Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Sep 1932, p. 29

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t rios will be taken to old .landmarks wnhichi remain in northern Illinois and downstate. Memibers and guests mna% join the. club tours by making. reservation at headqua.rters of. Native Daughter-s of Illinois in the Palmer house, or by comrnunicating with ap>y meniber of the History committee, NIartha, E.. Babize, cliairman, GIencoe 411. Tours of Grant park and.the soutii sie ill he .li cchatrge of Mrs. E.. 1.1ill, Midway 9320. Tours of the u1orthi shore and, suburbs will be in charge of Mrs. T. Hieiir2 Greene. ~Delaware 3571. Tours of the Black- Hawk trait ill be in charge of Mrs. F.ý E. Hlubbard, Glencoe 619, and thdose ihn to visit Springfield and Fort Massac- are. asked fo cali Mrs. William Harrison' Cade, Jui- per 8833., The, tours are outlitned as follows - J.îurile> J. Grant, Park asid South Slde 1'(oiiIts of Ilnterest-Art institute, sol-. dier Field, Shedd Ajuar,!uiu$ Field Museumi, Adler Pliinetaium. Follonw- ing luncheon at the Chicago \Vonans club. the toier %vi1i continue south on Ille uter drive, passing the site of, the, :)earborn miasstacre, ,skirtlng. Jackson mia'rk. 'visiting old Cahokia Court hofuse on the Wooded island, and thné old ('()uniibiàn Art niutseuni. A tour will be i-a<de'of the campus of tilt University of Chieago, with a -top, at Ida Noves hall, where tea %wIll ht sèrYed. The tÉeturn trpiv ili he through the West Side park sy,ýs- tvmli. psigt he Chicago, convention stadiuni. Jourie.y Il,' Northi Shore and Slihurbs Points of Interest - Iouists will be <riveii north on 3Michigan Boul.. p)ast the C'hicago -'skyscrapere," viewin the site of Old Fort t)earborn. Chi- ,"ago Civie. Opera flouse, Daily News building. Merchandise rnart, Drake ho(tel aînd "Gold C'oast". residences on Luke- Soredrive. A. stop -ivili be miade ut the new~ home of the Ohi- car listorical society in Linicobi Park. and. at ýoi*tliwestet-n univers!- ty in Evansxton. Followiiig lunheoni :tt theÀGeorzian hotel in. Evansto,,. thv NativeI);îughiteris; living on the North Shore will hold an 'Informai reeelioI1 for tile visitons. TIhe jour- ney, ýwill Continue north on> Sheridan. roa:d to Fort Sheridan, then so(uth on (enBay road, past the Illinois ('ointrt club. S;ky Harbor. airport *and ('urtiss field. Jouriey 111,Stt%-t dl Rock State Park (MtI L im i~P1,î rouftes NO. Shawnee Country club is expecting that its annual ten-mile marathon swim which starts the first week in October wiIl attract the largest entry ist in thehistory of the event. 'Thé feld of,>starters bas growii largerý each year. Each eentry swims one-haif mile twice- a week for 'ten consecutive weekg and 0o1 completing .becomes eligible for a, gold 'medal. En try blanks niust, reach Coach Eckert' bv October .,it is announ ced.. A medal presentation banquet' will be' held when the marathon swim in fi nished. Mrs. William A. Whittier, 51> Kenil- worth avenue. retu rned to .Kenil- worth on Friday from her summer. home, *'Idlewvlde" in Wisconsin. moveci from lwanston and are at t he 1 .1. v BM Kenilworth inn for the winter. Vir- 202 S. state St. Vialcago ginia wi1l enter New Trier. I NEW TERMNOW OPENING Secretarial, Stenogahic and Accounting Courses Studio Building ' I1718 Sherman, Ave., Evanston PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS> Sirookh m- wv w- w- w- w- w T rLo vs w-v Extraordinary Opportun itY, 1 Womens SHOE AlNew for Fail! Old Lnmrs-ron~ ot n U. S. Hfr)-hway No. 66. the tourists will nass through Pontiac. B]oornlniztoyr visitin Llincoln's home and meniorlal and making a trip to Old Salenm State park. Journey VI. Ca1tiokI,*and Fort 3asni Old Landmarks-Drlving south on U. TRY value. CHEST KEY TO LORD'S lUt WflU in black and arown. Duy flow-1fls or a imifed fime onlyl EVERY DAY-LOCK CHANGED DAILYI

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