tertinuthe guets witn pïctures of his recent travels in Maine. Miss Ruth Drayer left her borne at 1034. ElmwM avenue Monday to re- sume her work at the University of Illinois. 5 A"n st. wïiiotte PhbOn.W& 32 h getuiur i ueaul AUIUFt sUUCIi IJXUIIea- ly every state in the union, aims to give the newcomers some idea of the cus- toms and requirements of '-ollege life. For five days f resbmen will have tbe campus to -themselves, to become ac- quainited with tbeir surroundings, and with one another. Miss Baughman, daugbter ef Mr. and Mrs. John Baugbman, graduated f rom. New Trier High school with the class of 1931. For tbe last' year she bas been doing graduate work there. Miss Burpee, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence, B. ]Burpee, 'and Miss Kamnp- mneir, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto F. Kampineir, .botb. graduated f rom New Trier witb' the class of. 1932. 'I e morniniz, wbere they assisted at a High Mass and Benediction.. 'The- students then were directed to their respective classrooms, and were giv- en an opportunity to become ac- quainted with schedules, with teach- ers and classmen. In order to. make transportation, facilities less *inicon- venient, a double bus, servic .e was off ered tbis year to the* students fromù Chicago, Evanstori. Nules Cený ter,. Gienview. and other oeigbbor- iing sections, mucb to the, satisfac- tion of botb studfents -and faculty. Tbeodore B.. Robertson, Jr., 215 Fourth street, will leave on Sunday, for Galesburg, Ill.,' to enter Knox college. He graduated last June f rom New Trier. By This New 2-Service, 2-Price Policy for Dry CIeo.ning Whený you travel, the railroad lets you choose between a Regular Pullman or a. Drawing Rooni.. AND NOW wh en you patronize ERMINE CLEANERS, INC., you dan 2-Services et 2-Price - - Ladies' Pl1ai n Dress or Coat Ce aned and Pressed M e'sSuit's. Cleaned and Pressed the choose from or of Evanston. They will' compete in. the same. weight classifications as ini previousý years-under eighty-five pounds, un- der 100 pounds, under 115 pounds and over 115 pounds. Coaches atýtbe four schools plan to meet this, week to draw up the lëague schedule for the season. Robert W. Townley, atbletic direc- tor at -joseph Sears,î states that this year he plans to organize a junior league .apiong. the yrou nger boys of the Kenilworth school who weih less. than eighty-five pounds. The Kenilworth boys are looking forward to the battie between the Northwestern 'university Rnd Uni- versity, of Missouri teams at Dyche stadium, Evanston, on, October 1. Only those joseph Sears boys wbo are out for. football will, receive passes to the game, Mr. Townley an- nounced this week. RETURNFROM. VACATION ýMr . and Mrs. George Sbipman and their daughter, E lizabeth, 432 War-, wck road,, Kenilworth, returned Sunday fromn their summer home at Wabaningo, Mich. Their son and, daughter -in -law, Mr., andMrs.- George Shipman, Jr., of North Muskegon, Mich., wilI :spenid part.of their vacation. with :them and part with Mrs. Shipman's parents,,Mr. and Mrs. JosephV. Stixrud, ini Win-. netka. RETURNING TO DARTMOUTH Jack Kingery, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kingery, 519 Forest avenue, wilI return tu .Dartmouth on October 1. He is stili convalescing from bis automobile accident and has been in the Passa- ,vant hospital ail summer, returning to b is home about three weeks ago. He wvill be a sophomore at Dartmiouth ,this year. Miss 'Lau retta Anderson, daugbter of the R. A. M.X Ander sn 11 Elmwood. avenue, left about- two we eks ago'f or. Losi An geles , to enter the University of ..Soutbern Cali- fo rnia. as a freshmaln.- Wbile attend- ing school shie .wiIl make ber home wsth ber uncle, E. W. Anderson. rai Avenue Phone Wilmotte, 3710 or 704 anud Plant -Waukegan and Webster Aves,, Highwood, 111. Ail Phones Highland Park 3710 Main I Estab- 1