"Catto Coast m in Z riours whicn was loaned througb the courtesy of the United Air lines. Another. event of the evening was the reading by R. E. Fjeilman of the- article appearing in the June issue.of the Arnerican Magazine entitled "We are 'at War," by General, John. Persh- ing. It was feit by ail present that the, article should have- the serious. consid- ération of, aIl the social and civic or- ganiizations in the 'village. It was decided id hold thé next regu- lar monthly meeting of the club, wbich will be Octobçr 4, at the residence of H4. D. Temporal, 1935,Thornwood ave- nu.An interesting. program f or the evening 'is being arranged, details of1 wbich will be. publisbed later. The' Northwest* Men's club, of Wil- mette wvas organized by a group of in- terested citizensý a f ew years ago as a social. and civic organization,, its main object being the promotion and deveiop- ment of community welfare. The club functions in the niorthwest section of the village, from Ridge road to the western limits and f rom Lake avenue, to the northerni limits of the village. The club invites..ail men who are residents or property owners. in this particular section of Wilmette to memibersbip. Those 'interested are a sked to address the membership chair- man, William E. Hughes, 1917 Green- wvood 'avenue, or telephone Wilmette 48M8. Invite Villagers to Arnerican Indian Fete The annual observance of Ameri- can Indian day, sponsored t;y the In- dian Counicil Fire, will he heldIli Fullerton hall, Chicago Art instituite, Friday evening, Septembher 23, at 8:10 o'clock. Doors will open at 7 :30 o'clock and admission wîiIl be 1, card .only until 8,p. m.,, wben the pulic wlll1 be admitted to re maining seats.: Those"interested have been invited to communicate with- the Indiain Counicil Fire,, 108 North I)Dearborn street, Chicago. Indians of various tribes' wiIl1 par- ticipate in a program of sonrg, dance and story, to include the pipe and * mg a prior election, the so-calleci -"Village Plan," etc. It,àlso took ta task, gently, of course, Myles J. Phillips,.who bas devotedly and un- selfishly busied himself with village aiffairs. I'have knowVn Mr. Philli*s inti- mately for very. many-,years. I re- member bis attitude on automobile traffic invading residential stre ets when ble lived, in Rogers Park,, and 1. ived in -Edgewater. Tbose 'were tbe days when some of'us in Chi- cago had the teînerity to*suggest that nlortb-bound traffic 'be routed via Broadway instead of Sheridan.road, thereby preserving as a residential. street and neighborhood. that sec- tion nortb of Foster and south of Devon avenue. This suggestion f ail- ed.ý Wbat was the result? Fine ,iouses were. deserted, property val- usfor single resîdences detireased, vacant lots were opened up for>apart- ments, new buildings were built that offered unfair competition to older districts and which from the very unwarranited creation went into re- ceivership and worse and finally the unforgiveable sin of democracy was committed inibasing- valuations' 9for tax purposes on -a. theoretical. basis Out of line with- thé usefulness of the property and ini very many in- stances amounting to confiscation. Why bring this to your noticew It as înentioned we had ani atteml)t that was anialogous to this situation righit here ina Wilmiette. The Village plan that was the issue ini the Dubhs elec- tion and the.plot whichi exists todav mith my fricnds ini the Chicago Re- gional Plan commission sponsoring it is exactlv the samne thing and so far as Michigan avenue is conicerned "they shal not pass,?" Sheridan road ina the north shore towns, should flot be made a speedway. Routes 41. and 42 sbould- turn certainly not farther north 'than South. boulevard, Evanston. to the west to the new Skokie boulevard and speeded north onî that .highway out into thieopeni country. To.allow the Chicago Re- gional Plan commission power or ina- fluenice or botb to overricle or ignore the riglits or wishes of local residents not ours, but i.wflVU theresultant ta burden throws, property by tbe wholesale into bankruptcy, we cani at least take notice of it. Very few pedestrians cornpared with motor ve- bidles use Lincoln Park especially the néwly made districts, and surely it was high time that the, gas tax footed the buIs gfor the speedways. These. promotional, enterprises -have value for the eye, but their value to the peace -of mind of property on ers can and wi1Ill be debated. . Let us be fair. Let us bie good sports. Let tbere lie free and frank discussion of village aiffairs,, esp e- cially wben the issue 15 so plain in its' effects upon those Who would like to ive without interference 1w a tax-mrad bureaucracv. Very respectfully. ______Axe!l ýonniquist. Wilmette Post 46. IA merican Legion> David C. Leachl was chosen com- mander of Wilmette Post, No. 46, American Legion,. at the regular meeting and annual election held in, St. Augustine's Clubhouse on Tues- day night of this 'veek. A list of the other. officers elected wiil bie found ini another storv in this issue. The installation dinner for XiI- muette Post *No. 46 and its auxiliary will be heId, on or about October 20, it is annioutced. Comprelhensive reports on tfli state convention at Daniville, lit., Were made by Commander George' Leal and' Vice-Commanider David, Leaéi September 28* mark-, the.>Seveit h-, District meeting. Sheridanl Post' at the, Edgewater Beach. hotel wilI be the host. The new Se venth-I)istrict commander, Grover Sextoni,. is a mnember of Sheridan post.ý Dr. McKinfley, accomnpaide( by Captain Gleason frontI-fines. hosnital. The road wilI be named the Marine route after one of the niost interesting features of the exposition. Marine route will be marked with 18- inch metal enamel signs, bearing an emn- blem of- an anchor, and lfastened, to ýmetal standards. These w11! be located aaverage intervals of one-tenth of -a mile. As the motorist enters Chiicago's suburbs, hie Will find gayly painted in- formation booths,9 with attendant ready to give out information concern- inig routes, tourist camps,' hotel accom- modations, the various epsto t tractions, and so forth. Arrangements are being, made to, have banners hung across thé road. Although no estimates have been made of the attendance expected at A Cenitury of. Progress, the transportation division is making. preparations to hanidle a total of, 50,000;000 paid ad- missions during the fi.ve mronths of ýthe exposition, June I to. November 1. Hundreds 'of -thousands of thèe pleasure seekers will pass tbrough the north shore both going to and comn- ing f rom the Fair, and many will un- doubtedly stop long enough to buy gaso- line, ol, other supplies and services for ulheir cars; f ood , refreshments, tourist supplies and clothing, it is pointed out. The fourteen World's Fair high- ways will extend like the spokes of a wliee approximnately 100 miles in every direction f rom Chicago, while circling the city on a radius of ten miles wili be a belt of specially de- signated Exposition tourist camps. Approximately 15,000 signs will bc, used to mark the 1,500 miles of World's Fair highways. Wilmette Policemen Heair Talk by. Evtinston Chief The Wjlmïette Police departnient held, its. regular mneetinigThursday after- noon, September 8. Chief William Free- mnan of Evanston was a guest and gave atalk on poice department practice. -Regular meetings of the ,Wi1mette police departinent wvill be bield once each ,utintb. A rnoram for thèse u~meettine mette. will get plenitv of supprt And if 0o-f rom a two weeks' vacation at Ber- -o-- efending liroperty acquired tbrough -4Mrs. Dennis W. Crile, 822 Michi- rien Springs, Mich. Dick Lundîn, fornienly of Wil- vears of saving and struggle is gan avenue, who with ber smaill-o mette, left, last Saturday for South- vituperation then the charge indicts daugbter, "Doddy" bhas been visiting John Borino opened bis piano stu- cm . colle Mini Lakeland, Fia. This, itself as cowardly and unworthy. ber , family in England.' returned to dio September u5 at 859 Elmi street, wil1 be.4i senior year tiiere. The proposaI ta build a lake shore, Wilmette the latter part of làst week. Winnctka.