOL- desires position; care of children and assist ith lhotisework. afternoons and Saturdays;, in Christian Science home. Ph. Wilrnette 1253. 41fT14-1tRý WANTED-REFINED CAPABLE EX- perienced children's n urse. Best North Shore References. Phone Gré. 3889. 41 ITN l-t EXP. WH ITE WOMAN-WISH ES DAY m-ork. lamnidv ry cleni R(-f. furn. Pli. \Viliiiete 4552, Miss. flelbold. ______ 41LTN19-Ilp GOL WMN Wou LI) LIKE laun1dry- and eleaning utai5 day. Pli. Wimte1170 or Davis 1867. ________41LTN19-ltl) COMPTEN MAl),COOKING ANI) generatl work ; or' nursemaid. Reèfer- ences. S.Bey. 4712 Dearborn St., (MkIand_6165. __ ITI-t AMERf it -N-CON SE1-VAÀTOR Y -0F Mlusic gi'ad. will, practie withi youing Diano) studeints. Phone Wiinnetka 479. 41ITN18-4tc CAiR E 0 F CHILDR-EN BY THE Shour'. day or niglht. Eý'xp. woînan, Best. refs; Mrs, Van. Ph.i. Witniette EIXNP. NVH 1TE, WOMALN WANTS lauiidry m-mrk or eleaniîig by hour or day. Phi. University 772ý. 4lLTXNI!-Itp YOUJNG GIRL NWANTS GNL S K eithier part time or fulîl days. 81½ 2yrs. Ref. Phi. Greenleaf 3789, 41LTN19-tpi EllXP. Col. NO. 1i COO!l,.RIA1 orin fstitutionl. General housewýork. Ref. Drex el 6846. 4lLTNI19-ltpý EXP. WHITE GIIItL WANTS GN eral housevoirk. iFood cook. N. Sq. ret. Ph. Wilmnette 5381. 411,19-1tp cailed foi' and delivered. Witnetka 1401. 411,19-1t: EXP GOOD COOKAND GENERAL hiousework, Good refit. Tel. Winnetka 3349. 41L19-1tn) 44 «KELP w^NTrED-FËmALE COM-)NPPTENT OLPER WOMAN F'OI, care of child and light housework. Room and hourd exchanged for part- time service.,. W-innetkaL 806. --_______44LT N19-11v P'iOSITIONS OPIE'N For vs perienced white .*onîestie îv p Wages u p to $18 a we'4:. PAU],I,JNrES 5,22 ('vnter St. %Winnetka 2t;62 44LTN 19-île X. vITE SECOND MILPIOT. under :35. Assis t, hildren-niending. $1 Wper week. Xrtt' VlnteLift, * --7,Box '40, wilinéti, - I11. WýAXTFD-, EX PERIENO Et) WHITE girl,* Prot., for. ge eral1 1hoUseiork and :issisit îvith ehildiren. No> 'ver $8 wk. Winnetka 142. 44,T'rl94,tc WVHITE GCIRtlà OR <NULHOI!SE- work. Washing mchi ne. Stay nig1t s. 1leasant roclu. $5. Win-lietkaý 3446. 44LTI .-ltc, Pl Hl O TO0 C IlA IP IlSOLICITOI. TOý w< >irk ut lhome. Rytf-RetrS dli.), 3 N. Michigý4111, 4,'icago. 1>11 Central S8952. 4L1-t 'WANT E) -EXCELLENT OPI>OR1- tunity% for refined ladly tose1 artice app)eýiing to ladies. WrViitt 1-167, Box 10, Wilmiette.__4LT 9-t vblîdren ;latîà-ndry ; $7. Rleferenees re- otie.Ph. wilmette 17S9. 1 . WANTEI'WHITE MAIl>. $5. ('ALL XVinnetka 'q43. 4T1- t 46 HEL.P WTD.-MALE AN -_DFE MAL F GERM AN OR S C A N 1)NAv iA couple for chauffeur, gardenel rtai housework. Ilef. Write B-165, Box 4P, Xilniette. 46LTNl9-1t,. 48 - ---FORSALE-AUTOS. 1!)28 CIIEVROLET SPOUT CUE ruînble seat. Good mnechanical econil. and appearance. Gooid tires. Vi n nýt - ka 3659. 4119U 1"RSALE - ST[TDlE1i%,Kr.R coMN-- niaîîdî srla ; xueviiut c<mlditioî. iiev v tre.Very re. '(,Il Wilnittt- 50 AUTO SERVICE GET YOUR CAR READY' For cold and wet we,,ather SIONIZ $4.00OITO 0 $6.OO: TOP DRESSING $1 "lO $2 Spanion to lady or cni] MENT$ house; will travel. F L ME LLOW _____ ___ for tyje- RELIA BLE WOMAN Ph. Wil- of any kind. Call Wi ltpi' pla Yeaî's. Uii reasonable. Wilmiette 40S2. - 51LTNl9-ltc >LE. PLEASANT LIGHT ROOM, FUR- L.ast nished, for couple or 2 gentlemen., Reasonable. Wlnnetka 2669. )-itp51fTN19-ltp NVILL TI soundii wrlter mette