F v v fWf E IV W S"e. IV..g- q..' e W' ýF I ~ V I' W'%.,r %-4 ANNOUNCE NEW Jobs for Jobless M. E. ýPASTO.R Business Is Slow ____ y W. C. Reinhold. Dr. Oscar T. Oisoin of Balti- » IQildiu i oimx teeo more Accepts Pastorate of Wilmette Parish.Chujrch Concerning -the Willmette Co(-mmitte.e, _____ onUnemploymnent Nw'hiclî is hard at Nwork Dr. Oscar Thomnas OIson of Balti- trying to find work f<or tliosé wlîo have more, Md., lias accepted th c cal tO nothiiug'but tiime () their bands, nloth- assume the pastorate of thie 'ilmiette ing bias happened îlîis Weck that %ve Parishi Metlîodist church, Lake and: would like to add to the archives of the WVilniette avenue.s. Wilrnette. He.. village, and it is that fact that notbing ý\vll give biis inauigural sermon ât the has occurred-thaî 5 s. s.ervices Sûrnday mnorning, Septemnberý Incidenitally it lias heenl repurted that- 25. He succeeds Dr. Horace G.thie activity slx<wni on that 'Highiland(l Smnith, \0io recentIv- %as eleeted avenue lcii hc eary erybodv l)resi(lent of Garrett Biblical Iinsti- ,i in the block bias cnllisted ini givinig the tue ft least' one botir per Week, at 50 cents.i Dr. OIson is ani orator oi natioiia-1 pet .hntur jobs- to thee unworked, lias rcl)utation, auithor of varlins 1hoo(ks, caused sone people to wish *"soiretbiing an<l like that miiglît oi'cur in their bok" ;ndrecogniizeil as '-one of the troni.- and thlat ilndicates porS blorhas"-. est. personalities" ini M ethodiss Area'fli c mittec respectf lyrequests Sevs agedose who wvant skilled labor of any Thé' church. to: wbich Dr'. OIson :kind to makàre that fact kniown to Mr. Cornes lias memnbership iii thie shore I.erclî. telephonie W.ýilmette 4715. arca extcni nifomtbe Evanjstoliî _______ north lîimits. îthrough Wininetka. C.o C.O er \Vlhen Dr. Srnith rcsigned fromi the W\ilmlettc pastorate 10 accept Iîhc. Lelp to School presidec of Garrett Biblical Insýti- tute, it was deterinied by leaders in Board in Crisis1 the chutrch to secure as bis suiccessor « "lie ic \Vh hiibro Cn-nre a mani of outstanding .character and a * o iial o ii)f. aCommerceia abilitv. 'T'le searchi made b\- hie Coin-aloghnae uelfiaill.ls iniitîce on Pastoral Relatins. Coli- notified thie Wilmectte board of educa- sisting of S. E. Leinian, chairinan, lion that ih 15 ready t give watve FlarryV. W. Mons, A-rthur NV. Fuiller, arssianice il can Mu the financial crisis1 Thomias1IL \Vcs,NI rs. \Villard FH. faig fi ulc col f i e Vil- l'haver, and( Mrs. R. M. C:amipbell,:fc h tbishos l)ecanie ahniost a ntoniequest.;age. The îc0coisi<ered l more than-itwenty Jna ltelu Hery1Cur. presi- "psiiiisresi(liig ini cities. as far dent of the board (if educ.ationi,'. J. E. west as -Plener. Colo., 'anld as' far Vorthen. presiderît f the Clairber oi eàst a s the Atlanîtic coasi. TI-e Commierce, said: cl'hîccý finiaIyý centerc<(-ilo Dr. OIson. "The Wilmiete 'Claiaber. of Coni- C onferexices N'ere held witlî Bishop nIerce, coniposed of somne three litun- ic: H1-. 1Hutghes, formierly of Chicago, dred residents and buisixîess 1 men, thor-( and n iow in charge of the Washinlg- oughly appWecales thie seriousneéss oft ton, 1). C., area, in which Baltimore t. fnacal crisi 'ili hich our pub-( is located,. and wl.'tl Bishop Erniestte iaic 1wthL. Waldorf, now ini charge of the lic sclîools are niow conifronited. AI- £i.,..,,-.~ .,,,, ~ ~ thouigh wNe are nut in a position to bc of e A,ý& , David C. Leach I PARENTS LOAN. .New Commander' NEEDED FUNDS, Of Wilmette. Post__ David C. Leaclh was. elected coin- Sho or norgdb mnandIer of, Wilmette Post No. 46,: epneFo iie. Amierican Legion. atý the aniual elec - Solicitto otne tion, held ,on, Tuesday iai, otne nighit of this week at St. Augustine .s club-;;Winette's public schools will opçîl bouse. Leach, wvho su-:,Monday morning, September 19. This ceeds -George E~. Leall ,àas decided at a. meeting of :the as commanidere ,s4M1 board of education Wednesday night. installed at a dinner to. Although no accurate, checkup caii he hld o or boutOclie made until ail reports from solici- toher 20. During the: tors are turtned, in, it is estimfated, past year, Leach bas, that betw%ý,een $25,000 and $30,00 bas served' as vice-com-, been sul)scribed in the ca.mpaign cou- mander.ducted ini the past few weeks to raise là.C.Le mhander. rrlcom sufficient funds.to open the scbools. D C eah Ailiot he reom-'This drive, for funds willcotne m-ethetions oofetueainom-a cntinu , inating coniinhttee, wlhncbh ad reported~ h ra feuainbsanuc at ~ . ~cd, and every parent -who has net theAus me ting.. teecta'lso : talreadv been approached will be cured oloin at Tes a's eec onwigiven an opportunity to boan nioney the ollovingresuts:te the schools on the' ten-dollar-a- D. J.L. Walther* is the newv t month bas)s for eachi child in, school.,: commnander;: jolhn B.Statnsc&id Resuit Warrants Opemng vic-comaner;H.L. Flentye, Jr.,. At its meineting Wednesdgy ni*ght finance officer Ed. H. Dreweis, ser- the board :of education M'as encour- geant-at-arms. ýJ. H. Heinzen, jr., and aged by reports of the progress of R. C. Johnson, directors; Fred V. Lip-_ the campaigiu for fuinds, and, on the pen and Harry Br idwell, Cook County assumption tlîat those' who are delegates; WVilliam -M. James and E financiallv able to bielp and who bave H. Myrland. Cook COUnlty alternates; not already 'had an opportunity to -Dr. WV.MW. Hawkins ain d 1L. J. Hassen- (1 0 wil tend their support, decided. auer, Se\veitth -Di strict delegates: G. F.' to open the schools., Scherzer and George F. Leal, Seveiith-' The fact that the schools will open District alternates. NMonday, however, , does not imean tlhat. the -drive for funids will stop. Mai. R. \\. Schrueder of Sky Har-' W\hat bia.salready. been subscribed iS I)or airl)ort was a .viýsito-r at Tuesdav'S" nned t, I.eginmeeting.- . ar lie Chof ls - fo~r th~e eie' AskBak D poitos eachers. will accept part.. of thieir .AskBank Depsitos Jsàlary initax -anticipation warrants, to Fle Caim Nola.t h e v did last year., Depositors and others ha ving ýA meetinig o oiioswhhaebe dlaims 'against the First' National can-vassjn g \Vilnîcitte bornes'in an effort Baik of Wilmette which' closed ils ti . obtain 1f romi parents subscriptions doors last june, are reque.sted to file on ltie ten-dollar-a-rnonth basis for each such claims proinptly.. Notices 1en chiki in scliool was held Tuesday niglit \et1at Stolp 'school. Reports froni these out to ail clainiants several Weeks solicitors w\ere rather favorable. ago, but since many villagers were Thiese reports indicated that parents awýay during the summner, many have'; wli r baclyalo subscribe are inaîcial-11nt AM *,,%.nk- land, and at ollier schools and col- leges in the cast and st-ttli. Dr. Oison ivas offered tbe pastorate of Plymouth lî cbrch, Brooklyn, N. Y., miade fanions by Henry Xard Beech- (Continued on Page 5) L ~Note: Il bad been.erronedusly reported that the second registration daly would lie October 14. This~ error was comiiiitted by the âuthorities who sent out the original notices of registration. Remember. the .9econd aUnd filial rt-gistratibn day is Tuesday, October IL. Jpense of eact to be paid ai held at the v niontb to exî us scn.I U i i the plan to