iEach onie of the speakers1 is nation- ally known. and of outstanding imi- portance in his own field,."1 The program is as folltws: -October 25-Glen Frank., Presidenit of the ý,University of Wisconsin- ",Making Mode Education Meet Modern Needs." November 22 - Louis Untermeyer l'New Horizons in E urope.", December 13-Prof.- Max,'Otto---Sulb- ject to b*e announcec. s.January ..24 - Norman Thomas- "]Race, Religion and Fraternity."_ Februlary 14 -Ellery Walters --"The German Youth Movement." March 28-Frederick Moore-"Per-' sonal Adventures, ini Foreign Af- f airs.»' Mms. Barnett Faroil, Winnetka, is president, of the Sisterhood. -The lecture- course conimittee consists, of Mrs. Hermani Anspach, Mrs. Harry L. Canmann; Mrs. M. L. Hirsch,' Mrs.. Sylvan'Hirschberg, Mrs. Nath- an Raymer, and Mrs, Simnon Ruwitch,-. chairman, 340 Moraine road, High- land Park, f romn whomn course tickets may be procurèd. Floôtenlce Wray Hunter marries Allen H. Wazd Mr. and Mrs. James G. Wray of 625 Washington avenue, Glencoe, formerly of Wilmette, aninounice the. Inarriage of their daughter, Florence Wray Hunter, to. Allen Harri3ron Ward of Keene, N. H., aind Chicago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. WVard of Keene, N. H. The wvedding took place September 8, at 6 o'clock, at the Wray's home anid was followed b43 a sinall. dinner party. Onlly_ the iimmiédliate family attènded the cereînlouy, wvhich was performed by the Rev. Douglas H. Cornell, of the -Glencoe Union church. Mr. Wray served his. son- in-aw as best niaîi, alîd Miss Cliaa Grace WTray wvas her. sister's o'ily-at- tenidaént. Mr. and Mrs. Ward are leaving today by motor for Nem, York, and will sail on the S. S.. Mauretania September 14. or Cherbourg. Frne '['loif Phiotto Il is. .lfürqittrite Caikins Taylor is SI' unsor- of the class of '35, at thee NatiÔonal College of Rducation. Sh' is a icm ber of the art dcpart- iii il whe cilcge l'lie sponsur- counsellor systeini. de- signed to, give the"e advisers the opporr tunity of becoming intimately acquaint- ed with the individual studenit in order that they m-ay assist bier to miake the necessary adjustment to college 1f e and make the most of the opportunities -vhich it offers-social as well as scholastic. Mliss Doro.thy Whitconîbe, 1311 As- hury avenue, 'Wý,innietka, is the newly appointedi sponsor of the class of '36 at LIC assistead yufve' ,counsellors: thae Misses Agnes Adams, Beatrice Bill- ings, Miriam Brubaker, Florence lin- neli and Vera Sheldon. Miss Mabel Kearns is sponsor of the cla ss of '33, and Miss Jessie Weiler Of the class of '34.* BACK PROM VACATION TRIP Mr. and Airs. XVý G. Morgan, 925 Forest avenue, their daughiter, Miss "Lustyeor,.our GAS: HEAT Three floors-eight room- W ~and -it cost only $142 to herne this home with gas during the last heating semson (under th e present house-heating rate). Thousands of other homes in Northern Ilinois are enjoying this dlean, carefree fuel For ab interesting new bookiet on what gas heat is costin g in deso homes, write the Public Service Coumpansy of Nortbern IUsuis, 1612 S. Sàib Amwu, Mayuwd at, the New Shop i Hubbard Woods. CLOTHEs . efor Town and Country AFTERNOON FROCKS.. -0- have 'been spending their v; Miss June Orwig of 921 -Greenwood On their trip they took movi: avenue, Wilmette, is Ieaving Sunday, ti.wes. September 18, wo begin her f reshnian -0- year at Knox college. Her sister, Miss Bill Gibson, 429 Tenth stre Janet' Orwig, leaves the sanie day to leave on September 25, for Pr enter her junior year at Knox. to cnmfflete bis senior yeam.