Subject: "MATTER" READING ROOM-i x8 Central Avenue Open Dalv (excepting Wednesday) 9 A. M. ta 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. ta 7:45 P. M.ý Saturday, 9 A. M., ta 9 é. M. Thé Bible and Woiks of Mary Baker .Eddy and ail other authorized. Christian Scrience Literatur. niay b. read. borrowed or'pnrcbaaed at th Reading.,Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTENI), !H£ CHURCII SERVICES AND VISIT THE 'READING ROOM PA TRONIZEO UR AD VER TISERS ing from this area are the f olloWing f rom the north shore: Olive Brower, and Margaret Ebeling, of Wihnîette;, Thelma Erickson of Hubbard Woods, Janet Fairbairn, Bettie Harvey, Frances Jennings, Janet'Lee, Anne Petersen, of Evanston, and Eleanor Austin of 'High- ]and Park. Mrs. 'J. H. Newport, 520 Abbots- ford road, Kenilworth, bas her sister, Mrs. A. W. Crawford, of Los Ange- les,' as ber guest. Miss, Jane Sowers, 537 'Abbotsford road, 'Kenihwortb, ijs goi ng to North- western u.niversity. this. Year. She wihbe a sopbomore.. Our FUR SALE is Now in Pro gre ss Manufacturers and Impos 548-550 Lincoln Avenue rs of Ladies' A Pparel Winnetka, Illinois Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wakely and B3arbara, 234 Leicester road, Kenil- worth; returned hast Monday fromn a three montbs' stay at their sum- mer home, Wakewood, at Lake Geneva. On Tuesday Barbatra en- tertaineýd twenty-five guests on the occasion, of lier ninth bfrtbday, termined by. voters o~f Evanston. Wihnette, Kenilworth, Winnetka .and Glencoe last week, who areinsisting, it is said, that the "voter?' nomina- tien shall prevail." The petitiôns are now in circula-, tion throug.hout the T-enth dist.rict.ý M .r. *Churcb himself was nflotaware of the mnovemeënt, it is stated. When notified he said, he could flot -express an~ opinion. He seemed pleased t'hat the voters were standing so stauncli- ly bebind bim, but said lie would make no statement while this matter, was in Court and would continue, bis silence. Harold bL Ickes of Winnetka told o~ne, of the "regret mneetingks" con- vened by Fvansfon ciiens that -the independ ent pe.titions were already ini circulation ini Wintietka, Wilmctte, Glencoe and Kenilworth. 'This meet- ing appointed a committee and de- cided to aggressively circulate the petitiQns -in Fvanston, Glenview;, Northfield, Nules and other towns ini the district. The sanie meeting kadopted a resoluition of regret that 321 innocent Evanston voters hia<h been disfranchised by the court at the instance of attorneys for James Simipson, -J r.,. the -rival. .candidate. This referred toý the disqualification' of voters in the third precinct of th e Seventh ward, Evanston. Catherine WVaugh iVcCullocli, I)roninent Ev- anstoný social Nvorker, attorney. and democrat, said there was nothiing ir- regular in the d'uties perforind Iby lier son as a sworlï iii. judge at the April priniary in this precinci. Meni- bers of the regre t commiit .tee went SO far, as to be %villing to go to p)ail, if * Iecessarv,1 to inake knowni forcibly their feeling iii the court taking awav their vote becatise of a ýsituationr en- tirely beyond their cotîtrol, it, is said. The Simpson-Çhurch reçount -pro- ceedings are stili before Circuit Court Judge Thomas J. Lynch. Lt is not. believed a decision wfl;l be reqtched for at least. two weeKs, poisihly longer. Clîurclî's, lead with the ballots as' the best. evidence is now over l100 $5.95 Ait