We How. Don't Gare Yo (let Here -But Corne Saturday Seteber 17 et9oclk Corne By Trolley, By Motor,:Scooter, You'lil :Neyer Forgive Yourself if Yo*u orSkates miss Our: JYE 's A. You"*veý seen for yourself, time and- lime again, howor buyers put forth .every effort to present for your selec- tion the mostf seasonable -and des,.iraâble> merchand'ise at. the most reasonable prices possible. If happens every day at Wieboldt's. Imagine then, the really phenom- enalI values which wiII prevail, on this .. their day! On Davis Street SHOP WITH A CHARGE ACCOUNT'ON BUYERS DAY Wlet 0 2 - Wilmeffe 1100 On Davis Street,