Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Sep 1932, p. 18

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English Tweed- one of. the, "A i5e vvairoLL ~wA1 13 iiy oici.I Although the two men are not rela- tives, there is a striking parallel in their families. Each has a daughiter, Ruthb, and a son, Harry C. Both men are Republicans and miembers of the, Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Kinne of Wilmette is 'an at- torney,> while Mr., Kinne of Water- totn, is -a paper miachine man.ufac- turer. Both of their sons attend, Col- gate university, Harry C Kiine, .Jr.,. of Wvilmette recen tly having ni.atricu-. lated there as'a, freshnian. SThe twvo fanîilies, who. have lie- comne warm friends, visited together this month, when the Wîinîette Ki- lies took their.son, east to matricuilate at Colgate. The' parallel goes, a step further than. what , has alreadv b)een. poitited out. Both men have brothers whose initiaIs are. C. E. There is only. two years' difTerence in the. ages of the tvo Harry C. Kinnes, auiicii'N eight> and appearance they are strikigly similar. parallel ini the lives of the two men was called to the attention.of W1L, MIETTe LIrE in a communication re- ceived recently froni Lbuis N., Brecn- ner, formerly of_ 1330: Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, and ncAw of Oswe- go; N. Y. Black Horse Troop,. Free Booters Clash Outstanding poio stars f roi the north shore will lie seen ini action Sunday afternoon, Septemiber 18, at the Oak Brook Polo club stadinin, York road and Twenty-second street, Hiiisdale, when the fainous Black H-orse troop and Chicago Free Bjoot-', .ers clash. The gaine wiIl start at. 3 :30 o'clock. and is expected to draw> a record throng, tiot onilv becats-e ii is certain toble a liard fougIlit, specç- tacular battle, butalso because -spe- cial attractions hiave been arranged to enliven the proceedîngs. These added features wiIl include Austin Day with music furnishied by the Auastin, Community Girl1s' bxaud. IAs for previous matches, seats are Ion sale at Chandler's in~ Evanston, as. well as at the Chicago loop heacl- quarters. 1507 Otis building. Ail tick- Iets calI for reserved seats in the sta- Jdium. r 24 ý- Lane Tech at New 1-Schurz at New Trier. 8-Provlso at New Trier. 15-New Trier at Oak Park. 22-New Trier at LaGrangev. 29-Morton at New Trie)r.*, r 5-New Trier at Deerfleld. ýr 12-EvanÈton ut New, Trier. i, tie ÂNeW ihALA uos wmuitt Proviso in the first league game Oc-t tober 8. Coachi Walter Aschenbach, faced witb the problemi of building a new teami, lias been putting the players throtigh some strenuous practice. AI-: though the high-school opened Mon- day of this week, the football candi- dates practiced every day and somne- fimies twice a day Ilast week.. Coach Aschenb ach's chief difficult%,v this season is in flndinig tackles and gards to take theéplace of those lost by graduation. Tlhe backfield mate- rial isý good. Bath of, last year's coý-càptains. AI Lind, ivho ivas considere(I the best center in the Suburban leagute. and Leonard. Wolf, who played *enid, are *nô, onger'in school'. Th-e samie is truc of Ted Wachs, Frank. RiIe.y, Reni- nolds Ostromn and Ray Kiniball tackles, Hugli Fleming, Phul Ogan., and Henry Crawford, guards, and Don _Alford, Harry, Gillogly and Co.ý lini Finlayson. backfield, men. All with the e.xception, of, Ogan, ývho5e farniiy left the north shore, were graduated last spring. Schuman Works at Center Stan Schumnan», who played guar(l last> year, is working out, at1 center this season.. Three other letter menx of last year,, Dick.Prestonand Cecil- WNilliamns, ends, and, Charles Dostal., tackle, are again cornpeting -for places in the line. Coach Aschenbach plans to use miembers of last season's freshinan- sophomnore and intramural teanis to boIster the line. Among the possibi- lities here are Allen Rossman. Fred Leason, Arthur I{eindrichis and \Val- ter Gielen, guards, Sheldon Fox, jimi Burrili, Frank Appleyard and Bill Zorench, tack 1es,,and Martini Bridges., Albert Bechtelhieimer, Don Briggs ;ind Roger Barrett, ends. The situation in the backfield is more Itopeftul,. and .Coachi Aschenbach believes bis backfield will, be. as strong:as.any ini the league. Amnong the> backs Who. won, letters Iast. sea- son and who are in uniiformi again are: Bill Nordberg, quarterback, Sainî Smnale (captain of this year's teani), Bob) Seiler, Clarence Dahl.* .art Ils J'>; season's. fa bris- fashionsg your Swagger Suit- it's*jst $16-50, Perfect for town, f or country, f or traveling - it wil be an essential part of your ward robe. The three-quarter length. coat is silk C .repe. lined, and of course can, be worn àeparately. SECOND LO

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