GIVIE YOUR RIUGS THIS beauty treatment... Carpets stYyoung and fresh and new-1loo ing much longer.when they're well deaned.: Dust that is ground inito the nap ruins a rug'.s complexion. 'A broom can't coax out this dirt; neither can a worn-out vacuum cleaner. For only $24.50 cash ($2.45 down "Little by Littie") you oen buy a new Fedelco electric cleaner and suction out al the dust from ait your rugs every day or two. Action 18 quick, easy, thoirough. Ask for free home demonstration. PUBLIC SERVICE,,STORE. pleases even more in tnîs new role of bachelor father. Marian Nixon as the. wild minx Baxter tames and wins with tenderness and understanding is vibrant and full of insouciance. The* Community House. theater will begin its regular evéning performances Friday at 7 o'clock. Saturday afternoon, a ýmatinee wvil1 start prompty at 2.:30 o'clock. .Saturdày, evenitig performances vilopen at 7 -o'clock. "Amateur Daddy"I'n itself is a strong attraction and beckons to al who wxisb" home entertainment on the silver screen. Community House-invites *everyone to take advantage of this littie theater in the heart of- Winnetka. Hollywood Film.,Shows Cham pion Polo .Players Polo, as it is played by cbampions, bas, broken, into the ,movies. Two ten-goal teams, boasting such inter-- national stars at Liortel Pedley, Tom Guy and Wally Falck, clasbed for scenes of RKO-Pathe's Constance Bennett starring production, "What Price Hollywood," at the Teatro del fLago next Sundayi,\Ionday and Tuesday. The polo gaine, was filined at thie famous Uplifter's Field in Santa Monica canyon near Hlollywood,'and :was a feature of the sequence of thec story which shows how talkinig pic- turesare shot on outdoor locations. Ralph Bellamy Finds Role Made to Order Ralph. Bellamy of NVilmette did not have to rebearse a single scexie of "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farin" before he took the tests opposite Marian Nixon that landéd inii the part. He h ad portrayed the roman- tic role of Dr. Adamn Ladd, Who is Rebecca's sweetheart in the story, 1many limes in various cities,,of the country while playing leads ini stock. "Rebecca of Suntiybrook Varn": was adapted for the screen b.v S. N. Behrnian and SoinyaLevien, froin the famous play by Kate Douglas Wig- Carrillo, in "Race Track.". Tears will fall for Barrymore when be becomes involved with skullduggery anid a Nvoman aiter getting a brilliant start. in the na- t ioniial capital. Aniong the dra- matic.higblighits of, ~ "The Washington Masquerade" a r e - B arry moret speech *before the senate, bis defiance of the. political. ma- . .. . . chine, the "bazing" on the floor of the senate, B a r r y- more's disilusion- Lionel Barrymoée ment on learning the, true character of tbe wonian he bas niarried, tbe spectacular, President's reception, tbe officiai banquet and its dramatic, denouement, and tbe sensa- tional figbt before tbe seniite investi- gating committeei Leo Carrillo, noted star of:stage *and srew.ill1 be seen as the bookmýaker in "Racetrack," filmed at Agua Caliente,. Junior Coghlan is the waif whom Carrillo adopts. The lad's de- sire to be a jockey precipitates one of tbe dramatic climaxes Q f %tbe story. * This Pair WiII Please On Wednesday and Thursday, Sep-ý tember 21 and 22, the Wilniette pre- sents anothèr well-balanced double f cature program-"Unasbamed," with Helen Twelvertees and Robert Young, in a thriiling courtrooni tangle, and "Wee k Ends OnIy," starring Joan Ben- nett and< Bën Lyon in a comedy draina with interesting plot and attractiv'e settings. "'Make Me a Star" and "Bevond the. Rockies" comprise the double feature prograrn at the Wilmette on Friday and Saturdav of this week. As the movie- struck store clerk, Stuart lErwin gives the performialce of. his life in. "Make Me a ,Star,".'the, taikie version of Harry Leon Wilson's "Merton of the- Movies." Scenic beauty- and action 1fatu re "Be- yond the Ro(ckies," with:Tom fiKeetne as the Mwbirlwvind bero. PRINCE STEPS FOR RAFT hli s Itember Wlmette Cls.mber of Çommerco WiL 32 Jromai and ater. engaged to paint a picture that an important part in. "Week Only,» the new Fox comedy- nce coming next Wednlesdayl Thursday to the Wilmette the-, l -l