iarged pearance in current issue. ions of condolence, cards ofthtanks, obitu- ices of entertainments or other affaira admittance charge le pnbllshed, wilI be t regular advertising rates. IGrade Separation WilI Save Lif e fLet'ps Hasten the Day! One wvay to help thle needv is, to> give th'ei outright, what thev 'need. Another. and inucb better wvav, is t o'help the needy. to help themselves. -If a A Better man, is bungrv, the mani of ay ~ wloim-lie asks, food bas the 3,option, of giving hi1fo outrighit orof'giving hini food ini retuirn for somne ork donc by, the litngry mani. ln the great rnjority of cases the secondc wav is the, )etter w'vay. In Our north shore twn w ave .wha t are ordinarily called "tlhrift -shopS." in1 these "shops" the individunalfis supplied % witb w!h at he ,needs at a.price.that be eau afford to pay.- This excellent mietliod ac- complishes two things': (1) the perso,1 Who is bielped is made to feel independent t0 a certain degree, andl.ve ail kliow that. a feeling of independence help,; to minii-l *tain self-respèct : (2) the mtoev i)aid mlav *be ulsed to help other charitable organiizat-, tions. *But. it is simply impossiblie t o oI)eratc thrift shops unless l)ilanthropic people douate to the shops articles of clothing. furniture, etc. Te7lnCoeThit bp of Gleucoe tells tus that evef,%vdav nien coine in akigfor shoes', socks, , and shirts:., Unfortuna.tely mOst of thýese nîeîî are sent away..e mptv-hianded becau'se ther r i theý shop ipot shoesoc. Very IJikelv 3you have in xrour bout-se clothing ývhicb vou can no longer use. Don't tbrow it away. Cive it to. your local thrift sbop or E-cotloiuy \1sbop. Qetober 1 and October Il are two very 0f course you are ex pecting to vote, for your favorite pr sidential candidate. Then don't forget to register! stretches on the north shore. Hundreds of drivers ha:ve apologized to their passengers and themselves for get- ting to Renilworth from Wilmette by way of this break-neck excuse for a street. To ail such :these tidings wvil1 be. especially * ,velcome. Just think of wbat. the letting of this- contract nmeans! Instead of a narrow-. winding, bumpy count ry road a straigbt concrete tborougb-fare 52 f eet w> ide. The contrast between Dante's we1-knovn. Inferno anîd bis equally ,%-el-kiowiil'ara- dise could hardly be.,.more emphatic. ýWhen. this l1ong-desired w--'ork is coin- pleted the long-sufferinig motorists. wil1 be ale.c to shoot along smoothly ail the wav froin Evanston to Glencoe more Cxped(itioUisly than ever before ini north, shore bistorv. Rachnianiijoff. great planist, and conli- poser, inaugurâtes the Artist-Recital sea- son .on the cvening of October 31. Other uoted musicians bave AI Wonderf id Ireselited programni J Bý'eginning, this well-knownsei, b'ut tot .one _ba s eqvalled ini universal power and Ipopularit\v this -\vorId-renowiied Russian geniu s. That the Winnetka Music club bias been ale to secure bis cooperationi is. ai highlv sigifiantfact. This ceIebrated inusician ranks wvith Krei sler and Paderewski. His acc'omplisbi-. mnents as pianist and composer make it certain that bis appearance on October 31 -will l)ea red-Ietter event. SWe take this occasion to congratuilate th.e ,Winnetka Music. club. on being ablIe to perform this .great service for nortlî shorenmu'sic loyers. As soon as the chanice cornes around' we 're going, to ride on the Goodyear blimp, "Puritan," from the Pai-Waukee airport. to the Century of Progress grounds. We stili niaintain as ve've is not Octoberi14, as heretofor( notunced, but Tuesday, 0-ctober Renlember them- October 1 and at, Sutton's Bay and thereabouts, flics were thicker than in iiaày a year, and that one cati purchase a ton of cherries for $15, or, if oieý prefers. about a bushel of melons for a two-bit piece. He confesses to a v.en for life in thie *north, country, particularl1y duringthis current period of econoxnic readjustment (ýlepression to vou). U4p in those -small communities, he avers, o ne. can live, in luxurv On >$100 a month, in good circum- stances on $60 for' a similar period. or in mrodest. aiheit who lesome mariner for $50 ýor less. Add Ito that inducement several large-size gobs of peace and trainquillitv,, and iwhat have vyu. A yearning for tliemerrv, mad life of the city and impend- ing starvatioli. Fil, iincileiutalliv, returned home two :veeks be- fore . is pedagogical opérations: were to be re- sumed, apparently wvith the, purpose lun iuid oi restitgig p aftcr a long sumlmer of vacat ioi'ing. Ve ýwere deliglited to learn this week. lu scaii-, ning $o1ne up-to-tlie-riiiute radio news bureau dope, that the tendencv 15' to get .aivav fromn chopjped-tip 15-minute hroadcasts and supplant the bunlch of disconnected qluarter-hour progranis wîth presentations of 45-mninute or hour leuigtli. The, Icea is workjiiug out nicelv lun 'ew York ad Viciliitv and is recoinniended to Chicago stations. \Ve're for it! The next eclip-se of th e suit vortli seiulg wîll transpire in 1945, according to reliable iniforima- tion fromi the scientists. Bo%. shine. up tlios.e snîoked glasses! 'But, wait a nmcynent, ou second thoughit, we'll just tife in o ouir télévision set.. And before wve leave the "air*' (or get i)1 é lt's poudfer for a speli the predicamient of the feIIow%ý Wvho handle the broadcasttiug of thie poli1tical cain- paign speeches. The m'et and dry issue, %ve are told, lias the fellows gue.ssîng. Onre can't, for instance, "get ovér" the saine speech lui Kansas thiat, proves a in"l Nev.- York. or Chicago. XVe like-ainong other things: Cloetae-ia~hnat owsundavigs at Ma&s. The Cuibs aind their chances In the Woid Serleýs. Niekel cigars. Theni Wildeats. Jungle pletures (when autheut je). Shrixnp ,cocktails. With> tak nd Idaho baked t>tatoes. Musice on the radio vh.en classicat or.seini-so. First class v-audevil.le.,, * Hal Totten basebail broadcasts. A good comiedy drainal. Blondes. Bfrunettes Rtd Heads (flot necessarily mn that order.) Engtish novels. A sûeend 0-M Sundae at mac's. ~t*O be 'Alice Mock," reads a headline,1 "Sings Three Great Tunes." And nary a one of 'em . was "Listen tor the Mocking Bird." We do: not have tickets (nor means of getting 'cm) for the World Series. -M ique.