,ureIy want one or more 1hem. Selling $ Otiers et $10.0.0O and..$5.95 Travel Tweeds, Very Special $3,95 Dance k Sets. Peggy Means quality. Not Price. When buying houe frocks think of Princess Peggy. W. have thein and oniy $100 *of Frenchb'l Crepe wth bea-utfi fui laces. V.ry Specual $11.29 Corduroy Suits 1 For the 1chif- 'Good-bye" to shirts that shrink TEEO- RUMP. *1.9 5white, strip es and-plaixi colora Arrow Shirts stay yq.ur size. They're Sanforrized-Shrunk- we'l give you a new shirt if- one ever shrinks. They'ro good-looking shirts, too. Beau- tiful fabrics-ecprt tailoring -an~d the trimmest, smartest collar you ever saw.. Neccu band or collar-attached styles.. We particularly reco mmend the Arrow Trump-Of spe- cially woven broadcloth in white,. stripes and plain col- Ors. Amerca's bet shirt value at $1495. BO0X S' CO0,R D UROY. S L A CKS or KNICKERS., Sizes 12 to 20. subsituts for i, CI 1DM t-form- iry pad. a as a a Cold a Dept. Store-I11464 Wlmtt. Ave.. Phone Wil. 588-59 M.his Store-I 152 WiImeffe Ave., Phone WiIm.It. 2655 Member Wilmette C1arber of Comrcre $1000 Pri nces