Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Sep 1932, p. 39

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are in store for Teatro-del Lago patron tliat it's difficuit to know just wvberý and lioN to begin teiling 'about it ail \VTell. seeing that the cbildren bavc studied so liard these opening days o1 schooi. it wlvi only be riglht to revea: 0, that thue 'reatro del Lago bas a greai treat, il! store for tbemi. On Saturda) afterniooi,. September 24, the, fir-.st chap- ter of' the serial, "Jungle Myst ery,; > %'ill lit shown. It tells Of the 1adven- tires of two Young. Americans whost airplaneý crashes ini Africa. And wbai thrills thaît jungle holds! 'rom Tyler and 'Noah Bec rv, J r., are the Young Americans. ASunda, Modav and TIuesdavSe ýteml)er 18, 19 anI -20, are full of op. portuinitiçs for tbrills and niirii., *"bai Price ,Hollywood" and -Mada m Racketeer" will he the films. Constance Bennett, glamorous blondu beautv, %VIllihe seen ini a. scr .een expose 'of HoIlvwood 'in "Vhatrie1oly %wood." Lowvel Shernlain N ei Gregory ioff aid otbers aid the star to presenit W Il alt is regarded as-- an aut1i, fltic ,ii . .. .. terpretation: of Hoiiywod if e. Miss Bennett i's se(Il a s thIle waitress w hl o e ii c Ih a il t s Constance Bennett a famned director anid producer to gain ace-raninig on the screein. Thle plot reveais the intimiacies and the intrica- clés of the muiier and more notable cir- cles of the filmi capital. Alisonl lSklinwirtli is the rogitisli yvt lovahie beroine of -Madame Racket- ter, a ,grandl conmedy fuil of living personalitv sketches that pirovide glow- ing etért;tiiniit. Richard Bennett, EvlnKnapp ani Rohr M ade are aniong the othier, stars ini the cast. Ralph B'ellamy Triumphs' Iiu nrtlh shore screeni idol.' Raipu licllarn v of WVilniette plays opposite Mariai Nixon ini -Rehecca of Sunnyi-- l:rook Fari? which 'shareg the d(iulle Ithat of a young surgeon in "The Man 'e Cailed Back." Action-and then some . -throhs througb the otber featured el draina, -Mystery Ranich," starring )fGeorge O'Brien. Y North Shore Star Appears at Varsity' 1- The north Sbore and tbe near ýe nortb pole .sbare boniors -for :superb it entertainnuent offered at.the. Varsitv r theater on .Tbuirsday, Friday and g Satuirday of this week. Ralph Bellamny. of Wilmette, the - nortb sbore,'s gift ýto Hollywood, will -play -opposite Marian- Nixon. in -ýRe- Sbecca. of Sunnybrook Fa"rmù," the idyllic little love story that' Mary Pickford did in the siients.. Here's a erestful, reposeful, taî kie,, ligbted, by eMarian N"ixon's loveiy work ,anýd good performance 's ,by Ralph Bella-ý my and Louise Closser 'Haie. Tbe region near the north pole provides mighty entertaînment in ..ko hich is éducational and ex- citing wbile showing tbe Eskimo's struggie for existence. Chee-Ak, nuo- ble hunter, is the biero. This week affords two chances to view the first episode of wbat the Varsity management describes as "tbe 'most tbriiling serial you ever. saw." The Friday after-school ma- tinee and the Saturday matinee, Sep- temiber 10 and 17. ivili. off er the only chances to sec the start of "*Hurri- cane, Express" at the Varsity theater. On Mofndav. Tiie ..av ndWilé Puteibx-]Rlaban & Katz VA R SI'T Y Evanston-Phone Un:i. 8900 ýThutrs., Fr1l., Sat., sept. 15-10-17 MARIAN NIXON RALPH, BELLAMY in "Masquerade" Features .Three Stage Celebrities Tbrec of tbe best known figures' on the American stage appear to- gether in ."The . Wasbington M.%.as- querade," dramatie stor of the iobbyist racket in Wasbington, wlhich opens, at the ýN ilmette: theater tbis next Sunday. They -are Lionel Barrymore, who bheads thc cast as the politicai leader; William, Morris, wbo piays Senator Hodge, and. William Collier. Sri, who0 plâys Babcock,' the newspape.r editor. Ail tbree have be en fanious on the stage for years. - ~ ~ ro Wou -Sa S*fpV D(oors openwece dae a 041 p. in. Show B t 7 pe. Dora open Bat., Oum. and4 Holidaysa t 1:30 p. m. Show at 2 p. m~. 00. Box Orne. Cloues Bt lisse P-. Ton1irht-Auluts Only Jean Harlow--ýChester Morris 'RAED HEADED WOMANI" vr1., sut, Sept. 10.-I H2 its! Joan BlondlI-Stuart Erwin MAKE ME A STAR" F. ;: 16, 10:OS; 4. 3:4, 6: à2, 9:44 and Tom Keane Western- 6'SEYONU THE ROCIIW' Fr1. -S:S aSt. *2:19. 5:26, 8:42 LLION EL BARRYMOR j<PinX~ 7Ufl W .pU»?) 0:u-6bor oana7 P.m. For ealy birds Who eome btforp* f- o'cloek on Saturdaysg,beforo 8à boeik on suamisyl an& boUjda».' or. beore 71g15 o'loei onou ther evemngslie hopriesD. fi Ëe. chu. drena lie. TwIn Featutres Cenrad Nanel--Dor1s Keimyem Starts Sat.. 3:45; 4.41; #t47 George O'Brien sterts .Fri. $:et 1.4tert m MaS.,Ê2:8; 5:84: 8:31 -Miekey )Ictletre ;oedy ...: Trarlomu . ..Wlrkey omeu Cartoon ..News «u.,Mon-, Tueu, Sept. 19-19-rn, Twtm PFeatures %ir TPaie' Alisos. Sk1pwowth î4taris $u. 2:21; S:29l; 8:37 Starts Mon-, Tués. 8s51 Bairns & Allen Cedy . .. Car. .teen . . . News %V cd., Thurs.. Fr1., Sat. SePt. 21122-23-44 rwin Features ait épie "'AMATEUR DADDY sud selected short subJects Rac&ot.or" W1lI1a05 1

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