m.lent, it is stated. erau' ns, Janie E. McKitiniev, %who wil! con- from Pa hier brutlt Onis. Kans. <'it oes te job "o £ r f & ~ftW XX4en you try selling.' by-telephone, you'l be pleasantly > surprised ai: the qick, efficient .way <ut does the job". After clos. ing several sales by Long, Distance cails you will kbe enthusjastic songs,. thie W arldiCurt. t>evices tonmal 'e effective the Pact of Paris. 1ntOýC- national reduction of atrxnaiats-." Publications ini support of the plat- form have beeni issiieci b; the leagiie ini pamphlet forin. andi are a% ailable at isofc. s. occa has been en-_*rjnergency 1Kciet .onaisuetut JW.Smut;) taxes.- Whlat is the Gatewav Aniend- ment to the Constitution which wili bc submnitted to the voters on No- veniber 8" What is the new forrn of ballot to be used for the first timie this fa!!? So numnerous .are the queýstions arising in the, minds of Voters rc- n garding eleictions thib- fail that the Cook, County League of \\onîcni Voters. has arraiiged an ail day trai.an- ing school for election %vorkers for Tuesdav. Seîtember 20. at tlie.leagtuc, office. 225 North Mfichig.an aieue jChicago:.ý The sclîool. wili be opei vo ail members of the league wh" j expeet to do ativ.pre-election rk JThe instructors viIlbMrs. W. W Ranisex-, chairman. ifninnnating andl elections of the Illinois leazue: M'rs. Eric . Stubbs. cliairman utý tliv sane departrnent forý Cook< couintand Nirs.. Lapira Huighes i.unde. !eg - i-lative chairinan of the league. i ,-rag' lili*p atorn mr..Ralph ., B. iruad à v ni( lcî Fillin, president of the flMios ea er ation witlîthe nationailui le ý Uc ii samport of ýAPItf,ýrii for.tl Leagýue nof\Vo 1e'n \tr. the league's .prOgramni of i rk lw )van EmerencvAdvî' vcinnt e w1hîch 1lliinoi, inbe-x reN ý X.W.W -Ranisev. 1Dr. Mli <vCr rc4lanm d - Mrs.-*Q u;incv W\\ ri.*lt. ail o i It' iri pan ais 'r*tntrc ý1a'ned 'ni the following ternis R- orga111zat1ion aigoverniîntital unirs,. especîall- local 11111t.;, fi pruývent wasr'e. Estalihnîent - i huLýt v tems to ormot frcenv Xteni- S10111Of the ert*Vtfit*lii- ate the aste of the ýpoi"IS- ývsteîn. Reduction of eenidîllitires for %var to release fitnds for otlier gox-erni- mental services uxhîcit now. recelVe orilv 31 percent of the. federal h.udgiet. Mintenance (if stand rdsan opo sition fa destruictive.ecotinx. wl lich I threatenis essentiaI l servicels. suc*lia~ public schools. public .Iealth nuirs- inz. child *welfare. labor inspection and agricultural extenion ýe.rvîceý, -iclithreatens omsso anid agencies desigiîed to lower livingL costs and p)revent tinfair trade prac- tices: and hc threaters the statis. *