M. M. The Edwardians Inspired These r1 Winter Co0ats Fox., Kolinisky, Beaver, Fitch and, Per- Sian Lamb. Emphasiz e the Shoulders! ~38 h~. r You'il, find that the high.r placivrg of fur, is char- acterisfic this Fol., Also, adjustabi. coltars, and siseve fullness. usually aboye the elbow. Fabrics are semi-rough and crepey. Fur Iavish.d on the collars and higher cuffs makes the shoulders seemr broad, and by contras+ gives the figure marvelous slimness. SIZES FOR JUNIORS, MISSES ,AND WOMEN KID CLOVES, Sip-on' and clasp gloves of fin. quality k;dskin thalfit$s$1 slimly and always look smart. ' Black and brown. LORD'S First Floor In the A ppareI Section-LORD'S-Secosd Floorý A New -Price on Kenwood, A ustralian WooI .79 pr.ý * I I LORDS~ First Fýo.or i : ~iLORD IlLORD'S me aManaw -aaaaaaaa- FOU NTAIN SQUARE, Phone WiImette EVANSTON 3700 *MUMMaUaitUlaUai LORDS: New M M M E M M M E M u M M E M N M M M E .1.1 M M M M M b! M g s M E a il M M M M M M E M M a g E M E M M M M